Practical Teaching: Hikigaya’s Ability-First Classroom!

Chapter 234 The ‘Growing’ Horikita Suzune And Karuizawa’S Reasons

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Horikita Suzune couldn't help but walk to Ayanokouji.

"Don't you have any ideas?"

Ayanokouji looked calm.

If it had been in the past, this might have been Horikita Suzune's soft expression, which meant that she was asking for his opinion.

Whether I really did something wrong.

but now.

Ayanokouji would not think so, the will in Horikita Suzune's eyes was so strong.

More likely to be suspicious.

Is spending 20 million to save Sakura Airi really what Ichinose meant?

after all.

The relationship is obviously not good.

It would be a waste of the personal points that had been saved so hard, and it would not be of any benefit to Class B.

This is really stupid

Astonishingly stupid...

There is no rationality at all.


Ayanokouji looked calm and said: "This is not a difficult matter. If you are concerned, you can ask about it after school.

Such a big thing.

It's not difficult to find out.

As long as your will is strong enough, you can still ask Sakura Airi for some information.

These little things.

I believe that Sakura Airi’s character will not refuse.


Horikita Suzune nodded and returned to her seat.

Even if Ayanokouji doesn't need to say anything, she still has her own way of doing things.

What should be done most now.

Just apologize to Sakura Airi and ease the relationship between the two parties.


Horikita Suzune also knew very well that she was not qualified to apologize to Sakura Airi, nor did she feel that she had done anything wrong.

but now.

Since Sakura Airi stayed.

Then things would be different.

Although I don’t think Sakura Airi can affect Class B’s decision-making, we must prevent Sakura Airi from affecting Class B’s perception of Class D.


What if Class B has some inexplicable hostility towards Class D?

or misunderstanding.

It’s really disadvantageous for Class D.


It is necessary to apologize to ease the relationship and clarify misunderstandings.

Fortunately, Sakura Airi is a kind person, so it shouldn't be difficult to win Sakura's forgiveness.

Horikita Suzune was naturally a little guilty.

It also felt shameless.

But in order for everyone to be promoted to Class A, Horikita Suzune had to do this. As the class leader, she must be responsible for the class.

Just like I didn't like to socialize before, I felt like I was fine alone.

But Horikita Suzune is now clear.

As a leader, you have to shoulder more responsibilities and do many things you don't want to do.

School is over.

I have to go and apologize to Sakura Airi.

Ingest Sakura Airi's forgiveness and strive for the understanding of Ichinose and others.

This is what Class D should do most now.

Think of this.

Horikita Suzune took a deep breath.

I have also ‘grown’ a lot in the past two years.

No matter what difficulties she has, she will face them firmly now.

the other side.

There is the topic of Sakura Airi.

The atmosphere in Karuizawa has relaxed a little, but I still don't know what to talk about.

Broken relationships cannot be undone.

But false relationships are easily remedied.

It just takes time for everyone to grasp this sense of distance.


At this moment, Matsushita Chiaki decided to tease the matter and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, it seems that you are not familiar with that Hikigaya at all. Why would you like him?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The atmosphere suddenly changed. Shinohara and others quickly shut up and turned to Karuizawa, but they didn't belittle him like they did during the exam.


As long as there is a reasonable excuse.

Chiaki Matsushita and others are not unacceptable.

Maybe everyone is maintaining this false friendship together, or maybe there is a true friendship between them but they just don't want to part with each other.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that in order not to be bullied, Karuizawa needs this relationship very much, even if he knows it is fake, it doesn't matter.

"Eh? There's no reason."

Karuizawa was stunned for a moment, pretending to be a little excited and said:

"It's just that I feel that Ichinose and Sakayanagi both like Hikigaya, and they are willing to date that guy at the same time."

"I can be favored by Ichinose and Sakayanagi and still make such a compromise.

"I think Hikigaya must have some merits!"

"Don't you think so?"


Karuizawa felt his heart pounding, but the excitement on his face was perfect.

Hikigaya always thinks about her, so how could she say bad things about Hikigaya with peace of mind to protect herself.

Although he is happy to be protected by Hikigaya, Karuizawa doesn't want to cause trouble to Hikigaya all the time.

Otherwise, I always feel like I owe Hikigaya something.

Karuizawa felt really sorry, so he racked his brains to think of this reason.


I feel really guilty.

I don’t know if this reason can be accepted by everyone.


Some girls looked stiff.

To talk about poaching people so confidently makes people speechless.

"Isn't it great?"


Hasebe Haruka sneered and said with unabashed sarcasm:

"Even if you are a scumbag, you should feel safe dating Hikigaya, at least better than the people in this class, right?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Matsushita Chiaki and others looked stiff, and Miyake Akito couldn't help but sigh while sitting in his seat.

Everyone knows it.

Everyone voted for Sakura Airi, and Hasebe Ha must have some complaints in his heart.

Therefore, it is understandable.

Matsushita Chiaki and others did not pay attention, but just cooperated with Karuizawa and took the lead:

"Yes, Hikigaya must have some merits if so many people like Ichinose and Sakayanagi like her at the same time?"

"Yeah, I still don't understand how Ichinose and Sakayanagi could date Hikigaya at the same time."

"Maybe it's just that we don't know Hikigaya well enough. He should have some merits, right?"

See this.

Maya Sato and others also quickly agreed.

She can understand.

Karuizawa is actually similar to her. They both feel that associating with excellent people can improve their own evaluation.

Although there are some scumbag behaviors that are not shameful to Hikigaya, it is also true that Hikigaya is very popular.

No matter what means are used.

Being able to be attracted by Ichinose and Sakayanagi at the same time also allows them to get along harmoniously and share the same man voluntarily.

Hikigaya should also have some merits.

It’s not surprising that someone like Karuizawa would be targeted.

"Then Karuizawa, if you like it, why didn't you confess your love to Xiaoqi? Sure enough, are you worried about the class?"

Some girls clapped their little hands and complimented her.

I want to characterize Karuizawa as someone who has given up on feelings in the class.

Maybe he had good intentions and helped Karuizawa improve his class evaluation, but maybe he just couldn't stand the scumbag.

It's possible.

But in any case, it is a powerful speech for Karuizawa.



Karuizawa was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and said:

“I just feel like Sakayanagi is a little scary.


Karuizawa couldn't help but feel excited.

Although they are dating behind the scenes, she has no dissatisfaction as long as she can be with Hikigaya.


Sure enough, I still hope to be like Ichinose, being with Hikigaya in broad daylight and making everyone around me envious.

In this case.

Maybe if the time is right, she can openly date Hikigaya.

Matsushita Chiaki and others were speechless.

never mind.

Even if they just maintain the superficial harmony, it doesn't matter to them. As long as it is beneficial to the class, there is nothing wrong with being promoted to Class A. .

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