Chapter 516 : Do not forget the black history, enter the protracted war

His eyesight broke through to a different dimensional level, and the new skill named “Atobe Kingdom” is undoubtedly a fresh experience for Irie.

I personally experienced what it was like to be “frozen”. After lamenting how fast the younger generations are progressing now, he decisively used more strength to fight the next protracted battle with Atobe.

“Speed ​​doesn’t mean everything!”

“I have found the’absolute blind spot’!”

“This court is my uncle’s world-my uncle’s “Atobe Kingdom”!”

Atobe, who has broken through himself, is extraordinarily excited.

Because of his previous consumption and the burden caused by the breakthrough now, in fact, he can still feel very tired now.

But when Atobe thinks that he can defeat the high school student on the opposite court No. 3, he has a particularly strong spiritual impetus.

Atobe “One Zero Zero” Keigo, who only returned to Japan in junior high school, overturned a group of seniors in the tennis club when he first entered Hyotei.

Perhaps the results of the Hyotei Tennis Club are not as “different” as the “Friendly School” Rikkai University for many years (after all, there is only one champion, so the Rikkai Tennis Club is naturally different~), but at least, Atobe Keigo is Minister Hyotei, among the many available match results, his losses are pitiful.

As a member of the “golden generation” of junior high school tennis, he actually had very little communication with the so-called seniors.

After all, with the tennis level of their junior high school students, most of the seniors were beaten to the ground!

As for the very few “surviving” predecessors

A few seniors who squatted in which school back then are now high school seniors: I heard that the more intelligent Hyotei has changed his dynasty? Good data, good drama, so interesting!

Far away in Kansai, Shitenhouji well-known manga performers, Heyzenzhi and Hara Tetsuya: We met Rikkai Dai~

Then there is no connection between Hyotei and Shitenhouji!

(Because they never met at all!)

The story ends after Rikkai Yama and Shitenhouji met!

Therefore, Minister Hyotei and the two senior high school students in Osaka do not know each other.

Maori-right in Kanto. It is one of Rikkai Taisho Elections to dominate the Kanto Contest all the year round. Kosaburo: defeated by QWQ

–This can explain well why Atobe is so excited about defeating Irie now.

After all, teenagers will never forget certain “dark history”.

Even now because of the passage of time, basically no one will tease Atobe about this incident, but Minister Hyotei has not forgotten that he once faced the powerlessness of a senior in the third year of the country and now the first grade of high school on the court!

At that time, Atobe’s eyesight showed signs of breakthrough, but unfortunately he did not break through. The winning player was Maori and the winning team was Rikkai. (So ​​there will be the follow-up of Mr. Hyotei alone in Rikkai~)

This matter has been kept in mind by Atobe.

It’s a pity that Maori is one term higher than Atobe, and Minister Hyotei, who owns the “Ice World”, can’t compete with this Rikkai player.

And now court No. 5 vs. court No. 3, singles one, the opponent is senior high school students, and his vision has successfully broken through.

Minister Hyotei on the court ran quickly and steadily intercepted the tennis ball flying from the opposite side.

– This time, if you break through your eyesight, you will definitely win!

Boom! Boom!

The tennis ball fell behind Irie.

“40:15, No. 5 court Atobe Keigo scored!”

Irie, who had been “frozen” just now, looked back at the tennis ball on the court floor that had stopped moving.

“So you want to beat me?”

The high school student at court No. 3 said flatly.

He turned a few times in his heart–

I always feel something is wrong!

According to his understanding of Atobe and “mind reading”, even if Atobe had strong eyesight before, he shouldn’t have his breakthrough eyesight so soon, right?

Although Atobe’s talent is very strong, but he used it so well and played so smoothly when he broke through. Could it be that he was overstimulated just now?

Irie, who is very sensitive to the psychological and emotional changes of his opponent, subconsciously feels that his middle school opponent has some “secret motivation” beyond his grasp.

what is it?

Noting that Atobe’s eyes had certain emotions such as “This time I will definitely win,” Irie wanted to run off court to find Nioh, who is a junior high school student and comes from the “Friendly School” of Hyotei and Rikkai University. asked!

Bang bang bang!

“What’s the matter with Kanata?”

“Even distracted on court?!”


Tanegashima stood up straight in shock.

“6:5, court Atobe Keigo on the 5th takes the lead!”

High school students who hope to fight a protracted battle, try to use their own technology and speed to erase their own dead ends

However, because I was too concerned about the emotions and psychology of the opposite junior, Irie lost the ball at a relatively fast speed.


“The winner is Atobe! The winner is Atobe!”


The middle school students who watched the game were emotionally mobilized.

They are both intellectually and emotionally biased towards their current junior high school teammates. Seeing Atobe proudly win the game just now, they naturally felt the same.


“Indulge in the magnificent skills of this uncle!”

The smoothness of the game just now was beyond Atobe’s imagination.

He thought he would face a protracted battle, but

He won a round so quickly!

Being good at protracted warfare does not mean that you always like to fight protracted warfare until you are exhausted. If you can easily win this game, Atobe is not willing to choose another more troublesome method.


Seeing the other person’s eyes and gestures, Atobe understood–

“Come on one-this uncle’s favorite protracted battle!”

Atobe is ready for a protracted battle!

“Sure win! Atobe is the best at protracted battle!!

“Win the next round!”

The middle school students were excited.

Most of them are quite optimistic about Atobe’s protracted combat capability.

2.9 A very small number of middle school students who feel that the game will not end so easily are also in a good atmosphere in this situation, echoing their teammates, and did not destroy this emotional atmosphere.

The tennis ball turned into an afterimage, flying back and forth over the net.

With their breakthrough vision, Atobe and Irie played almost the same in this round.


“6:6, No. 3 court Irie Kanata scored!”

“I didn’t expect you to evolve so fast…

“Fortunately, senior, I reacted in time, otherwise, wouldn’t it be possible to get a tiebreak?”

The high school student at Court No. 3 smiled and said.

He gently looked at the junior high school student who was sweating clearly on the opposite side.

Five dimensions on paper do not mean everything.

With his existing physical strength, he can still “exchange the protracted battle” with his younger generation!”

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