Chapter 439 :Sequel of the Loser Group

The dismounting of power on the back mountain naturally ended with the victory of the three boat coaches.

In fact, the final winner can only be the one who is in power on the back of the mountain.

All middle school students went to sleep in the cave, including Rikkai six.

As the old saying goes, besides the cabin of the coach of Mifune, is there any other house on the back mountain that can be used as a dormitory for the players?!

The middle school students had to accept the only result and have fun-at least they still have a coach to provide sleeping bags, don’t they? At least the six people who won the game from Rikkai lived in the cave with them, didn’t they?

They hypnotized themselves, and carried out three thousand times before going to bed swing training, knee jumps, squats and other small events in accordance with the requirements of the three boats instructor.

The pure white sportswear I wore, after the competition and training, all became sweaty and stained with various colors. However, the middle school students who wanted to prove that they were full of anger in their hearts didn’t care about their own image. All they want is strength!

The leader of Sanada stood at the forefront of the team and was training.

He swings very fast, and his power is not light.

A racquet, abruptly, made him swing a knife!

From his racquet, the junior high school students seemed to feel the sharp light of the sword.

Having lost their teammates and partners and came to the back mountain as “losers”, they looked at Sanada and suddenly felt that they had the backbone and the so-called spiritual support!

As the best students in the middle school, even if they are the losers among the best, they are extremely proud and determined. Even without Sanada’s previous verbal encouragement, they can cheer up after depression. But there is still a big difference between someone leading the way and groping forward alone.

Whenever someone is too tired to move, just look at the firm figure of the six Rikkai in the front row, as long as you see the unmoving figure of Sanada standing in the forefront, tiredness will immediately turn into motivation!

They trained until late before dragging their tired bodies into the cave and lay down in their sleeping bags.

On this day, they accepted too many “surprises”. The two games from the coaches, from the gap between the group of Rikkai and the others…

Because they are exhausted both physically and mentally, this night, even though most of the teenagers who live comfortably on weekdays do not sleep well, they quickly enter a deep sleep.

Many teenagers gritted their teeth and bitterly before falling asleep. Most of them have been exposed to tennis since they were young, and most of their family backgrounds are very good.

It’s just that they still want to make a difference – even at this point, the three boat coaches did not want to let them go!

Three o’clock in the morning.

Light rain, the sky is still dark.

The three boat coaches stood at the entrance of the cave with bare feet and a gong in his hands.


“Don’t wake me up and start training!”

He shouted.

Boom boom boom!

“The evening training begins, junior high school kids! Get up!”

“Ten thousand times of swing training!

When the sky was still dark and dark, the figure of the coach of the three boats looked like a debt-collecting devil to the junior high school teenagers who had just awakened.

“Oh my God, it’s only three o’clock!

“It’s still raining outside!”

“Ten thousand swings?! Is this going to abolish our arms?”

The people who came out with the racquet grinded their teeth.

Most of them have dim eyes and have not fully awakened from deep sleep. They just follow most of them by instinct.

In this situation, most of the movements and strength of the swing are slow and weak.

But among these people who didn’t wake up, Sanada was definitely not included.

Usually, he is a teenager who gets up at four o’clock and sits in meditation and practices kendo. He left the cave for the first time. At this time, he was looking at the complaining teenagers coldly.

“Do you want to fail forever? Here, only the training of the three ships coach can let us catch up with the group of people in U17!”

Sanada’s words reminded Echizen Ryoma, who was rubbing his eyes.

Echizen opened his eyes wide, and when he glanced, he also remembered the words of the high school students who made them helpless–

“If you want to catch up, go find a Micune instructor!”

So, can this seemingly unreliable coach here make them beat those two high school students?

Swinging in the cool, thin rain, some people with fast brains are thoughtful. And some teenagers who didn’t think much at all, the idea at this time is even simpler-don’t want to be defeated anymore, then try hard to catch up!

“Does the swing make us stronger?”

