Chapter 499 : Different dimensional suppression, high school students’ misappraisal

Since Yukimura accepted the “proposal” of the senior high school student from Yukimura and used his mental power moves, the phantom of Alaya in the different dimension appeared in the air with a very powerful posture.

Yukimura didn’t play cards according to common sense at all. He directly skipped the moves such as extinguishing the five senses and dreams, and the shot was to suppress the different dimensions of the audience.

The appearance of his other-dimensional Alaya phantom completely made Matsumoto and Shinobu desperate.

Tennis players who have never faced another dimension directly cannot understand the horror of another dimension at all.

In the face of a different-dimensional phantom that can be described as unsolvable from their current strength, Matsumoto and Tonin want to slap himself that he proposed not long ago!

Why are they so stupid?

Why didn’t they expect that the Minister of Rikkai would play the cards according to common sense?

Knowing that they would face the phantom of another dimension, they had already accepted their fate and lost the game honestly!

“Uh, master, we

Matsumoto wanted to cry without tears.

He can no longer care about provocations and provocations.

Matsumoto, who is not so outstanding in mental power, is now struggling to endure the pressure of Yukimura’s different dimensions and the interference of mental power.

He has an illusion, it seems that the things around him have become a scene in a kaleidoscope!

The feeling of dizziness and wandering around… it’s like just walking off a roller coaster on nine bends and eighteen bends!

“You better shut up!

Du Ren’s face was also not good-looking.

Although his mental power is much higher than that of his partner, it is still quite different from Yukimura.

The difference in top mental power, even a little bit, is fatal!

The dizziness at this moment is not as severe as Matsumoto’s, but he is inevitably affected by all aspects of feeling!

There seemed to be a hazy ghost in front of his eyes.

But when I gritted my teeth and concentrated my energy to look at it, I would find that everything around me was so normal and plain.

For Du Ren, the surrounding scenes were like a filter loaded with a haha ​​mirror, causing him to tighten his heartstrings and his movements from time to time, which made his reaction slow to a beat.


“15:0, No. 5 court Yukimura, Shiraishi scored “||!”


“30:0, court Yukimura and Shiraishi on the 5th score!

The appearance of Alaya in different dimensions has greatly improved the scoring efficiency of No. 5 court doubles.

Although the process of “provocation and divorce” planned by Tonin and Matsumoto went smoothly, it didn’t work at all in the end!

How about Yukimura showing her strength as they wish?

How about the minister of Rikkai who picks two?

Shiraishi doesn’t play according to their ideas at all!

– The minister of Shitenhouji is not so easy to use.

Even if he feels his own strength gap, Shiraishi is not the kind of person who will hate others and get angry.

He is the head of the Shitenhouji Tennis Department, with his own sense of responsibility and a calm heart that is beyond his peers.

Shitenhouji, located in Osaka in the Kansai region, even if the motto is “fun”, it cannot conceal the persistence and pursuit of victory by these Kansai teenagers.

The perfect bible of passion hidden in the silence, Shiraishi Kuranosuke has a strong sense of competition and desire to win.

At the same time, he never lacks calmness when he has passion.

Although Shiraishi cannot calculate the optimal solution for all action options, he also knows that he now has a very suitable execution plan.

He is very popular and as a roommate of Yukimura, he is not so far away from another U17 training camp Rikkai player, is he?

Shiraishi has never forgotten the surprise he once had in that NiohVS Kite game.

Originally, he thought it was the original strength gap, the basic strength difference.

But now it seems that there is something different!

Shiraishi’s thoughts are mixed in Yukimura’s mental power.

He had some clues, but he couldn’t catch the flash of inspiration.



“40:0, No. 5 court Yukimura and Shiraishi score!”

Dunin and Matsumoto are like little boats in the sea of ​​boundless wind and rain.

They are weak and helpless, just unpityable.

It’s like the Venus flytrap tries to wait for an opportunity to hunt, but unfortunately kicks the iron plate, and it provokes an unreasonable behemoth.

Their tactics were correct, but they miscalculated their own strength!

Shiraishi’s character can’t be shaken only by Tonin’s mental strength and Matsumoto’s verbal provocation.

And, the most important thing is–

Seiichi Yukimura hits two, more than enough!

Who said that mental players do not have the advantage in doubles, but they want to suppress their own strength?

Mental power players can obviously rely on their own mental power to kill two opponents directly at the same time!


The tennis ball hits the ground.

Yukimura finished her swing and smiled slightly while watching the two high school students who had a lot of cold sweat on their foreheads and soaked behind them.

“6:0, doubles two, fifth court Yukimura and Shiraishi win!”

From beginning to end, middle school students suppressed high school students.

Although it is embarrassing, the high school students thought they could provoke their opponents with their tongues, but they let the junior high school students use their power to break the game and end the duel called doubles.

Obviously in the doubles game, the combat power of the doubles combination is one plus one, which is definitely greater than two.

However, the two high school students who are not weak in the No. 3 courts, have a tacit understanding, and have an online IQ together, can’t beat the Minister of Rikkai alone!

The high school students onlookers did not even whisper at this time.

They were dumb, and they realized what they had deliberately forgotten.” “From Rikkai’s great malice”!

Previously, a senior high school student from Rikkai had performed very well in the first batch of U17 recruits for high school freshmen.

Even if the person walked away inexplicably and returned with racquet, he was quite conspicuous to go up one by one from court on the 16th.

The current high school students of U17 either have seen that kind of scene, or they are people who were later recruited (although they haven’t seen much but also heard of “U17 Legend”) after a few months, they have also learned a little bit.” Those who can’t be offended in U17″.

Strictly speaking, the high school tennis world has nothing to do with the junior high school tennis world.

However, the Rikkai High School is connected in the same vein!

Regardless of whether it is Rikkai High School or Rikkai National High School, the abbreviation is unified “Rikkai University”.

At this time, the high school students onlookers suddenly remembered that most of the junior high school students who had been recruited were mostly junior high school students!


The Minister of Doubles Second Rikkai must at least have the strength of the top ten in the army!

So, how much of their tennis prowess did the junior high school students hide before?

So, after the end of Doubles Two, the interested people among the junior high school students on court No. 5 and court No. 6 suddenly found that the eyes of the high school students who were watching had changed considerably.

Age does not represent the level of tennis.

Seniority cannot judge the strength of players.

The only convincing criterion for judgment is the result of the game!

Although the high school students onlookers are full of mixed feelings, they now truly admit that these middle school students are higher than their tennis skills.

PS, Shiraishi thought and thought hard (paddling) to end the game! Handily added a BUFF to him.

Then I came to the house again, sad, Yun Bei. (Sure enough, I still like Shitenhouji who writes joyously! Jianlin smiles so warmly~ I love it).

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