Chapter 352 : Witness an unprecedented miracle

After a fierce battle, the second round of match ended.

Referee’s voice sounded in the quiet audience:

“Odalia Tennis Open, Division 2/4, the second round of 64-to-32 duel, Mushen Yi VS Brian’s match result is–”

“Mushen Yi defeated Brian with a score of 6:0, 66:0, and 6:0, with a 3-0 standings, and won the match!

“Congratulations to Mushen Yi for successfully advancing to the round of 16 finals!”

The referee’s judgment sounded through the audience, and the audience was still immersed in the shock, and it was difficult to wake up for a long time.

Brian faced Mushen Yi, but he still ended in a disastrous defeat!

This result made the audience a little shocked, even a little unbelievable!

Known as the “Heavy Gunner”, Brian is very powerful and has the honor of defeating professional opponents!

This is professional tennis, not ordinary tennis competition.

Even the international competition of the u17 World Cup is not comparable to the adult group of the Grand Slam!

It can be said.

Professional players who can participate in the Grand Slam adult group are all top players in the professional tennis world.

And for such a player, Brian once defeated their wrists, which is enough to prove the horror of his power!

but now.

In the face of Mushen Yi, a 15-year-old opponent, Brian ended in a disastrous defeat, still a disastrous defeat without a point!

This result shocked everyone in the audience!

Because they knew that after this battle, Mushen Yi’s weak physical fitness was finally proven to completely make up for it!

The current Mushen Yi is absolutely no suspense, no dead ends!

“The Mu Shen really has no dead ends now!”

“Invincible! Physical fitness is no longer a weakness, as well as the terrifying ability of mental manipulation. He is truly invincible!

“In today’s professional tennis world, who else can compare with him?! World class? Heavenly king class? Do they have the spiritual power of the shepherd?!

“In fact, it does not necessarily need to surpass the spiritual power of the Mu Shen, as long as it is not too different, it can still be contended.”

“I feel a little suspended!”

“Look at Hubbard and Bryan, one is the 27th ATP World Ranking player, and the other is the 19th ATP World Ranking player. They both ended up miserably!”

“In that case, Mu Shen’s opponent in the third round tomorrow, Morrison, is also a bit tragedy?!”

“Morrison’s match is not over yet, whether he can advance to the ranks is yet to be known?”

“Even if Morrison can advance, even if he is ranked 15th in the ATP World Ranking, although the ranking does not prove his limit, Morrison will not be able to defeat Hubbard and Bryan!”

“It’s terrifying! Who else can stop the Faun?!”

“He is only fifteen years old this year!”

“It depends on whether James in the fourth round can do it, he is the 9th world-class player in the ATP world ranking!”

“I don’t expect to be able to beat Mushen Yi, but I beg you to stand up and get a point and a game from him!”

“As long as you can break your hair, you are proud of defeat!”

to be honest.

This situation of the Olympic Open is really unexpected for everyone.

They knew that Mushen Yi was very strong, but they really didn’t expect him to be so strong!

Perfect physical fitness + mental manipulation, even the top players in the forefront of the ATP world can’t get a score!

Such standings!

Who is it for me?!

During the heated discussion, Mushen Yi and Brian shook hands with each other, and then left separately, finishing the second round of the 64-to-32 match perfectly.

During the interview after the game.

Brian also had a bitter look and spoke highly of Mushen Yi.

Mushen Yi did not underestimate Brian. He also spoke highly of and praised him. He was completely in a state of winning without being arrogant or discouraged.

This broad-minded performance has won praise and recognition from many reporters and audiences.

The emergence of overwhelming reports by media reporters has aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

As time passed, after the second round of the Olympic Open match ended, there was no upset situation.

This also made Mushen Yi’s match result more eye-catching and a sensation in the entire sports arena.

Mushen Yi ignored these hot discussions. He was immersed in the focus of the next match, and he did not look down on winning streak at all.

Time flew by in this atmosphere, and in a blink of an eye the third round of the Olympic Open match arrived.

The third round of match.

32 into 16, also known as the sixteenth finals.

Faun-VS Morrison!

This is the 15th top player in the ATP World Ranking, a super master who once won the Grand Slam singles runner-up honor!

