Primordial Sequence

Chapter 9 Unknown

At this point, Okerendis sighed heavily, knocked on his pipe and lit a ball of tobacco, and continued to talk in the smoke.

"Actually, I was very shocked that this happened. Later, when people in the village saw that the manor was empty, they moved in. On the day they moved in, a bolt of lightning struck the big house and opened a big hole. The villagers said that this The Sun God was angry. No one dared to live in the big house, so they had to live in the servant quarters. That night, an "unknown fire" broke out in the servant quarters. Seven villagers were burned to death in the manor. Everyone was frightened, and I decided to stay away from this place after witnessing this weird thing.”

"In the end, everyone decided to bury these villagers in the cemetery of the manor. Unexpectedly, when we were praying, we saw a "red shadow" on the window of the big house. We were all scared and quickly called someone to go to the Sun Church for help. Unexpectedly, it came The priest said that there were no demons here, and there were no strange things. In addition, there were no dead people behind, so everyone felt relieved. However, there was a bold guy who wanted to steal the furniture of the Rolandic Manor, and he was so frightened that he lost his mind. I ran back and said that I saw the "red shadow" on the windows again. We couldn't stand it anymore, so we finally thought about it and decided to cover the windows with black cloth. The windows were covered with black cloth, and they still can't stand it now. What happened, but we are still hanging on to the Adventurer’s Guild, hoping to resolve this matter completely.”

After hearing this information, everyone really found no useful information and looked at each other for a while.

"Mr. Orenkedis, apart from these things, is there anything else strange?"

"This...let me think about it, by the way, I saw the doctor entering the Lorandich Manor when I went out that day, but in the end the bodies were all burnt, and I couldn't identify who was who, but I could identify the "Red Lady" "His cherished sapphire pendant fell next to his body. At that time, she covered her chest with her knuckles and fell in the middle of the church."

At this time Camus raised his head, "The doctor you mentioned, what is that doctor doing? Is anyone in the manor sick?"

"It's "Mrs. Red". He has a strange disease and has lost his sense of taste. This doctor seems to have always been his primary doctor and has been treating him. As for other weird things, I really don't know."

After sorting out the information, Camus knocked on the table, "Let's go first, Mr. Okerendis. Thank you for this useful information. May the Sun God protect you."

"Of course, I hope you get the information you need, but I believe in the God of War and Wisdom, and I hope the God of War and Wisdom bless you."


Camus walked out of the house in embarrassment. Okerendis took a look, got up and sent the three people away, closed the door and blew out the oil lamp.

"Oh... I thought there was only the Church of the Sun, but I didn't expect there were other churches?"

Susie shook her head, "Of course, this is also a "positive sequence" organization, and they also have a branch in Cadde City, but I don't know how many sequences they have "magic potion formulas"."

"Okay, let's get back to the point. It's impossible to go up tonight. Let's go to the carriage to sort out useful information."

"Hehe...Thank you, Miss Rabbit, for the invitation. It's really nice."

Susie glanced at Gauris and said, "Excluding you, we will sort out the information. Please go back to your car and communicate tomorrow."


Seeing the closed car door, Gauris covered his face, "Oh my God, I was rejected again. Gauris, you are really terrible."

Hearing the retreating footsteps, Camus and Susie sat in the carriage, sorting out some useful information.

"I'll come first. I think there must be something wrong with those servants not escaping. Is there a "weird existence" involved in this matter? In addition, "The red shadow only appears at the window. Does it mean that it is a special kind of thing?" strength? "

Susie's ears twitched, "Who is that doctor? He does not belong to the manor. Is he really dead? I remember that the newspapers did not report that a doctor disappeared during that time."

Kamiao looked up at the orange light and raised his head, "You mean the "doctor" is still alive? Or maybe he is "pretending"."

Susie's ears moved again, "It's all possible. This is the only information we know so far. "The truth requires us to see with our eyes, not guess." Go to sleep first and talk about it tomorrow. Remember not to sleep to death. "


Early the next morning, Camus was awakened by the sound of raindrops. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw Miss Susie leaning on the carriage. Feeling the movement of her body, Miss Susie opened her eyes.

"Sorry to bother you, but you are so alert."

"This is a basic survival method in the wild. Sleeping too much is not a good thing. It rained today. It's really bad weather. Go to the manor quickly. Teacher Matthew must be very angry."

As Susie said that, she opened the car curtain, and as the dazzling light came in, Camus squinted her eyes and opened the car door to look.

I saw the horses were already soaked, standing quietly on the muddy roadside, surrounded by some vegetable fields, which were being irrigated by rainwater. There was a curling gray smoke not far away. It must be that the villagers got up to make breakfast. , the black mist in the sky is like a ball of black cotton, as if something is brewing.

Susie took a breath of fresh air and pointed at the oil lamp, jumped off the carriage and ran towards the manor. Camus shrugged and followed with the oil lamp. The two of them had a tacit understanding not to raise the "deceiver" of Reese.


With the mud under their feet splashing everywhere, the two of them ran outside the gate of the manor, stomping on the mud on their feet and pushing the door open.


"Hey, you guys are so late. I'm about to catch a cold from this damn cold wind. I really regret not bringing enough whiskey. In this weather, whiskey is a perfect treat, "Tsk tsk."

Seeing Gauris squatting in the corner and hearing his emotion, the two of them paid close attention and looked at the manor quietly. They could not see clearly some places because it was too late last night, but today they can see everything at a glance.

The entire manor looked full of life. The walls were covered with moss stained with raindrops. Several iron fences around the house were also rusty and fell to the ground, leaving only the bare base of the wall. The door of the big house also collapsed. On the ground, the rain falling from the eaves made a "dong-dong" sound. Kamiao knew that it was only the solid wooden door that made such a sound. The two white stone pillars at the door looked a little dull, with some steel hanging on them. The ivy is spread out. There are two white wooden benches on the left and right sides of the door of the house, with some strong plants growing out through the gaps. The door is a circular road made of stone, which is built in a circle around the house. The entire house They were all covered by some black cloth, which looked very strange.


When the crow saw someone coming, he stood on the branch and screamed. The rainwater hit them and was blocked by the feathers and splashed everywhere.

Looking at the group of black crows looking at him and others, Camus remembered Susie's words, "Declaration of death." Who was it announcing for? Camus felt a little heavy for a moment, and silently followed Susie to the door of the big house.


The three of them walked up the steps washed away by the rain to the front door, and saw the soaked seeds of the "tinder tree" in front of the door.

"Well, the "barrier" put up by the villagers has failed. Let's go in and see if there is any useful information. As we walk together, I feel that "peeping" again.

Hearing this, Camus looked at the dark circular corridor and lit the oil lamp in his hand. As the orange light spread, the three of them suddenly felt that the air around them was a little cold, and there was an "unknown" aura. enveloped the room.

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