Chapter 568 : Inside and outside the framework, expect by default

Nioh, who was doing stretching exercises on Court No. 1, shuddered instinctively and almost twisted his ankle.

“Little Nioh, how late did you bother yesterday?”

Tanegashima glanced over.

Basic stretching exercises are so unconcerned. Is there still mental training today?

“It’s half an hour at most, senior.”

After smashing people and doing things, I went back immediately.

“Maybe, someone is saying bad things about me now!”

With that said, Nioh himself laughed first.

Is it Shiraishi or Fuji?

He was able to see Fuji Syusuke whose face turned black last night, and his sense of accomplishment was almost overwhelming!

It’s a pity that he is still a little bit off to Yukimura.

Before Minister Rikkai found out how the paper-based origami roses were colored, Nioh took the birch and took the “Atobe” posture, which seemed unhurried, but in fact raced quickly and immediately.

–Until now, Nioh didn’t want to face Yukimura by himself.

I accidentally ran out of all the red paint

It shouldn’t be a big deal, right?

Anyway, Yukimura came to U17 training camp to play tennis, not to participate in painting training.

-I hope Sanada can calm down the anger of Minister Rikkai.

With this in mind, Nioh gave the “glorious” task of “pleasing Rikkai Minister” to the Deputy Minister of Rikkai.

As for himself

“Senior Tanegashima, we need to talk about the double-play-match-match in three or four days!”

Nioh bit the pronunciation of “doubles game” to remind Tanegashima.

“Should you plan the game process first?”

Among junior high school students, except for Yukimura, whose court control is breathtaking, probably only Nioh Masaharu can say “planning the game process” so frankly.

130 Before the start of the game, set a “framework” If there is no overwhelming strength as a support, I am afraid it will become a joke.

“Ask me?”

“I’m not good at planning.”

Tanegashima Shuji, who has unpredictability in his bones, said even though he was the head of the tennis department.

Casual and unplanned is his style. Tanegashima Shuji will only formulate a “big frame”, such as “Easily win XXXX” “Seriously win XXXX” *After some twists and turns, but still win XXXX” and so on” Big frame”.

As for the small details in the “big frame”

These specific “details” process, Tanegashima has always been free to play!

Even as a minister, what he does is just this–determine goals, formulate a framework, and lead the team to the final victory!

“I have always been free to play.

In order to show that he was serious, Tanegashima took the test specially before speaking.

“Puff, how much strength is the senior prepared to play freely?”

The “fraudster” who seems to be sloppy, has the rigorous and seriousness of detail in his bones.

This is very similar to the appearance of Yagyu Hiroshi-like the “restlessness” factor in Yagyu Hiroshi’s bones.

“Well this”

Tanegashima made a thinking posture, and he tapped his own net racquet handle with his finger.

“Sixty percent.”

He suddenly smiled.

“Of course it is necessary to comply with the U17 training camp regulations and use 60% of the strength!”

Disregarding the U17 training camp regulations that “players are not allowed to compete in private”, Tanegashima said clearly to Nioh in the presence of the absence of a monitor at court number bhcj.

He said this in front of the monitor, and the coaching staff in the main control room didn’t want to know.

The three coaches looked at a certain screen, watching the unabashed discussion scene between Tanegashima and Nioh, with expressionless faces.


Coach Tuo Zhi held his arms and said that he was just a mixed practice coach, regardless of these things on the screen.


Coach Saito smiled slightly and felt that as a mental coach, he couldn’t control the situation on the screen.

U17 training camp does have extremely strict regulations.

If it’s mutual warm-up exercises and practice matches, it’s okay, but if it’s a real tennis match…

From the perspective of maximizing “preserving every point of strength”, U17 prohibits any privately arranged games that are not arranged by the coaching staff!

But Takushoku Ryuuji and Saitō Itaru glanced at each other, and found that whether it was themselves or the other, there was an emotion called “curiosity” in their eyes.

Before Shiraishi was already a first-class level among junior high school students, how much can Shiraishi Kuranosuke do now?

After Seiichi Yukimura’s stimulation, can Minister Shitenhouji realize something new?

What’s more, it’s not just Shiraishi alone

Except for Nioh and Yukimura, Rikkai’s major candidates were all sent to the back mountain.

