Power Instructor

Chapter 1563: : Beast tide?

Luo Tiandao is indeed a wise man. He immediately understood what Ling Chi said about the evil Shui Dongyin, but immediately afterwards he frowned and said: "You sound bad for the Shui Dongyin. The key is the introduction of the beast into the wolf den. After all, once the profound beast enters here, the first person to attack is us."

Ling Chi smiled and said, "It's fine for you to hide in this col."

"But this place is not easy to hide." Luo Tiandao looked around, and there was only one huge boulder standing in the middle of the col. It was surrounded by low bushes. More than 200 people wanted to hide in this place. It's not easy! "

Ling Chi smiled indifferently: "It's simple, I will give you a lesson by the way, how to hide yourself in the forest."

In fact, Ling Chi’s so-called hiding is like a field army, adding some green plants to his body, and then burying his head in a place with similar colors. However, unlike ordinary hiding, Ling Chi’s explanation is deeper. He will teach everyone how to choose terrain, as long as Choosing the right terrain and location will not be easily noticed even if you stand straight.

After a stick of incense, the sound of the chasing profound beast came, and then the profound beast appeared. Its fiery red profound beast was angry. When he saw Ling Chi, his eyes that could still see things almost all Spitfire.

At this moment, Ling Chi stood in the middle of the road with his hips akimbo.

Ling Chi's appearance really seemed to be full of provocations, but in fact, even if Ling Chi did not provoke the profound beast at this time, the profound beast couldn't wait to tear it apart by eight pieces, so when he saw Ling Chi he was so confident. When standing in the middle of the road, the profound beast rushed forward without any hesitation.

With a loud "bang", Ling Chi was thrown to the ground again. It was also a huge pit, and it was also a frantic ravaged.


All the people hiding around watched Ling Chi being thrown down and watching Ling Chi being ravaged. They were shocked at this moment. Facing such a powerful profound beast, Ling Chi was constantly ravaged like this. Is it really okay?

"Marshal, let's not do it?"

Everyone looked at Luo Tiandao nervously, and Luo Tiandao smiled bitterly: "To be honest, now I look at this situation and I am quite worried about Ling Chi, but in fact every time we think that guy is going to die. However, he was able to become the one who eventually survived. I don’t know if his luck is against the sky or his strength is too strong. Anyway, I feel that it is unnecessary to worry about him in many cases."


At first, everyone was worried about Ling Chi being abused by the profound beast, but now that Luo Tiandao said this, let alone, everyone felt the same in their hearts. Anyway, Ling Chi doesn’t care what he does. Things are unexpected.

No, when everyone was thinking like this, Ling Chi appeared. He appeared about thirty meters in front of the profound beast, and defiantly shouted at the profound beast: "No profound beast. Are they all spiritual and smart? Why are you so stupid? If you die in the future, then you will definitely not die of old age, or be killed, you must be stupid."


Everyone was very happy watching Ling Chi reappear, but Ling Chi's words made people laugh and cry. If the profound beast could understand people, it would definitely go crazy, right?

Of course, even if the profound beast could not understand human words, it could still perceive the human provocation in front of it.

No, the profound beast that became even more angry at this time actually emitted a faint flame. Is this the energy in the profound beast? Or is it...it's already getting angry?

Ling Chi held a few reclusive charms in his hand, which was naturally his secret weapon that could instantly escape the impact of the profound beast.

At this moment, the profound beast also noticed that he was thrown into the air, and when he looked up, he saw Ling Chi. At this time, Ling Chi still looked at it with a smile, his expression full of provocation. At this moment, the flames on the profound beast rose a bit more. .

The flames on the profound beast were skyrocketing, but Ling Chi was unwilling to lag behind at this time. With a coax, a powerful flame burst out of his body, which was naturally his wildfire.

As soon as the wildfire broke out, the surrounding temperature rose at this moment.

"Instructor, what is this?"

"The instructor can actually make fire, what's the matter? Young marshal, have you ever seen such a strange sight?"

Luo Tiandao groaned for a while, before answering, Su Muqing said, "You may not have this ability on the road to the profound realm, because this is caused by the mutation of the ordinary human body on the plane of the mortal world."

"Then, do you have Miss Su too?"

"I do not have."

Su Muqing shook her head and said, "This kind of body mutation is random. In other words, it is unknown whose body is likely to mutate, but obviously, my master is such a lucky person. ."

"This is indeed very lucky."

Everyone said that, but in their hearts they thought that Ling Chi could be quite lucky? That guy's luck is against the sky, he is in his twenties, but he has such an amazing cultivation base, and he hides all kinds of powerful abilities to reach the sky. No matter who hears it, it is an envy, jealousy and hatred!

Looking at Ling Chi again, after his body burst out with such a powerful aura of wild fire, the profound beast became more and more angry.

It frantically stepped forward and threw it out, tearing Ling Chi to pieces.

It's just that the recluse talisman in Ling Chi's hand played the most important role at this time. No matter how fast the profound beast's attack, no matter how amazing the speed of the profound beast, Ling Chi used the recluse talisman to easily avoid the Xuan. The attack of the beast.

Then, step by step, he led the profound beast to the direction of the wolf den.


The fire-red profound beast roared again, and when it threw out again, it entered the wolf den. Of course, even Ling Chi had entered the wolf den at this time.


When Ling Chi entered the wolf den and saw the scene in the wolf den, he immediately took a deep breath. The scene in front of him was really shocking, not to say how many snow wolves are in the wolf den, although there are The number of snow wolves is the largest, but at this time there are also various beasts entering the wolf den. This group of beasts is rushing forward frantically at this time, with a mighty force, giving people a different kind of shock.

This... Is this encountering a beast wave?

Seeing this situation and this scene, Ling Chi suddenly felt cold all over his body. This tide of beasts swept over from the other end of the forest. Judging from the sound, there were at least tens of thousands, and perhaps even more beasts were running wildly. , Once such a tide of beasts passes, the surrounding area will be razed, and may even be razed to the ground.

Wouldn't these people like me all have to die?

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