Chapter 390 : Talk in the evening, sincerely look forward to it


The boulder fell to the ground.

Oni Jujiro finally completed the spiritual mission he set for himself.

“Tanegashima, when do you want to see?”

In fact, the ghost doesn’t care about his training being watched by others, because this kind of weight-bearing training is not something that every player can bear.

There is no technical content, but it can temper the body.

This training method is only suitable for some very special people.

“Yeah, just passing by.”

Tanegashima Shuji sat lazily on his two-wheeled electric scooter.

He supported his elbows on the handlebars of the electric car with his palms resting on his cheeks, so that he was able to lie on the handlebars of the electric car with the help of the force. The meaning of getting up at the slightest.

Oni Jujiro glanced at him and hummed softly.

Is this the ethos inherited from Rikkai?

The ghost is wondering, why are all the players recruited by Rikkai look like this?

It’s definitely in the same line.

The ghost ten times “Zero Erqi” Lang can be sure that Mōri Juzaburō is a completely Rikkai-like player, not someone who was born halfway and transferred from Shitenhouji!

Since Maori came to U17, after receiving the default attitude of a direct senior, he not only is ready to escape training at any time, but also pulls on the serious Tsukimitsu Ochi!

Such a rigorous Tsukimitsu Ochi actually followed Rikkai’s Maori to escape training several times.

After learning about this situation, Byodoin’s face was completely black!

According to Irie’s summary, the level of blackface in Byodoin Temple was only a little bit lighter than when Tanegashima Shuji wandered around in front of Byōdōin Hōō a few months ago because of Rikkai’s third consecutive dominance!

U17’s current N..9 and No.10 practices are, in the eyes of the ghost, the fault of the lazy person in front of him.

Thinking of this, the ghost naturally talked to Tanegashima about the recent rumors of the raging internal U17 training camp.

“What do you think of the coaches making an exception for recruiting junior high school students to enter U17?”

“Those coaches don’t seem to have any plans.

The ghost said in a deep voice.

In the view of the current No. 5 court gatekeeper, Tanegashima Shuji basically has the same position as he and Irie. Even if the No. 2 always avoided the head-to-head confrontation with Byodoin Temple, and seemed to be willing to sit in the second place, at least Tanegashima would not obey the Byodoin Temple.

That’s enough.

Since that incident, Byodoin’s xinxing has become more and more extreme.

In fact, the ghost has regretted that the momentary indignation at the time was like everyone else saying so heavy words to Byodoin, which made Byodoin become the most overbearing appearance it is now.

Although the former Byodoin Temple was domineering, it was not so extreme. He has now completely denied “morality”, which is not a good thing for himself and the entire team.

Although he is indeed a qualified team leader, if things go on like this, will Japan U17 have a future?!

The ghost knows that he can stay with Irie in the U17 training camp because of the default of the three boats coaches.Otherwise, even if the Kurobe coach ordered him and Irie not to be moved, Byodoin would carry racquet with them and use a tennis match to determine the master-slave status. .

However, because of the ban by the coach of the three ships, he has not played a tennis match with Byodoin for two years.

And the one in front of him also thanks to U17’s “iron law” that even the first army has to abide by the 60% strength limit, in order to show off his juniors in front of Byodoin again and again without being killed by the luminous ball.

Although the three-ship coaches are not in the U17 training camp headquarters, they have been restricting them.

U17 training camp is now maintaining a delicate and fragile balance.

It’s not that the ghost doesn’t know that the arrival of junior high school students will bring spiritual stimulation to high school students and will add vitality to U17.

However, will the arrival of junior high school students break the existing order of U17?

“I am very happy that the younger generations are here.”

Tanegashima Shuji seems to have not understood the hidden meaning of Oni Jujiro.

“As soon as Maori came, he went to the back mountain by himself. After returning, he stayed with Yuezhi, which really disappointed me, a current generation.,

“But this time Rikkai is estimated to have eight people. Even if four people are driven to the back mountain because of “mental training”, four people will stay with me as a predecessor.”

