Chapter 510 : Senior boss vs pure middle school student

“1:5, No. 3 court Irie Kanata scored!”

With Irie’s sudden strength and his speed advantage, even if Atobe was unwilling to do so, he could only grit his teeth and watch the high school student on the opposite side of the net score the point he was bound to score.

At this time, the minister of Hyotei looked at the high school student on the opposite court No. 3 with cold eyes without heat.

Recognizing that his opponent is such a hidden side Although Atobe is still confident and proud on the surface, his vigilance has reached the peak.

The eyesight that he was using was used to the extreme by the more focused at this time.

Atobe is determined to find Irie’s blind spot.

– It is impossible for the opponent to have no dead ends, as long as you look for it carefully, as long as you use your own eyesight, you can definitely find it!

Bang bang!


“15:0, No. 3 court Irie Kanata leads!”

“I lied to you before.

At the moment, the high school student in court No. 3 looked extremely bad in Atobe’s eyes.

“15:15, court Atobe Keigo scored on the fifth court!

But Atobe was angry on the surface, but he was calm in his heart.

“30:15, court Atobe Keigo on the 5th takes the lead!”

The Minister of Hyotei is not so easily affected, even if his opponent is Irie Kanata.

097 So, you need to work harder, step by step!

“30:30, No. 3 court Irie Kanata scored!”

Bang bang bang!

The tennis ball was flying quickly in the air.

Irie’s speed is his greatest support at this moment.

But Atobe’s eyes are also Atobe Keigo’s biggest help.


“At 40:30, court Atobe Keigo on the 5th takes the lead!”

It seems that the situation in this round of the game is still comparable to that of you chasing me.

Even if Atobe is currently dominant, most of the junior high school students who watched court No. 5 and No. 6 dare not say that Atobe will definitely win next.

– Irie’s “reversal” in the game just now really gave the middle school students a great “psychological shadow”.

The high school students who watched the court are more confident in Irie.

The high school students thought that Irie was beaten by Atobe in the past is incredible. In their opinion, Irie should play against Atobe.

Although they also recognized the tennis prowess of middle school students and knew that the juniors on these tennis players were not inferior to most of them, they recognized Irie more than Atobe.

– Irie Kanata has left a very deep impression on the U17 training camp tennis memories of these high school students.


The situation on court seems to have reversed again!

Atobe has been watching his opponent with his deep sea blue eyes.

He tried to find the other’s weakness.

His eyesight has been used to the extreme, and a slightly jerky feeling has appeared in his eyes.

But it’s all worth it!

He saw a-

Atobe found Irie’s “dead spot”!

“Ah, continue to indulge in the magnificent skills of this uncle!”

As Atobe said, his toes touched the ground.

He moved sideways, and then jumped into the air.

This time it’s not a “disappearing waltz” or a “adaptive to frustration”.

According to the trend of the game and the changes in the situation, Atobe, which requires a very high taste in music, used another new game very appropriately according to the “story”-

“Towards a crying quick step dance”!

Irie didn’t seem to expect that the ball would be counterattacked, and his face showed a frightened look.

Audiences with better eyesight can see his truly panic and unbelievable micro expression.


Irie’s racquet fell directly to the ground.

The yellow tennis ball bounced back with great elasticity.

A twisted expression appeared on Irie’s gentle and delicate face.

Atobe, who was very satisfied with his eyesight and technical effects, jumped up again, preparing for his final blow.

Sengoku Kiyosumi in the audience stand subconsciously covered his chest, and insisted on staring at the court without blinking.

The highlight (bhcj) is coming!

The climax is coming!

The game is about to turn around again!

Suppress, reverse, back pressure, burst, reverse again

Sengoku said that he has seen through the routines of senior high school students on court!

– Yamabuki Middle-School, lucky to be selected as Senshi, said that he has seen everything!

“Too simple, it’s not a good thing on the court.”

Tanegashima, who witnessed Minister Hyotei falling into the pit again, spoke a little gloating at this time.

The black-bellied and heart-shaped army No.2, let alone in the court game, he is the kind of senior high school student who will cheat the younger generation to play outside the court (Sanada: too lax!)!

The game experience of high school students, in the eyes of most middle school students, is just a less important experience-just a gift of time.

But from Tanegashima and Irie on the court, the game experience is really the bright weakness of the U17 junior high school students!

I have played too few tennis matches, the characteristics of the opponents are too single, and the skills encountered are not many

These little dots have accumulated together, forming the unique and immature tennis worldview of junior high school students.

Just take the different dimension as an example. Before the national competition singles one, besides Nioh and Yukimura, does anyone know what “different dimension” is?

The barriers between the middle school tennis world and the high school tennis world are too strong-so it’s no wonder that when U17 first met, the players who were promoted to high school initially had the top-down attitude toward the middle school students.

The difference in vision results in superiority in consciousness and detachment in an extremely important realm.

When the productivity of human society is extremely underdeveloped, they always think that their settlement is the center of everything.

Even if they realized the breadth of the land, they didn’t think that there would be another piece of fertile land at the end of the sea.

And when people are ambitious to conquer the ocean, the unknown and distant starry sky is still waiting high up for them to know

–But it is precisely because of these things that need to be known and explored, and it is precisely because of these things that have shattered people’s original worldview, talents have the driving force for progress and the expansion of ambition and desire to conquer.

People who have lived in the 21st century do not want to go back to the 12th century.

How can people who have enjoyed and seen the technology of modern society, and have taken trains and airplanes, want to ride a horse cart or even a cart pulled by a donkey on the bumpy dusty dirt road?

The high school students in the U17 training camp, even the freshman players, basically have a sense of superiority that is very secret but makes them incredibly proud of themselves.

-So, at first, the high school students looked at the eyes of the junior high school students, to illustrate it vividly, and the three words “tubaozi” were written in it.

Now, Irie, a well-informed and heart-shaped high school student, has fluently used his personal acting advantages, and happily dug a blatant pit for the “U17 newcomer-never seen the world buns” Atobe!

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