Real world.

Watch the last few minutes of the animation.

Fan Gege’s eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

This final reversal… Awesome!

Knowing that Brother Give Money was the culprit that caused Class D’s points to become 0, even Fan Gege, who has watched a lot of animation, was a little unexpected.

Even at the end, when he saw that Brother Give Money’s personal points had exceeded 20 million, he was not so surprised.

The live broadcast of the first episode of “Classroom of Strength First” has ended, and the screen in front of him has become pitch black, with only the fans’ comments scrolling.

“Shout (Fan Gege version)”

“Brother Give Money: Unexpected? The villain is me, Doppo Kirano!

“Ayanokouji: Horikita, are you sure you can be promoted to Class A?

“Horikita: Yes.

Excluding a small number of people who played memes, most of the audience were shocked by Doppo Kirano’s appearance at the last moment.

Pan Gege rubbed his face with his palm for a few times, and began to express his opinions randomly, “This final reversal… is indeed unexpected.”

“In everyone’s impression, the image of Brother Giving Money is basically a good person, such as paying people to give up their seats for old ladies, hinting at Horikita at the convenience store, and standing up for friends at the club briefing. Things like that give people a good impression.”

“Brother Giving Money not only left a deep impression in everyone’s hearts, but also the impression of being a good person, so the final reversal was beyond everyone’s expectations.”

Fan Gege paused, “It has actually been said in the animation that this is a school where strength is supreme. Classes compete with each other, and only those who graduate as Class A can be considered the winner.”

“Brother Giving Money knew the truth about the school on the first day of school, so from then on, he participated in the class competition in his own way.”

“If this is the case, Brother Giving Money’s approach is understandable.”

Fan Gege analyzed and said.

The school’s mechanism is like this. If you want to get the school’s benefits, you need to defeat the other three classes.

This setting is quite novel and very exciting. Fan Gege has the desire to continue watching.

『But why did Brother Ge Qian attack Class D? 』

『Logically, they should defeat the strongest competitor Class A. 』

『Brother Ge Qian has already defeated Class A, and just attacked Class D by the way. 』

『I guess Class D didn’t have many class points to begin with, and it became 0 after being attacked by Brother Ge Qian』

『Didn’t everyone notice the female teacher who appeared at the end? Looking at her dialogue, it seems that she instructed Brother Ge Qian to attack Class D. 』


Seeing the fans’ complaints, Fan Gege also remembered the cute beautiful teacher who appeared at the end.

“According to my experience, there are only a few reasons why the beautiful teacher did this.”

“One is that she has a grudge against someone in class D, maybe a student or a teacher, the latter is more likely.”

“Another is that the beautiful teacher found that there is a particularly powerful guy in class D, who may threaten their class B, so she ordered Brother Geqian to attack class D.”

“The last one may be that she simply wants to test Brother Geqian’s level, but considering that Brother Geqian has already made so much money, there should be no need to test him again.”

In Fan Gege’s opinion, the first two are the most likely, and they may even exist at the same time.

But then again, how did Brother Geqian make 20 million points?

Is there any other hidden rules in the school?

Real teaching world.

Seeing that the popularity value has increased to 500,000 points, Huang Ye Dubu’s mood can be said to be quite good.

He worked hard to collect points from the third-year students, isn’t it for the purpose of shocking the audience once the collection is successful?

Now the popularity value is as high as 500,000, which means that his efforts have not been in vain.

Although this popularity value was also affected by his promotion of Class B to Class A and the reset of Class D’s class points.

But the collection of 20 million personal points in the first month must have accounted for a large part.

“Open the system mall.”

Huang Ye Du Bu muttered in his heart.

After a month, he opened the system mall again.

This month’s mall still has only one product.

[Kyogoku Shin’s Body]

[Price: 250,000 popularity points]

[Introduction: The highest combat power in the world of science. After purchasing, you will become a master of rifle realm. But please be careful not to over-exert your strength, otherwise you will be greeted by the operating table and dissection. ]

Looking at the new products, Huang Ye Du Bu’s eyes lit up slightly.


Finally, force is supreme.

In a high-level training school, academic performance cannot be said to be useless, but at least it can be said to be of little use.

On the contraryIt is force that can solve most problems.

In the first-year chapter, some people joked that there were too many times that force was used to solve problems in the work.

But after the second-year chapter, the number of times that force was used to solve problems became more.

Therefore, the work was also ridiculed by netizens as a technical secondary school brawl.

Huang Ye Dubu is not the kind of violent person who wants to solve problems with force.

But in this school, it is indeed very troublesome if there is no force.

At least you have to be able to protect yourself.

“But… Kyogoku Makoto’s strength is enough to kill people in this world, right?”

Huang Ye Dubu felt very excited when he thought that he would be able to fly over the eaves and walls and dismantle airplanes with his bare hands.

“Exchange for the product Kyogoku Makoto’s body.”

[Consume 250,000 popularity points]

[Kyogoku Makoto’s body exchanged successfully]

As the system’s cold and ruthless voice slowly fell, Huang Ye Dubu felt that his body was like being enveloped by a mysterious and powerful force, and began to undergo amazing changes!

The body that was already familiar to him suddenly became so strange at this moment.

The muscles were well-defined and hard as iron, and seemed to contain endless power.

At the same time, the skills of controlling power and the knowledge of fighting were also integrated into Huang Ye Du Bu’s body.

“Is this the power of Kyogoku Makoto?”

Huang Ye Du Bu slowly lowered his head, staring at his palm, quietly feeling the surging power in his hand.

This power was so strong that Huang Ye Du Bu had an unprecedented confidence.

Even if a bear appeared in front of him, he would only knock it down with one punch, and then take it as a pet.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go to the corridor of the club or try karate, the student terminal in his pocket vibrated slightly.

Someone sent him a message.

“Huang Ye, we agreed to have dinner at Spia Restaurant tonight, and then go to the karaoke until nine o’clock.”

“We are waiting for you.”

The person who sent the message was Ando Sayo.

When he went out, the classmates had already discussed where to go for fun.

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