Tanegashima said in an annoyed tone.

But in the ghostly sound, this person is showing off naked!

Tanegashima Shuji is definitely showing off his Rikkai direct descendants!

Kneading a fist, a beating blue vein appeared on the back of Oni Jujiro’s hand.

Is it over?!

When you open your mouth, you are showing off your younger generations, Tanegashima, are you not afraid to give your younger generations hatred?

If Maori hadn’t been protected by Yue Zhi, he would have been smashed by the black-hearted goods of the army!

I still don’t understand the big ghost of Rikkai, probably because I am not in the army. At this time, I don’t know that the Maori in his heart who was hated by his own seniors will be in the army even if there is no more wise maintenance. Live like a fish in water.

If the idea of ​​a ghost is known by Byodoin, it will definitely be laughed at!

I will definitely be ridiculed as “too naive”!

Everything in U17 only recognizes strength. If Maori can’t stand on his own, Tsukimitsu Ochi will protect Maori in front of the first army, it is useless! Those in the first army will not let the incompetent people equal theirs, let alone the top ten in the army. Position has always had a unique meaning in U17!

“Tanegashima, you know what I’m talking to you.”

The ghost who held his arms condescendingly took a deep breath and decided to look at Tanegashima Shuji’s strength and ignore for the time being the pride of this man because of his younger generation.

He tried hard to turn the topic to the topic in his opinion.

Thank you Irie for the long-term patient training of Oni Jujiro, so that Oni can patiently talk with such Tanegashima today.

“You said the coaches, don’t they just want to mobilize the hostility of our high school students towards those middle school students?”

Tanegashima also felt that the ghost had reached the edge of an emotional outburst at this time, so he temporarily restrained, stopped talking about other things, and stepped into the topic.

“If middle school students can prove themselves, then these hostility will soon disappear, and those who feel like being beaten down will work harder.

“To stir up disputes and mobilize the players to compete, isn’t this the usual method of coaches?”

Tanegashima accepts these well. Anyway, with his strength, he basically can’t get involved in these disputes.

U17 has been established for so many years, the status of the first army, especially the top ten position, is difficult to be shaken!

“Hmph, don’t take it lightly because you are facing the younger generation, and you lose the qualifying match!”

The ghost snorted again.

When he mentioned the word “junior”, he couldn’t help but think of something.

It is too remote, there is no light, only moonlight.

Under the dim moonlight, Tanegashima saw the ghost’s face change slightly.

He couldn’t help but curled up his mouth and sat up straight.

“If I can beat me, I would be happy to give out my badge. After all, the person who can beat me will probably be the younger generation of Rikkai.”

“I just don’t know if they can’t see my No. 2 badge anymore.

“Ghost, you know, Nioh has never been interested in these rankings. Rikkai only cares about the final victory. As for Yukimura, Yukimura’s goal has always been N..1.

2.9 With Tanegashima Shuji’s emotion, the ghost’s face became more and more terrifying.

In this dim environment, Oni Jujirou, who was originally a fierce-looking man, looked like a fierce god!

Tanegashima, who can see and hear, has heard the creak of bones, which seems to be the sound of the gatekeeper of Court No. 5 clenching his fists too tightly.

“Allah, don’t worry, my younger generations are very smart children, and they won’t compete with Tokugawa for a chance to compete with Byodoin!”

“It’s late at night, I’ll go back and rest first, go back soon too, ghost!”

It is very familiar with the handlebars of a one-turn electric car. Before Tanegashima’s words were finished, Oni Jujiro, who was about to be unable to bear it, was left behind.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath again.

The ghost was silent for a moment, and decided to lift the boulder again and exercise to express the depression in his heart!

PS: (September asks monthly ticket!) #ハー八U17’s Hyun junior 狂魔#

#Are you guys dazzled by that No.2 today?#

Tanegashima: I have younger generations and I am happy! My younger generations are not in U17, so they can help the older generations to piss off my colleagues~.

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