After Xing put the ice cubes on the heads of the two beast-eared girls suffering from heatstroke.

The shock in my heart still hasn't subsided at all.

He looked at his palm and felt the ice remaining on it.

I couldn't figure out why the water turned into ice.

The other beast-eared girls were even more shocked.

He stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

Lin Ye ignored the beast-eared girls and continued to make ice cubes.

With forestry, ice blocks are produced piece by piece.

The beast-eared girls finally came to their senses.

But the shock in his eyes still didn't fade at all.

Susu looked at the piece of saltpeter that Lin Ye carried back.

I remembered that when I was in the forest just now, Lin Ye said that this stone was a treasure.

When she looked at Lin Ye again, Su Su's eyes were full of admiration.

"That stone is so magical, and Ye actually knows this."

The other beast-ear girls didn't know that Lin Ye went out to find this stone specifically.

But they all kept marveling at it.

"Amazing���It was just water, but after putting it in the bucket, it turned into one piece."

"Ye just said that it was ice cubes. Doesn’t ice cubes only appear in winter?"

"Have you ever felt that it's not as hot anymore?"

After a beast-eared girl said this, the twin raccoon girls closest to the ice realized it deeply and turned to the others and said.

"It's these ice cubes, it's so cool next to them."

The other beast-eared girls heard the words of the twin raccoon girls and gathered around the pile of ice cubes.

"Wow, it’s really cool."

"It's true, it's cooler here and not hot at all."

At this time, Lin Ye had already made a pile of ice cubes.

In the middle of the process, he added a few more pieces of saltpeter to the wooden barrel below.

Sakura couldn't help but pick up a piece of ice cubes from the pile of ice cubes made by Lin Ye.

She felt the ice cubes After reaching the temperature, Sakura's pupils were shocked, and she spoke with shock on her face.

"Ye, is this really an ice cube? Isn’t ice only available in winter?"

Lin Ye was still making ice cubes. When he heard Sakura's voice, he raised his head and looked at her.

Seeing the beast-eared girls gathered around the ice cubes and looking at him in shock, Lin Ye smiled and then spoke. said

"Yes, these are ice cubes. The weather is so hot, I deliberately tried to make ice cubes to cool down."

After Ying heard Lin Ye's words, she couldn't put it down and took the ice cubes and rubbed them all over her body.


As the cold ice swam on her body, Sakura couldn't help but make a sound of comfort.

Seeing Sakura's comfortable appearance, the other beast-eared girls also looked at her with envy, and then looked longingly at the pile of ice cubes made by Lin Ye.

Although the beast-eared girls in the primitive world don't understand anything, they know that this thing was made by Lin Ye, and they cannot take it casually without Lin Ye's consent.

Sakura was inseparable from Lin Ye every day and even lived in a tent at night, so no one would think there was anything wrong with her taking Lin Ye's things.

Lin Ye was also attracted by Ying's misleading voice and raised his head to look over.

Then Lin Ye saw the longing eyes of the beast-eared girls.

Lin Ye then realized that he had forgotten to tell the beast-ear girls that these ice cubes were prepared for them, and he quickly spoke to them.

"These ice cubes are made for you, everyone can take them"

"After you take the ice cubes, go change the lucky rocks and let them come over to cool down for a while."

After hearing Lin Ye's words, the faces of the beast-ear girls showed expressions of surprise.

They couldn't wait for a long time. After Lin Ye finished speaking, they immediately reached out and each took an ice cube.

After getting the ice cube , the beast-ear girls intuitively felt how refreshing it was to get a piece of ice in the hot summer, and then everyone started to discuss in shock.

"Is this also done by witchcraft? Amazing"

"It seems that I have never used this kind of witchcraft before."

"But if it weren't for witchcraft, how could such a magical thing happen?"

The beast-ear girls discussed with each other for a while, but still had no result. Finally, Su Su couldn't help but look at Lin Ye and asked.

"Karma, did you also use witchcraft to make these ice cubes?"