Such a player is definitely a heavyweight opponent!


Even if the match has not yet started, the audience is not optimistic about Morrison!

It’s not that Morrison is too weak, but Mushen Yi is too strong!

Even Morrison himself thought so.

When facing Mushen Yi, he rarely showed nervousness!

When the audience captured this detail, the audience was completely in an uproar!

I can’t believe it!

Ranked 15th in the ATP world, the top player who has won the Grand Slam singles runner-up, faced Mushen Yi unexpectedly showing nervousness.

Many well-known,

One of the most basic qualities of professional players is that their psychological and spiritual qualities need to be strong enough.

if not,

How to stick to a five-set match? How to face the voices of tens of thousands of spectators on the court without moving? How to withstand the pressure of opponents?

But now.

Morrison actually showed nervousness!

In a serious way, Morrison was a little timid, and he was timid before fighting!

Before the match started, Morrison was a little afraid of Mushen Yi!



This kind of psychological quality, if replaced by other opponents, may not have much side effects.


His opponent is Mushen Yi, a mental manipulator!

The fact is also true.

When the match started, the audience once again saw a one-sided duel, just like the match between Hubbard and Brian.

Morrison also ended in a disastrous defeat!

Mushen Yi relied on his perfect physical fitness + terrifying mental operation to directly suppress Morrison, leaving him with no resistance!

“Odalia Tennis Open, Division 2/4, 32-to-16 matchup in the third round, Mushen Yivs Morrison’s match result was one-”

“Mushen Yi defeated Morrison with a score of 6:0, 6:0, 6:0, 3 wins and 0 losses standings, and won the final victory of this match!

“Congratulations to Mushen Yi for successfully advancing to the quarter-finals!”

There was thunderous applause from the audience!

The audience did not despise Morrison because of his fiasco, but cheered and applauded him one by one!

Many players sighed helplessly!

If it weren’t for meeting Mushen Yi, Morrison could go further!

“How can there be a monster like Mushen Yi in this world?!”

“I don’t know why, I suddenly feel sorry for Morrison, Hubbard and Bryan!”

“This is sports competition! Everything depends on strength! The winner advances, the loser retreats, it is so cruel and fair!”

“Hope Hubbard, Bryan and Morrison, they will not despair of tennis, and they will not have psychological shadows because of this!”

“If they can persist after this battle, then this kind of extreme sublimation will definitely make them so strong and advance by leaps and bounds!”

“Failure is the mother of success!”

“But having said that, who is the next opponent of Mu Shen? James is most likely?!”

“If James can advance, he is right!”

“This is a world-class player ranked 9th in the ATP World Ranking. You can always win the score from Mu Shen now?”

“It still feels a bit hanging!”

“When Mu Shen was in the u17 World Cup, professionals believed that he had reached the “world class, and with the improvement of his physical fitness, many people have already thought that he has reached the’king of heaven’!”

“What a monster!

As the audience said, sports competition is very cruel, but it is also very fair and fair.

Everything depends on strength to speak!

The standings and strength shown by Mushen Yi, through comparison with other opponents, it is not difficult for people to draw a conclusion–

Mushen Yi has indeed reached the level of the’king of heaven’!

Is it real?

It’s just the exaggeration and flattery of the media reporters, in fact, it can be seen through the next showdown!

ATP world ranking 1.69 world-class opponent-James!

With all the expectations, the third round of the Olympic Open match, all came to an end!

James was promoted without any surprise!

The other king-level players and world-class players did not experience upsets or accidents, nor did they fail due to poor conditions, all of them advanced smoothly!

The appearance of the top 16 list made fans all over the world take a breath!

This is a heavyweight list!

Except for Mushen Yi, who has just turned into a professional player, the points ranking is at the bottom level, and everyone else is the top player from the front to the back!

Heavenly King!

world class!

Grand Slam champion!

Year-end final champion!

Masters Tour Championship!


For some reason, for audiences all over the world, there is only Mushen Yi’s match, which makes them look forward to and pay attention the most!

They want to see how far Mushen Yi can go!

They want to see if there are any players who can take the score from Mushen Yi!

They feel that they are witnessing a heavenly king, no, the birth of a ball king!

They are witnessing the miracles of history!.

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