Echizen Ryoma took racquet and walked to the position next to Sanada, and said during practice.

Now Sanada is practicing swinging, even Liu is reluctant to approach. It was okay before, but as Sanada’s strength increased, it seemed that he had reached a certain bottleneck. The aura of the sword and shadow on his body became heavier and heavier! Even if he was close, he would feel chills.

But Echizen Ryoma no longer cares about this. Seigaku played all the way and only fell in front of Rikkai, and he naturally only won in Rikkai. Now at U17, Echizen Ryoma ushered in a bigger blow!

Court No. 1, Tokugawa Kazuya.

Yesterday, Tokugawa looked at him with cold eyes, Echizen felt that unless he defeated him, he would never forget the feeling of unwillingness!


“Swinging is only part of the basic training.”

“If you want to be stronger, you still need more guidance from the coach!

“Time is running out, there is no extra time for us to waste, here is our shortcut to improve our strength! We must quickly become stronger, and then climb up from the abyss of failure!”

With that, Sanada stopped swinging, he raised his hand to press the brim of his hat and looked into the distance.

He who walked up the small road knew what was in that direction. That is the direction of the U17 training camp headquarters!

………For flowers…

“Will that coach help us?”

The teenagers seemed to be slapped seriously, but in fact they were all secretly listening to the conversation between Echizen and Sanada.

“Cut, even if he doesn’t want to, as long as we are sincere, we will definitely be able to impress him!”

Shishido Ryoh, who once lost his ambition to move the squash coach back to Hyotei’s right choice, is highly motivated.

“Shindo-kun is right.”

Yanagi Renji agrees very much.

“After Wentai and I came here, we also learned about the temperament of the three boat coaches.”

He immediately said that the reason for his agreement was still valid.


“I have planned what everyone will do now!”

Take precautions for Army Master Liu!

Yanagi Renji had already planned.

It’s just that at the beginning they only had Rikkai senior four on the back mountain, they were weak and unable to execute. But now, with enough plan executors, just wait for everyone to develop their spirits


“Prepare now!”

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho Xuan said cheerfully. Even if the rain soaked his sportswear completely, he still took off alcohol.

“We will work together late tomorrow night to steal all the drinks from the U17 training camp!”

Sanada turned around and looked at the teenagers and said loudly.

This plan, which was drawn up by the Rikkai army division and the deputy minister, and the Rikkai Taisho elections collectively completed the plan, it sounds like there is no reliable place to go from the goal to the process.

If the youngsters in the loser group had heard the plan from elsewhere, they would have already started to ridicule. But the plan was named “Rikkai Big”, so they decided to believe it.

The prestige of “Emperor” Sanada Genichiro is still very useful outside the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, and it can calm many people. Even Echizen and Toyama are willing to believe in Sanada.

And Inui Sadaharu, Liu’s young tame dye, is a staunch supporter of Rikkai’s army division, and even the deputy minister with Seigaku believes in Liu’s data.

As for Hyotei’s third grade, Akutakawa Jirou blindly worships Marui Bunta, which indirectly leads the Hyotei third graders to more or less trust in Rikkai Taisho Election.

The second graders’ thinking is even simpler!

When they want to come, Kirihara Akaya will never pit himself, right? Even if Kirihaya wants to pit himself, it depends on Yukimura and Nioh who are staying in U17 and whether they agree!

So, it must be right to follow Rikkai!

Think about the first day when I came to U17, Liu, Marui, Kuwabara, and Yagyu were missing. Rikkai sent people to the back mountain in advance, which is simply “a heart-breaking heart”!

With that in mind, the middle school students who continue to practice swinging in the light rain are more confident of their hopeful future than their teammates in the U17 training camp headquarters.

Anyway, Rikkai will not pit himself, and as long as they follow the footsteps of the Rikkai Taisho elections on the back mountain, they will definitely be able to return to U17’s own teammate 1 partner and brother 1 partner! Soil.

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