Primordial Sequence

Chapter 49 The Real Team

The sky of Caldecott City was like a dark curtain. The heavy rain made the earth groan. The occasional silver snakes illuminated the incredulous faces of the investigation team.

"It's impossible. He was hit by the captain's "sacrifice magic", but he is still alive."

"Oh... the forbidden goddess, it's too unlucky today."


With a huge roar, the monster stood up. The strong roar shook the heavy rain in the air. A wave of air rushed towards them, blowing up the wet clothes of several people. In the middle of his tall body, there was a transparent hole emitting white smoke.

Even though his eyes were broken, the monster still stared at Camus with half of the scarlet eyeball on his chest, and then wailed in pain. The metal claws smashed the ground crazily. For a while, gravel flew everywhere, and several people not far away felt the vibration of the ground.

The captain's eyes turned cold, "He is seriously injured. My "Holy Beam" is not so easy to deal with. Get ready for battle."

For a moment, everyone looked at the monster with a firm gaze, and Camus also supported Kasu and stood beside him.


There was only a short sound of drawing a sword, and Akali rushed over with both hands holding the sword in a straight stabbing posture. The sharp sword split the rain and stabbed the monster's heart with lightning speed.


The tip of the sword had just penetrated a section when it was clamped tightly by the muscles as strong as steel. The blood that flowed out corroded the long sword, making a "squeak" sound. Akali saw it, her eyes shrank, and she quickly retreated.

"The muscles in his body are very strong, and his blood is also highly corrosive."

Camus' eyes flashed, looking at Jack's new head thoughtfully, but he saw him twist his head off, maybe this is a breakthrough.

"Attack his head, maybe his head won't be that hard."

After hearing this, Caska put his gun on Kaxiu's shoulder. There was a loud gunshot, and a bullet shot into the monster's head, splashing blood.

"How is it, did it penetrate?"

After seeing this, Caska picked up his gun and ran, "It can't penetrate, he's coming, I'll go find a commanding height to cover you."

Looking at the monster rushing over, Camus gritted his teeth, "Susie, did you bring the "Evil Potion of the Seventh Apostle"? Find a way to give him an injection, I don't believe that he can still have such a hard skin after turning into a slime monster?"

After hearing this, Susie ran to the backpack on the side of the road, took out a green syringe, looked at the monster rushing over with a monstrous momentum, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

I saw him jump two meters away from the monster, soared into the air, and whipped the monster's head with a whip kick. The monster's body shook, stared at Susie with his eyes, and chopped with a claw.

Susie's eyes narrowed, and she rolled to the side, bringing up a cloud of mud and water. The monster's claws chopped on the ground, leaving a crack several meters long. "No, his body is too hard, and the needle can't penetrate." "Eyes, stab the eyes on his chest." Hearing Kaxiu's advice, Susie's eyes lit up, dodged once and slashed, stabbed the monster's eyes with a needle, dodged sideways, and ran to the side. "Roar..." The monster let out a scream and squatted down holding his eyes. Hearing the monster's scream, Camus breathed a sigh of relief, "Everyone, attack him with all your strength, don't give him a chance to breathe." Susie heard it and ran faster in the rain, flew into the air three meters away from the monster, and hit the monster's head with a knee. "Crack..." The monster's head was pulled down, and a crisp sound echoed in the rainy night. His neck was broken by Susie's knee. Akali took a look and picked up a long sword again. He held the sword with both hands, pointed the tip of the sword at the monster, exuding a fierce aura, and the tip of the sword trembled slightly.

The captain put his two fingers on his forehead, holding the staff with a pious face, and a powerful ball of light was thrown on Akali's long sword.

"Blessing of the Burning Flame."

Suddenly, a ball of orange-red gunpowder appeared on Akali's long sword, burning violently in the rain, and the rain hitting it made a crackling sound.

Akali took a look, held the sword horizontally with both hands, and rushed over quickly. Just as he chopped the monster's head horizontally, he immediately pulled it up, and a huge cross-shaped wound with skin and flesh appeared on the monster's head, and there was an orange-red flame burning on it.


At this time, the monster suddenly screamed, and he stood up holding his head.

His scarlet eyes were crackling with mucus, and some rotten meat fell into the water with the mucus, and a smelly white smoke rose.


The rotten flesh suddenly exploded. It was Kaska's attack. The monster paused, thick black smoke came out of its body, roared to the sky, and fell down. The captain looked at the black smoke and the black missing triangle pattern, and his face changed.

"The existence of his sacrifice is coming here through his "sacrifice channel". Kaxiu dragged this damn "muddy soul" out for me. Can you "soul seal" Camus?"

Camus nodded, felt the fishy sweetness in his mouth, and took the mirror handed over by the captain.

Kaxiu's eyes were terribly deep, like a dark black hole, and the rich black magic energy made the surrounding night even darker.

"Holy Spirit from the "Eternal Sin Cemetery", please listen to my call and bind this ignorant soul in endless darkness."

As he shouted, a circled black five-pointed star appeared under the monster. A group of white arms stretched into the monster's body. After a while, a incomplete soul was pulled out. It was vaguely Jack's. It seemed that after Jack's soul was dragged out, it was bound in place by four black illusory vines.

"Kamiu, seal him quickly."

Camus held the mirror to the soul, "Great source of nothingness, please grant me the right to use the mirror, the one who seals the true name," Leeson Jack. "

As the soul power was absorbed, Camus saw Jack's soul being sucked into the mirror by a white twisted suction force.

Just when Jack's soul was being absorbed, the black smoke in the monster's body turned into a giant monster and rushed towards Camus. Camus saw a cold skin rushing straight to his scalp. When it seemed that there was no way to avoid it, the golden title of the spiritual world showed up. He came out and blocked the black smoke. After the black smoke was blocked, it dissipated invisible, and a laughing male voice appeared deep in Camus' heart.

"I remember you, the special moon elf of sequence two. It's such a pity that you actually defeated the "Emotional Wraith", but I have to take away my things."

"Crack..." The mirror next to Camus suddenly made a crisp sound, and the mirror instantly shattered. Jack's incomplete soul was sucked into the inverted triangle of black mist, and then the formation disappeared out of thin air.

Hearing this, Camus broke into a cold sweat and sat down on the ground.

"Miss Fortune really took care of me. Why is this happening?"

The captain was stunned, "Although his soul was taken away by him, he didn't seem to do anything. Why are you sighing?"

The corners of Kamiao's eyes twitched, "I said I was noticed by Dark Crow, do you believe it?"


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