The beast-eared girls watched for a while and then all returned to their beds.

Lin Ye experimented with several more special moves on the bed.

After making sure that his knees would not be rubbed, Lin Ye lay on the bed with satisfaction.

After a while, the sun gradually set.

The beast-eared girls all left the wooden house and went to the open space to light a fire and prepare to start cooking.

Lin Ye thought about the mushrooms he collected today, so he also got up from the bed and walked towards the open space.

When Lin Ye came to the clearing, the beast-ear girls had already lit up the fire.

Shi has also washed the potatoes and is ready to start cooking.

After Lin Ye approached, he took out the fresh mushrooms he had just set aside.

Then he said to Shi

"Today I will bake potatoes again, and I will use the earthenware pot to make soup."

When they heard that Lin Ye was about to make soup, the beast-eared girls all thought of the haggis soup that Lin Ye had made before, and they all looked at Lin Ye with bright eyes.

Sakura's saliva couldn't stop secreting.

Two of them. The cat's ears also stood up and he ran to Lin Ye's side. The cat's tail swayed happily behind him and he asked Lin Ye.

"Ye, what are you going to use to make the soup? I didn’t bring back any prey today. The haggis soup I cooked last time was delicious."

The other beast-eared girls were also full of yearning, looking at Linye with their ears pricked up.


The forestry animal-eared girl couldn't help but laugh a few times, and then said to the animal-eared girl

"Didn’t everyone come back from picking a lot of mushrooms today? I just want to make soup with mushrooms."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the expectation on the faces of the beast-ear girls was reduced a lot.

Because in the subconscious of the beast-ear girls, they still think that meat is the most delicious.

In addition, after Sakura ate mushrooms today, reaction.

So when the beast-ear girls heard that Lin Ye was going to use mushrooms to make soup, most of their inner expectations disappeared.

At this time, Diona ran to Lin Ye and asked tentatively.

"Ye, are mushrooms really delicious? I've never eaten it."

When Lin Ye heard Diona's words and the reaction of the beast-eared girls, Lin Ye smiled and said to the beast-eared girls.

"Don’t worry, mushrooms are also very delicious. You will know later. It will definitely be no worse than the last time’s haggis soup."

When the beast-ear girls heard Lin Ye said, the haggis soup was no worse than the last time.

Their eyes were full of expectation and curiosity.

Lin Ye shook his head and smiled.

Then he started to build a stove with stones and put the pottery on it. The pot was placed on the stove and the water began to boil.

Then Lin Ye began to tear the mushrooms into small pieces and set them aside.

When making the mushroom soup, Lin Ye decided not to add pepper, otherwise it would destroy the original flavor of these mountain delicacies.

These wild mushrooms are delicious even if they are boiled in plain water without adding anything.

Lin Ye only added a little salt to enhance the freshness, and then squeezed a little lemon juice to make the soup more flavorful.

At this time, Lin Ye took out the soup. A few bird eggs.

When Sakura and Diona had nothing to do in the tribe, the bird nests in the trees around the tribe were damaged.

At this time, the water in the clay pot was already boiling.

Lin Ye divided the torn mushrooms into three portions and put them into the pot.

Then he sprinkled a little bit of salt into the mixture and stirred it with a spoon until all the eggs began to break up.

I dug a hole and started roasting the potatoes, and the other beast-ear girls also started grilling the mushrooms. The mushrooms cooked quickly, and Lin Ye stewed them for a while to bring out the umami flavor of the mushrooms and blend them into the soup.

Soon, the mushroom soup will be cooked.

But the roasted potatoes will have to wait a while.

Lin Ye takes the three pots to the side and lets them cool down while he waits for the potatoes and meat to be roasted.

When the lid was opened, the aroma of mushroom soup came out along with the steam.

Soon , the beast-eared girls also looked over with bright eyes.

Quickly, Shi dug out the roasted potatoes.

The roasted potatoes from the beast ears were also cooked.

Then everyone eagerly took the pottery bowls and came to the pottery place.

With a full bowl, she walked to the side and sat down on a stone.

She was not very interested in the Mushroom King just now, but when she smelled the unprecedented aroma, she became a foodie.

Lin Ye also took a sip of the mushroom soup.

Lin Ye used the most delicious mushrooms.

The soup was only seasoned with a little salt, but it was delicious.

They brought baked potatoes and barbecued meat to Lin Ye.

Then they all eagerly started to drink the mushroom soup that Lin Ye had cooked.

Lin Ye looked at the meal he was eating this time.

"What is this? This is so delicious!?(′?`?)"

"Wow! It turns out mushrooms are so delicious! Wow! This soup is delicious too!"

"This is better than the lamb soup last time! So delicious!"

At this time, Ying didn't speak. She just lowered her head quietly and cooked like crazy!

Lin Ye listened to the admiration of the beast-eared girls and started eating.

After having the mushroom soup, The potatoes and barbecue that had been eaten for several days became more delicious.

Soon the three pots of mushroom soup were all consumed by the beast-eared girls.

As a result, the beast-eared girls all lay on the ground.

Lao Gao had a swollen belly, a happy smile on his face, and burped from time to time. Lin Ye looked at each of the beast-eared girls lying there, with their tails sticking out from the side of their bodies and moving happily back and forth.


Lin Ye was also full and sat in a daze.

The huge tribe in the distance was like a sharp sword hanging on Lin Ye's neck. He did n't know when it would fall.

Lin Ye will definitely go to the market ten days later.

Exchanging things is secondary. Lin Ye mainly wants to see how far the other tribes here have developed. If they plunder other tribes and use war to support war, they will definitely turn all the weapons and tools of other tribes into the strength of their tribe. You can roughly know the strength of that tribe.

What's the point?

Lin Ye thinks that the weapons of the beast-ear girls must be upgraded.

This kind of crude bow and arrow is good for hunting those stupid pig-headed people, but I heard that the tribe is all bear people. , the top race of the food chain, and there are also some orcs who have awakened their talents.

Thinking about it, Lin Ye yawned and saw that the beast

-eared girls were almost drowsy.

Asleep, he stood up and said to the beast-eared girls.

"Let's go back to the cabin and sleep. Don't fall asleep here again."

Susu and the others suddenly became energetic when they heard that they were going back to the wooden house to sleep.

They immediately stood up from the ground.

The other beast-eared girls also stood up, yawned and walked towards the wooden house.

Slowly The seven members of the hunting team quietly gathered together and began to whisper.

After quickly reaching a consensus, a blush appeared on the faces of the seven people, and then they dispersed.

After the seven beast-eared girls dispersed, they all looked at each other in unison. Looking at Lin Ye's back, the moon was in its first quarter tonight, and although it was not very bright, we could still see the road clearly. After returning to the cabin, Lin Ye lay down happily on his bed. After a while

, Gan Yu brought the ice cubes in.

After setting them up in the wooden house, the only sound left was the sound of everyone breathing.

I was not idle, I made a bed for the beast-ear girls, and I was already a little tired, so I fell asleep soon after lying down.

After a while, there was nothing but the sound of everyone's breathing in the wooden house. There was a sound of someone getting out of bed.

The figure tiptoed to Lin Ye's bed.

The two eyes reflected the same light and stood in front of Lin Ye's bed for a while. Afterwards, with the sound of a big breath, the figure slowly climbed onto Lin Ye's bed.

He was sleeping soundly, and he didn't know that he was being stared at.

Lying down, Lin Ye turned over with a satisfied smile on his face, and put one hand on the man's body.

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