Chapter 151 : singles one

“The winner is Atobe!”


The sound of snapping fingers fell, and the sound of support suddenly stopped quietly.

“The winner is me!

Hyotei’s uniform jacket was thrown into the air, and finally landed in Huadi’s arms.

When Hyotei’s cheerleaders saw this scene, they started shouting again.

Mōri Juzaburō kept his face cold, and said nothing about it.

Although it is not the first time to see this kind of “opening performance”, he is in a very bad mood now!

#My little partner is going to run with someone else, young master, you still~ be handsome here?! #

Although I know that “motivated” is not a good virtue for middle school students, but Maori is now-indeed motivated by Atobe!

Think about it, obviously he had agreed with the little Nioh before, and this year he was also a doubles partner, and he wanted to be in the same tune in the Kanto contest and even the national contest. As a result, he can only stand alone on the court and watch Hyotei’s. minister

# Inexplicable feeling sad #

#Suddenly feel that Atobe’s face is particularly annoying#

#Well, yes, second only to Yanagi’s annoying! #

But now that the young minister is ill for some irresistible reason, Rikkai must have a singles that must win-spray, Sanada is still too weak! Ask him to play a game of tennis after the game!

#How can the deputy minister of Rikkai be worse than the minister of Hyotei#

#If the strength of the deputy minister is not enough, I don’t want to go to singles#


Moving quickly to where the tennis ball fell, Mauri raised his hand and hit back with a pat.


The Maori is even more unhappy, the swing of the racket is increased, and the tennis ball is even more tricky.

“3:2, Rikkai takes the lead!”

Atobe was still in the rhythm of the previous game, caught off guard Maori suddenly accelerated the rhythm, and ended up losing a goal and losing a game.

His face is not very good now-the victory of Singles, who was originally regarded as his possession, does not seem to be easy to get.

Rikkai University’s third-year election, Mōri Juzaburō, this strength

–But this uncle won’t shrink from it!

Even if Hyotei has missed the championship of this year’s Kanto Contest, Atobe does not want to miss the singles one victory!

Atobe Keigo, a second-year junior in junior high school, has already approached the prototype of the “Ice World”. He can see through most of the opponent’s flaws and then attack!

But now he is most proud of the “weapon”, and did not play a huge role in this game.

In other words, the level of “skills” is too low to see through the gross profit


“4:2, Rikkai scored a big gross profit!”

“Senior Maori is so amazing!

Kirihara Akaya looked admired.

Obviously it was not the first time he watched seniors play, but every time he saw him, he still looked forward to it as before.

Kirihaya may be simple, but he is not stupid-he has been aware of the expectations of his predecessors in the tennis club, so he has redoubled his efforts to live up to the expectations, and then obtain the same or even beyond the predecessors. !

The seniors of Rikkai didn’t regard him as a flower in the greenhouse. When everyone played against him, they almost did their best to add high-level duel experience to the juniors as much as possible.

However, after all, Sanada and the others, as a positive candidate, have to have their own training arrangements, so they don’t fight Kirihaya too many times on weekdays.

In this way, Kirihaya, who was specially taught by Nioh by Yukimura, became familiar with Nioh’s partner Maori because he had been mixed with Nioh for a long time.

Now seeing the “heroic” of his Maori predecessors playing, Kirihaya immediately turned into a “little fan”.

Ask for flowers

“Akaya will be great in the future.”

Nioh rubbed his junior’s fluffy kelp head and said with a smile.

He was immersed in watching the game, only a trace of energy was left to sigh that the hair of the younger generation feels so good, and he is not as sensitive as usual.

Liu has already moved quietly to Sanada’s side-

Liu Sheng’s current depression is so dignified!

Pretending to watch the game, Yu Guang glanced at Nioh, who was still watching the game, and felt that he was going to work as a psychological counselor after the game–


That guy Nioh is so troublesome!

The probability that the predecessors Maori on the field will become ruthless due to mood reasons is 87%, and the probability that Yanagyu will suddenly depressurize because of the predecessors Maori and Nioh is 82%!

Thinking this way, Liu saw that Maori had a beautiful smash score, and then sighed in his heart–

Although it is said that Nioh was pulled into the tennis club by Nioh, although Nioh also told everyone that Yanagi was his scheduled doubles partner.

Comparing the strengths of Nioh and Liu Sheng, and comparing the strengths of Maori and Liu Sheng, Liu felt that even if he talked to Liu Sheng, the depression caused by such a big difference in the strength of his partner and partner’s predecessor would not be solved, right?

But Nioh also insisted on doubles!

Liu Yuefa has a headache. Nioh’s strength is definitely the strongest in the ministry, and coupled with “emotional disputes”, his singles is the best arrangement.

PS, now the contradiction between Liu Sheng and Nioh is still weak! The doubles partner can’t be too far behind, oh, and the comparison of the predecessor’s gross profit!

So Yanu was still depressed (because he felt that his strength was not too strong!)… and Nioh didn’t feel it at all, at least he didn’t feel it now!

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