Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Shen Gongbao who is valued by Luo?

Chaoge, Nancheng.

There are huge crowds of people, and I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of people will gather in the huge square in Nancheng.

On the square, there are hundreds of black wood carved lotus stands, on which sit a hundred highly respected magicians.

Nowadays, the Demon Sect has penetrated into the hearts of the people of Chaoge. Believing in the Demon Sect will gain eternal life, without falling into hell, without entering the cycle of reincarnation, and suffering from the separation of life and death.

In short, the benefits of believing in Demon Sect are numerous.

Of course, these are fake, but they are a kind of spiritual sustenance of mortals.

The people in Chaoge City also know that this is a fake. It is impossible to believe in the Demon Ancestor, and you will have eternal life and not enter the cycle of reincarnation. These are the spiritual comforts of the toiling people.

But with this belief, the people have indeed worked a lot.

Because the words that Mozu passed to the human race in ancient times are now popular.

The sky is healthy, and the human race should strive for self-improvement!

If you want to get what you want, you can only rely on your own efforts, so that it is true and the most reliable.

But after the rumors of the Magic Scripture Jiuzang spread, all the people believed a word that was originally a rumor.

Believe in the demon ancestor, get eternal life, do not fall into hell, do not enter the cycle of reincarnation, after death, you can ascend to the west and be in bliss.

Isn't this another kind of immortality?

And I got the Nine Tibetans of Magic Scriptures, everyone is like a dragon, that is, the whole people practice.

At that time there will be no more mortals in the human race, and they will all become monks who turn their hands into the clouds and cover their hands into the rain.

The Magic Scripture Jiuzang has already gained an extremely high position among the people of Songcheng, which is why so many people have come to the Water and Land Conference.

Hundreds of thousands of people gather in Nancheng. If it were not for the limited space in the square, I am afraid that the entire Chaoge City would come.

The Water and Land Conference is related to the candidates who go to the West to worship the demon and ask for the scriptures, and this is directly related to the Jiuzang of the Demon Sutra.

Choosing a good person who learns the truth means that the chances of seeking truth are much higher.

Hundreds of thousands of people made the Nancheng Square extremely noisy and messy, making it impossible to communicate with the magic scriptures.

Shen Gongbao, the national teacher who presided over the water and land conference, saw this scene with a look of relief in his eyes. Chaoge people are united, even if the eight hundred princes rebel?

Shen Gongbao believes that eventually the eight hundred princes will become the stepping stones of King Zhou and the building blocks for King Zhou to re-enforce!

"Guo Shi, hundreds of respectable demon have been invited, and Jushang Demon has also invited over."

A guard came to Shen Gongbao and said respectfully.

"Well, don't let the Jushang Demon come out first, and then let the Jushang Demon suppress the audience at the end, so that you can best enhance the reputation of the Jushang Demon."

Shen Gongbao gave an order, then walked to the top of the square and looked at hundreds of thousands of people, countless demons, and hundreds of demons.

"It is the fortune of this country's teacher to preside over the water and land meeting by the king's order. This country's teacher will definitely live up to the king's entrustment and will do his best to host the water and land meeting and find the best learner for my business!"

These words of Shen Gongbao were nothing more than spectacles, and it was useless for the people to hear them.

The reason why I have to say it is because the scene is too noisy.

This is like in a teahouse where a group of tea guests want to listen to stand-up comedy, but it is very noisy, and after the husband comes up, he will not start speaking directly, but will first come to a set poem.

These few words of Shen Gongbao are like a poem for the finale, which calms the scene. After all, if you are noisy, you can't hear Shen Gongbao's words.

Fortunately, Shen Gongbao has the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, otherwise, it is really difficult to control the situation so that everyone can hear what he said.

"The original intention of the Water and Land Conference is to find people who learn from the scriptures. No matter who becomes a person, the king will worship them as brothers and build a magic temple for them."

Shen Gongbao's words caused hundreds of magicians to move in their hearts. Whether it was to be brothers around or to build a magic temple, it was an extremely glorious thing.

The people onlookers were also excited, and all the rumors of the Magic Scripture Jiuzang were all for the good of the people.

King Zhou paid such a price in order to make the scholars firm in their faith to learn the sutras.

No hundreds of people are grateful to King Zhou.

The expressions of the people and those magicians were all seen by Shen Gongbao.

This scene is exactly what Shen Gongbao wanted.

But in the square, there are a couple of men and women, Luo Hu and Houtu who are watching the play.

"Shen Gongbao is a good hand with a maniac mentality." Houtu pursed his lips and smiled.

Luo Hu didn't think so, because Shen Gongbao was not only a master of psychology, but also a god-man who was proficient in calculations and was able to speak words.

The dead can be said to be alive, and the living can be said to be dead.

The enemy is called a friend, and the friend is called an enemy. These are common things in Shen Gongbao.

Luo Hu's past life, but he was familiar with the Fengshen Bang, and he was familiar with Shen Gongbao, who was comparable to the innate treasure.

Congenital Treasure Tai Chi Tu is amazing!

Sacrifice on the top of the head, innately invincible.

Zhuxian Four Swords are amazing!

In the end it was not broken by the Four Saints.

Pangu banners are awesome!

But singled out is not beyond the master of the sky.

None of these three congenital treasures can reverse the situation of conferring the gods, but Shen Gongbao's mouth just changed the situation of conferring gods.

Let Wanxianlaichao's Jiejiao become fragmented.

When Luo Hui is free, he often thinks about some myths in his previous life, especially the list of gods.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao are both conferred gods, but one is in the light and the other is in the dark. The reason why Jijiao was defeated so quickly was because the original Tianzun and Laozi had calculated them.

"Houtu, what do you think of Shen Gongbao's future achievements?"

Luo Hui didn't calculate Shen Gongbao's future, because without the secret, he didn't have the cultivation base of Hou Tu, and he couldn't calculate Shen Gongbao's future.

Houtu is the cultivation base of the Dao Zun, so it is natural to deduce the opportunity of the Dao. Under the Dao, even the Heavenly Dao has nowhere to hide, let alone a small Shen Gongbao.

Looking at Shen Gongbao, Houtu's eyes flashed, and then he said to Luohu: "In this amount of calamity, he has the power of the heavenly realm."

"It's fair Luo Hu not only was not surprised, but felt that it was a matter of course.

Shen Gongbao is just a small human race, and his current cultivation base is only the Daluo Jinxian. The distance from the heavenly realm is more than hundreds of millions of miles?

Luo Hui had such confidence in Shen Gongbao and became a realm of heaven!

Even the current Hunyuan powers, few dare to say that they have become the realm of heaven.

Because this is a huge gap, in the current predicament, the power of the heavenly realm will definitely not exceed twenty.

"You seem to have confidence in Shen Gongbao." Hou Tu was somewhat puzzled by Luo Hui.

"No, I have confidence in'Friends of Daoist, please stay." Luo Hui said with a playful smile.

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