Chapter 359 : After the end, Rikkai perspective

Yeah, this look

We didn’t treat you guys anyway, did we?

I said it a long time ago, you will lose when you play, I reminded it!

Marui watched his opponents whose emotions were obviously wrong walked back to their Seigaku bench and burst his own bubbles.

I sympathize with them, really.

Seeing Kikumaru’s almost crying look and Oishi’s sad expression, Marui said that he is really a sympathetic person.

He squinted and glanced in Seigaku’s direction one last time.

At that moment, Mukai, who had been paying attention to Marui, thought that Rikkai’s big election was going to be sentimental.

From the person to the self, I feel the lonely mood of the other person, and I don’t feel good in my heart.

Mukahi Gakuto, who is deeply poisoned by Oshitari Yuushi tea, thinks so.

But the next moment, Zheng Xuan, the red-haired sister of Hyotei, gritted her teeth.


One word at a time, if it weren’t for the reason to know that yelling out would destroy Hyotei’s image and be banned by Atobe from the little cake, Xiang Hi would really shout it out!

That Rikkai big black heart is choosing!

Mukahi Gakuto was indignant.

He saw Marui take a look at Seigaku, then turned his head and said to his partner–

“Great! It’s done!”

“End the game at 6:0 and win with a big score!”

“I said that even Sanada can beat the player, how could we not win by a big score!”

His voice was not lowered.

Therefore, through the loudspeaker, Marui’s words reached those people’s ears clearly.

Seigaku’s reaction can be imagined.

Fortunately, the Shoujia came back to sit down, and he could still suppress the bad emotions, otherwise Kuwabara felt that those Seigaku people might rush to beat his partner a few times.

But didn’t we win the game for granted?

Is it too hard to pretend to be sad after winning the game?

If this is the case, it would be better to let Nioh and Yanagyu play. My acting skills don’t seem to be good.

Thinking about it like this, Kuwabara, who was a little distracted on the way back, listened to his partner again–

“How about it, my genius? I knew we could win the game 6:0!

“Wen Tai is a genius!”

Reflexively, Kuwahara replied.

Then Kuwabara regained consciousness and saw the black face of their First Deputy Minister Rikkai.

When did you get to the Rikkai contest? Why is Sanada here!

A few drops of Shang’s cold sweat dripped under his forehead, and Kuwabara took a step back subconsciously.

Sanada’s face darkened.

“Hahahaha, Deputy Minister! Hahaha~~”

The familiar wave of laughter saved Kuwara’s embarrassment, and he looked at the younger generation who hit the wall with his hand at the passageway with great gratitude.

Kirihaya covered his belly with one hand and slapped the wall with the other.

Kirihaya’s courage is getting bigger and bigger, he relied on himself and his senior Yoo to win the game 6:0 so he laughed loudly without scruples.

“Kirihara Akaya, too lax!”

Sanada shouted.

The deputy minister of Rikkai feels that he and his teammates are being tested every moment and every moment, and every moment, his teammates will challenge his baseline!

This group of people, is he really afraid to do it?

My kendo is not practiced for nothing!

Sanada thought secretly.

But within Rikkai University, Sanada’s external strengths are no secret at all.

No matter how serious his appearance is, no one will really be afraid of him.

Of course, as a junior, Kirihaya is still in awe of him sometimes.

So when Sanada stared at Kirihaya sternly, Kirihaya slowly put away his laughter, he turned to cover his mouth and smirked.

“Is Echizen Ryoma’s memory restored?”

Nioh watched Sanada “change the subject” with interest.

Yes, this is “changing the subject” in his heart. Who said that before Sanada and the hand’s match were delayed for a relatively long time and there was no “big score win”?

Therefore, it really deserves to be laughed at by the younger generation!

“I haven’t fully recovered yet! But it seems that I am beginning to remember how to play tennis.”

“It should be soon, maybe it will be fine after a while.”

Kirihaya replied while covering her mouth with a sullen smile.

The younger generation’s clear voice accompanied by broken laughter sounded very nice.

Yukimura sat on the coach’s bench, half leaning back in the chair, without the slightest intention of warming up.

He is a good minister who respects public opinion and welcomes his members to speak actively.

“By the way, Deputy Minister, you should have seen the Minister Seigaku come back?”

“He immediately changed his face when he heard the broadcast, and Hyotei’s Atobe! They all changed their faces!”

Kirihaya said excitedly.

He himself was not interested in helping Echizen Ryoma recover his memory and hitting them Rikkai, so he just showed his moves and came back.

But Kirihara Akaya felt that although he missed the moment when Rikkai Big Singles won the second, it was also a very good experience to see the sudden faces of the players and Atobe.

Rikkai’s second-year junior continued to cover his mouth and smile.

The blue veins on Sanada’s forehead became more visible.

“Puff, Yukimura, you see Sanada is going to blow up!”

“But there is no way, who told him that he couldn’t make a big score?”

Nioh added fuel to the fire.

He is not afraid to explode his own deputy minister at all, because past experience has proved that Sanada’s ability to accept is actually very strong, and his baseline, to be honest, really refreshes the impression of their teammates at all times.

So over time, Nioh realized that he could speak out all the ridicule and irony in the face of Sanada.

“.” Nioh, don’t say that.

Persuade Marui who returned with a big score of 6:0.

“The hand is still very strong! Such a score is justifiable.”

Marui, who encountered Kunimitsu in the Kanto Youth Selection, said sincerely.

Sanada’s tight expression relaxed.

“I was worried about whether Sanada would lose or die with his hand. It’s great to win!”

The red-haired teammate said with ease

Sanada clenched his fist.

At that moment, Kirihaya swears that he heard the crunch of skeletal knuckles

Oh, the vice minister was amused by Nioh-senpai and Marui-senpai again!

The vice minister’s mind is still not broad enough. As expected, Minister Yukimura is the most tolerant of everyone.

The second-year junior of Rikkai University thought so.

He has become accustomed to getting along with his predecessors, and at the same time he enjoys it.

“The feelings of the seniors are so good!”

Kirihaya sighed from the bottom of his heart.

He turned his head back and said this to the first-year junior (the Zhao) Pu Shanshita who came to watch the game this time, trying to show him the beautiful teammate friendship of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club.

He said this sincerely, and he really thought so.

But Pu Shan, a first-year student, shivered under the sigh of his second-year senior.

Pu Shan with flushed cheeks looked up at the sky.

E, it’s cold, it’s definitely too cold!

There is not enough sunshine today, the temperature will rise tomorrow, right?

Pu Shan kept a smile thinking about Seven.

PS: Shiita, you really worked so hard, and then you have to spend a year with Kirihaya. But don’t be sad, compare the treatment of seniors in the third grade, you will find how happy you are! Next year, you will become a high-end black who develops in the direction of Yukimura (crossed out), and you will find that your today is so naive and stupid. I’m clumsy, I didn’t even talk to my senior

Going down, it’s too lax!

I found out that I was so kind to Tezuka. His subsequent games were more “sad”. It’s really not intentional. After I wrote about Fuji, I didn’t know it!

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