The coaching staff in the U17 training camp has no idea or understanding of the current Kirihara Akaya’s strength.

Among the third graders of middle school students, Nioh, Yukimura, Atobe, Sanada, Shiraishi, Fuji, Kite, etc. can already support the middle school team.

Among the first graders of junior high school students, Echizen Ryoma, Kintarou Tooyama, and Liliadent Krauser who are interested in developing their own tennis in Japan, are also making continuous progress and surpassing the third graders.

The strength and potential of the first-year students, especially Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama’s strength, potential and speed of progress, amazed the coaching staff.

However, the second grader in the middle of the two cannot ignore the past because of previous surprises.

This year’s U17 World Cup is the last U17 World Cup that most of the existing military teams can participate in.

The next army must be the third graders of middle school students now occupying most of the seats.

Therefore, the next U17 World Cup will also have a basic guarantee.

But what about next year?

The U17 World Cup is held every two years.

Even if they are old enough, some three-year-old students in the current country do not seem to have the meaning of participating in the U17 World Cup three times.

Therefore, the reserve force is particularly important.

It is already a miracle in the tennis world to have an Echizen Ryoma and a Kintarou Tooyama among the first-year students.

Even if Lilia Andre-Liliadent Krauser can always stay, it can’t make up for the possible vacancies in the entire first army team.

The third graders and first graders of middle school students are too dazzling, but the coaches have always understood–

Next time, if there is a possibility of achieving the goal of the U17 World Cup

Among the second graders of middle school students today, there must be a few teenagers who can grow into “overwhelmingly capable tennis players” in the future!

The gathering of the future heads of the tennis departments of the four schools in the 205 dormitory is not accidental, but the result of special arrangements by the coaches.

They don’t deny the possibility that the U17 first military team will appear “the younger generation will be in charge, and the first-year students will be on top” after the current national three students leave collectively.

But pragmatic coaches want to make the future as safe as possible.

Therefore, they need to observe these excellent second-year students in the U17 training camp.

Almost all the “essences” of middle school tennis have been recruited here, as are the outstanding sophomores.

At present, it seems that the player who is most likely to break through the realm in the second life is Rikkai’s Kirihara Akaya!

–And only Rikkai’s ace Kirihara Akaya!

The U17 training camp needs to know the limits of the strength of the Rikkai ace after the training in the back mountain.

Coaches also need to know the possible “upper limit” of the U17 training camp in the future.

–Especially the Kurobe coach.

As a tactical coach, Kurobe Yukio must understand the strength of each player in order to treat the opponent as a “sharp” in his hand.

–At this point, Houshan’s head coach III Mifūne Nyudō III has been doing very well.

Kurobe was watched by his two colleagues, and he tapped the console table twice with his knuckles.

If you can plan ahead and add a possibility of victory to the future, then no amount of effort is worth it now.

“Continue to plan the qualifying matches for junior high school students, and be sure to record the relevant data for each of their matches!”

Coach Kurobe said something that seemed irrelevant.

Except for the people from Rikkai, the game parties and the coaches in front of the screen, no one else should know about the “doubles meeting”.

On the preservation of strength alone-Nioh Masaharu obviously will not hurt the second grader of Rikkai;

The existence of Seiichi Yukimura will basically guarantee the safety of Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

Although Tanegashima Shuji seemed enthusiastic and casual on court, he was cold-hearted, but he would not be so cruel in the face of Rikkai’s juniors.

Therefore, “security issues” can be ignored.

“Preserving the strength of U17” also does not conflict with the game-this game may add a little strength to the U17 training camp.

“Follow up in time and collect data.

Coach Kurobe continued.

This sentence he said seems to be a continuation of the previous sentence.

It sounds like “to follow up the middle school students’ competition and collect data.”

But the actual meaning…

“We will take care of the night shift.”

Coach Tuo Zhi raised his eyebrows and said in response.

“There are only a few days left before the expedition players come back, so let’s work hard for a few more days.”

Coach Saito curled his lip and said.

–Follow up the doubles game being discussed on the screen and be ready to collect data at any time.

Now that the tennis players from Rikkai have personally offered their juniors the opportunity of “strength determination”, then the U17 training camp is unceremoniously next!

PS, the third update delivered in time! I wish you all a happy 2019!! Good night~.

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