After Su Su asked, the other beast-ear girls also stopped their discussion and all looked at Lin Ye, waiting for Lin Ye's answer.

Lin Ye had long heard the discussion of the beast-ear girls, and now he heard Su Su ask himself, Lin Ye The beast-eared girl raised her head and smiled evilly, then smiled and shook her head and replied.

"This is not witchcraft, this is science!"


As soon as Lin Ye said this, the beast-ear girls were all confused.

Lin Ye looked at the beast-ear girls' puzzled expressions, smiled and ignored them.

When he answered, Lin Ye knew that the beast-ear girls couldn't understand what it meant. Science.

But Lin Ye must let the beast-eared girls know that there is such a thing as science. Otherwise, if they use witchcraft to explain everything, Lin Ye may cause unnecessary trouble in the future when they encounter other witches. The last glass of water made of ice cubes fell out.

A bucket of water made dozens of ice cubes.

The beast-ear girls were puzzled for a while, but they ran to the side to put the ice cubes away without thinking of an answer. Heshi replaced them and asked them to take a rest.

Sakura even gave them two ice cubes to cool down.


Lin Ye put the ice cubes away and then lay down next to them.

The breeze blows over the ice and then onto Lin Ye. It feels exactly like an air conditioner.

The beast-eared girls all took turns taking care of the two beast-eared girls who were suffering from heatstroke.

The other beast-eared girls were also lying around the ice.

The two beast-eared girls who suffered from heatstroke finally woke up after a few hours.

Although he woke up, his face was still ugly.

But it's much better than when he was unconscious, and his pale face is now slowly getting a trace of blood.

They looked at the ice cubes taken off their heads in confusion, and then asked the beast-eared girl next to them.

After the other beast-eared girls explained to them, they both looked at Lin Ye in shock and gratitude.

Lin Ye just smiled and nodded at the two of them.

Seeing that the two beast-eared girls were still very weak, Lin Ye made a decision in his heart.

Forestry decided to redeem the"Encyclopedia of Plants".

Although healing is a seemingly high-end magic.

However, according to the introduction of the system store, secondary healing techniques can only treat trauma.

Disease, poisoning, even wound infection, secondary healing techniques cannot cure it.

But there must be a chapter on medicinal herbs in the"Encyclopedia of Plants".

In his previous life, he was a flower grower in the forestry industry, so he naturally knows how magical Chinese medicine, which has been passed down for more than 5,000 years, is.

Although the"Plant Encyclopedia" only teaches you to identify plants, at least forestry will know what herbs can cure what diseases.

Lying on the ground, Lin Ye opened the system store.

Look at yourself with 12,400 points.

Forestry found the"Encyclopedia of Plants".

Looking at the price of 10,000 points below, Lin Ye directly chose to redeem it.

With the forestry, the 12,400 points became 2,400 points.

Lin Ye felt an unprecedented amount of knowledge pouring into his mind.

Lin Ye closed his eyes and began to sort out this knowledge.

The amount of knowledge in a"Plant Encyclopedia" is much more than all the knowledge collected before in forestry combined.

Lin Ye was lying there with his eyes closed, constantly sorting out the knowledge in his mind. When the beast-eared girls saw him, they just thought Lin Ye was asleep.

With the ice cubes, everyone is not so hot, although it is still impossible to go out to work in the scorching sun.

But the beast-eared girls also had smiles on their faces. Lying on the ground, talking and laughing.

Susu pulled Ying away from everyone, ran to the side, and began to whisper again.

He looked at Lin Ye, then turned back with a blush to continue the discussion.

It took Lin Ye lying there for more than two hours to fully comprehend the entire"Encyclopedia of Plants".

When Lin Ye opened his eyes again, the ice had almost melted.

But it was approaching evening, and the sun was no longer so poisonous.

Lin Ye looked at the flowers, plants and trees around him.

Although many plants don't yet have names, the forest industry already knows what they are best used for.

But it is a pity that when the forestry industry looks around, there is no plant that can be used as food.

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