Primordial Sequence

Chapter 27 How to take sleeping pills

Hearing this shocking information, Kamuo came back to his senses.

"Captain, you mean that all sequences come from the "Book of Creation"?"

"Maybe. Unless we find other "golden slates", no one knows what this taboo of the First Age looks like. I don't know the origin of the sequence either."

"I know the origin of Sequence Nine because the "Aurora Society" grabbed a rubbing from the "Seventh Ring Spirit" and the "Jealous Ring Spirit" in the "Second Era". It recorded some of the Sequence Nine. origin."

Hearing the news of the explosion, Camus was stunned. The captain's organization was so strong. It represented the "Jealous Nazgul", a legendary existence that could snatch things from its hands. It was probably a legendary existence.

"Alright, Tonghui Street is here. Don't go out at night. This is a special period. Take an appropriate amount of sleeping pills. As long as your consciousness is blurred, you won't be able to dream. I'll go back first."

"Thank you Captain."

Watching the captain's back gradually disappear, Camus smiled, climbed up the stairs gently, locked the door, and fell on the bed. He reached for the sleeping pills on the bedside and found that there was no instruction manual on it. How many pills to take? Without saying anything, Camus was stunned.

"How much do you need to eat? If you eat too much, you will die."

"No matter, if you eat two pills, it's basically one pill."

Camus poured out two sleeping pills and swallowed them, then fell on the bed and murmured.

"I hope to see the sun tomorrow."

It was always quiet late at night. Camus' face on the bed was solemn, and the pillow was wet with sweat. His breathing was getting faster and faster. His hands tightened on the quilt, and his whole body shook uneasily.

"Relimon" "Relimon" "Damn it Relimon Aiolos, I will find you."

In the dream, Camus was imprisoned in a red house. There was a male singing voice echoing in the room, which was extremely unpleasant.

"Haha, hahaha, little sweetheart, humble runaway, no one, no one can escape the pursuit of the nightmare."

Hearing the crazy laughter that was getting closer and closer, Camus felt bad all over. Suddenly, the red wall next to him began to shake, and Camus began to shake as well.


The red one slowly began to twist, and a humanoid creature was struggling in the wall. Through the wall, the humanoid creature gradually revealed its ferocious red face through the wall, but it was still tightly imprisoned by the wall.

"I've found you, my dear Relimon Camio."

As he laughed, a small hole appeared in the wall, and a curved metal claw stretched out. Just when he was about to reach Camus' clothes, a harsh sound woke up Camus from his sleep.

"Dong dong dong"

"Dong dong dong"

"Mr. Camus, Mr. Camus, I am Moxie, are you there?"

"Mr. Kamuo..."


Camus woke up and looked at himself on the glass, his face was pale, he was sweating profusely, and he looked extremely weak.


Feeling that his arm was a little hot, Camus raised his hand and saw the increasingly clear "marks of tears" on his arm, and his whole body became nervous."

"He found me, didn't sleeping pills work?"

Hearing Moxi next door still calling the door, Camus climbed out of the bed and almost fell to his knees when his feet went weak.

"Oh... damn nightmare, did he really find me?"

Camus cursed while holding on to the wall, and struggled to open the door.

"Ka...are you okay? Do you need me to call a carriage to the hospital for you, Mr. Kamio?"

Seeing Camus' appearance, Moxi was shocked. How could a person who was so good yesterday turn into this overnight? These sunken eye sockets, dry mouth, pale skin, and sweat on her hair. The walls looked like they were about to die of illness.

Camus gasped and looked at Moxi, weakly thanking him.

"Thank you, Mr. Mosi. You are really a good man. If you knock on the door any later, I will be a dead person. Please help me down and call a carriage for me to go to the Church of the Sun."

"Okay, Mr. Camus, you take a rest first, and I'll call the carriage right away."

Seeing Moxi go downstairs, Camus was thinking about countermeasures. No one was in the Adventurer's Guild. The only thing he knew was that the captain was going to the Church of the Sun, so he could only wait for him somewhere.


With a rush of footsteps, Moxi ran upstairs, held Camus in his arms and walked downstairs.

"Sun God, Mr. Camus, what's wrong with you? You were fine yesterday."

Aunt Lundy was sitting on a lounge chair eating breakfast. When she saw Camus coming downstairs, she opened her mouth wide in surprise and hurried over to Moxi to help Camus.

"Mr. Camoo, your condition is very bad. I think you need to go to the hospital for a check-up."

"Of course, thank you Aunt Lundy, I'll go right away."

Seeing Camus' carriage walking away, Aunt Lundy sighed.

"May the Sun God bless you and wish you a speedy recovery."

When the owner of the carriage saw Camus' appearance, he deliberately speeded up the journey. The original journey of thirty minutes took him to the Church of the Sun in twenty minutes.

"Sir, how much is the fare?"

"Sir, 2 coppers and 3 black coins"

Kamuo counted 2 coppers and 3 coins from his arms and handed them to the coachman, and walked away slowly.

"Damn it, a dream that consumes you like this? I hope to find the captain soon."

Looking at the familiar church, Camus licked his dry lips and walked into the church. Not long after walking, a praying man came quickly and blocked Camus.

"Sir, are you okay? What do you want?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Priest, is he here?"

The praying man shook his head and said, "Mr. Priest went to attend the "Caddick City Election Council" this morning. You can wait here for a while. Maybe they will be back soon.

"Excuse me, is Monro here? He is the director of the Investigation Department of the Adventurer's Guild. I have something to ask him."

" mean Mr. Monro. He went to the "Caddick City Election Council" with our Stephen Nag Priest. If you want to find them, you can wait here."

"Thank you. Go ahead. I'll be alone."

"Okay, sir. May the three gods of the sun protect you and the sun be with you."

Camus found a clean place to sit down, looking at the fountain in the square, the frolicking crowd, and the devout believers, and was slightly absent-minded.

"Hello, I thought I saw it wrong. I didn't expect it to be you, Mr. Moon Elf with "special hobbies". "

Hearing a familiar voice, Camus turned around and saw Gao Ruisi's mean face.

"Oh... Queen of Spades, what happened to you? It looks very bad, no... it's already very bad."

"You had a nightmare, do you have any solution?"

"Nightmare? Mr. Moon Elf, nightmares are not like this, I think it's a nightmare?"

When Camus heard this, his eyes lit up, "Do you know what to do?"

Gorius patted his butt and sat down, looking at the golden liquid in the bottle in his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The holy water of the Church of the Sun is really rare. Describe what happened to you. I said it was the kind of dream."

"The thing is..."

Hearing Camus' description, Gao Ruisi looked at Camus and shook his head, "Mr. Moon Elf, the red house is your "spiritual shelter". Someone broke your shelter. You can only wish you good luck."

"Spiritual shelter? "

Gorris kicked the holy water into his arms and began to answer.

"Mind Sanctuary" is a place to protect the "mind". When your sanctuary is completely opened by him, you will be his puppet. No wonder you look so miserable. This is because the "mind power" is over-consumed and affects the real body. Poor moon elf, I hope you have good luck."

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