After Sakura left, Forestry found a stone nearby to sit on.

Continue to start working on the system.

“System, can I check in today?”

“Ding! If a check-in is detected, the first check-in can be rewarded once. ”

“And newbie benefits, system, for check-in.”

Hearing the system’s prompt in his head, Forestry silently recited in his mind.

“Ding! Successful check-in, congratulations to the host for obtaining storage space *100m, strong pills *1. ”

“Ding! When a storage space is detected, a check-in reward will be automatically placed in the storage space. ”

The storage space is easy to understand, what the hell is a strong pill?

Forestry immediately opened its mouth to ask the system.

“System, what is a strong pill?”

“Ding! Consuming Dianabol pills can strengthen physical fitness, enhance immunity, and go up to the tenth floor in one breath without strenuousness. ”

The answer given by the system, the more forestry listens, the more it looks like advertising words on the earth.

However, since the system said that, then it must have that effect, living in the primeval forest, physique and immunity are vital things.

There are no hospitals or pharmacies, and minor ailments such as diarrhea and colds can kill you.

“System, how should the storage space be turned on.”

“Ding! The host only needs to silently open the storage space, and it can be turned on. ”

According to the systematic method, forestry moved his mind, and sure enough, he felt a 100*100*100 space, except for a pill, it was all nothing.

Forestry locked onto the pill with his mind and passed on the idea of taking it out.

Then the pill disappeared into the storage space and appeared in Forestry’s hand.

Forestry looked at the strong pill in his hand, and the black pill was about the size of a soybean.

Forestry took a deep breath and swallowed the pill in one gulp.

The pill slid down the throat into the stomach.

Forestry only felt that a warm current began to flow down the dantian to all parts of the body, and a refreshing feeling Forestry closed his eyes and shivered.

The warm current gradually disappeared, and the forestry industry also opened its eyes.

Standing up and moving his body, Forestry really felt that his body was lighter than before.

Just as Forestry was adjusting to his body, there was a commotion not far away.

Seven or eight women dressed in animal skins with very obvious muscle lines dragged a beast whose body looked like a wild boar but had a particularly long nose out of the forest.

The body of that beast was very large, and it appeared to weigh at least a ton.

The people of the tribe, seeing them dragging the beast, all had joyful smiles on their faces and ran forward to greet them.

“It’s amazing, such a big proboscis pig, enough for everyone in the tribe to eat for a month.”

“Great, after hunting such a large amount of prey, the hunting team has all returned safely.”

Listening to the voices of others in the tribe, Forestry also walked up.

Came to Sakura’s side, patted Sakura’s shoulder, and asked.

“Sakura, who are they? What was that thing they were dragging? ”

“Yes, they are a hunting party, and they caught a proboscis pig today.”

Sakura, like everyone else in the tribe, seemed very happy.

Forestry stood quietly, listening to the discussion of everyone to understand the situation of this tribe.

Then he turned to look at Sakura again and asked in a low voice, “Is there a shortage of food in the tribe?” ”

“Well, there are often cases of not having enough to eat, if the hunting team does not bring back prey today, then everyone can only eat berries to fill their hunger, but eating berries will soon be hungry, and eating meat will not.”

Sakura nodded, then said, the blue vertical pupil never leaving the proboscis pig.

“Can you tell me about the food in the tribe?”

Forestry has been in a coma for two days, just woke up today, has not eaten, and now he is so hungry that his chest is pressed against his back.

Sakura blinked and began to give Forestry answers.

“The tribes usually eat berries and plants, and only when the hunting team catches the prey can they eat a meal of meat, and half of the prey brought back belongs to the hunting team, and some of them must be dried into jerky.”

“I see you collected berries for a day today, did you collect a lot?” Forestry asked.

Hearing Forestry ask this, Sakura shook her head and said: “Not much, we only dare to collect near the tribe, and it will be dangerous to go deep into the forest.” ”

“Do you grow plants or berry bushes?” Forestry continued to ask.

This question stopped Sakura, tilted her head to look at the forestry, and replied blankly: “What is planting?” ”

Forest was amused by Sakura’s appearance and reached out and touched her head again.

Sakura’s little face showed a comfortable look again.

At this time, the hunting party, accompanied by the cheers of the people, dragged the proboscis pig to the clearing in the center of the tribe.

At this time, the tallest woman in the hunting party came out and began to arrange for people to slaughter the long-haired pig.

Forestry discovered that this man may be the leader of the tribe.

Everyone obeyed this woman’s words.

The next thing is a few people with simple bone knives and begin to unravel the proboscis pig.

As a piece of animal skin was completely peeled, the internal organs of the proboscis pig were taken out first.

Then a few more people held the newly cut offal and sent it to the hunting party just now.

Forestry watched as the wild beauties picked up the bloody guts and began to feast happily.

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