Chapter 634 : Complete turnaround, full presence

Beat your teammates after the game–

This reminded many people in the room of Genichiro Sanada, the deputy head of the Rikkai team, who has yet to return.

“Iron Fist Sanctions” are well-known outside the school. Players from different schools have mixed opinions on this.

But the junior high school students who can enter the U17 training camp and stand on this court are all aware of Rikkai’s “violent rule” after Rikkai’s “temporary leave”.

They are also not the kind of pure greenhouse flowers-which player hasn’t-been injured on court?

Although violent tennis is rare in a calm environment, they have all seen the Kwantung Youth Selection and the national competition.

However, it is the first time that junior high school students have seen such practices as the tyrannical senior high school student opposite the net!

The wounded Hakamada Izo endured the pain and was carried away by the medical staff with blood on his face.

He didn’t say anything, but the middle school students were angry.

“what are you doing–”

Kintarou Tooyama’s eyes widened.

Although he beat Hakamada into a bloody face in the game, Xiaojin, who was in court, is still a good boy who respects his predecessors.

The pure white Kansai boy is not ischemic, but kind and innocent.

“Of course it’s execution one-can’t you see it?”

The wild smile on Tohno Atsukyo’s face had not yet subsided, he squinted at Shitenhouji, who was shocked and angry.

At this time, another high school student in the army team opposite the net started frowning as the junior high school students returned with badges one after another. The army No.5 Kaji Kazena sneered.

When Kaji Kazena was quiet, she was almost the same as Tohno Atsukyo, and her appearance was extremely deceptive.

When the young man of Jilajuan does not have malicious expression, he has a pure temperament;

And the young man with half-length hair shawl, looks soft and beautiful, if he smiles gently, he is indistinguishable from male and female.

But it is almost impossible for these two people to abandon their “maliciousness and irritability”.

Kaji Kazena hates others mentioning him the most; Tohno Atsukyo doesn’t care about his appearance, obsessed with the madness of the punishment law, and can’t wait to let everyone else look afraid of him.

And the appearance of the character almost completely thinking, breaking the hardware conditions, and the contemptuous and tyrannical temperament that abruptly acquired expressions

And it’s all the same no-brainer!

Following the chuckle, Jundao glanced at the incumbent No.5 of the First Army.

If it weren’t for the high school student’s fickle temper and lack of mental resistance to stress, Kimijima felt that he would be happy to be “a little bit humble” when the coaching staff arranges doubles partners, and would be a little bit crazy and neurotic Tohno Atsukyo would use it. give him.

–Evil diehards and violent executioners sound like a good match, don’t they?

Unfortunately, the same sex repels each other. Probably because the coaching staff does not want to completely tear down the U17 training camp, Tohno Atsukyo has always been in a state of binding with Kimijima and doubles partner.

This state does not seem to have any other influence on the sentenced person.

But for Junjima, the negotiator-intellectual-civilized man-Ikuto, it is the shadow and the heavy dream that disturbs people all night.

No.7 of the First Army without a trace, withdrew his inquisitive eyes when he looked at his teammates.

For his own plan and the future, Kimijima, who has a relatively safe and comfortable life in the team, silently ordered Kaji Kazena.

This sneer did not attract the attention of a few people!

The red-haired boy on the opposite side of the net, but in Kimijima’s eyes, “Oni Jujiro, another big mountain that is unshakable except Byōdōin Hōō in the U17 training camp.”

The hell ghosts and gods of the past sealed themselves in court No. 5, making most people gradually forget its terrible degree.

As long as Kimijima, a high school student of the same level as Oni Jujiro and Byōdōin Hōō, has the heart to hold the racquet, he will never and never forget the game that day that year.

Different dimensions, ghosts and gods.

Awe of the strong is the way for the weak and all ordinary people to survive.

Kimijima consciously feels that he is a smart person-even though he is not so clear and enlightened in Tanegashima’s eyes, compared to most of his colleagues, the No. 7 of the first army is indeed regarded as “relationship training”. .

Even though, he only achieved the superficial “famous feelings”, rather than the communicative level talent and practical value like No.2.

However, in an environment where players like the Army have outstanding and diverse personalities, Junjima is indeed a “rare and smart man.”

While most of the others looked at Tohno angrily, Junjima noticed what a decision the long-silent “hell gatekeeper” in the Second Army had made when he heard the current No.5 of the First Army. .

Is it “protecting shortcomings” or “resolved long ago”?

Kimijima feels that she doesn’t need to think about these things now.

People who need to bet more attention come one-

Here comes a group!

“Wow, is it an internal ministry activity? No wonder I didn’t find Wentai just now!”

Akutakawa Jirou said to the second army team, where Hyotei middle school students gather.

When it was over, I didn’t notice that Ci Lang suddenly became energetic, and his hand slowed down a step without gagging!

Mukahi Gakuto shattered his can and closed his eyes.

The red-haired younger sister Hyotei has already accepted his fate – their Hyotei are ashamed and thrown in front of the senior high school students!


The resourceful Hyotei military commander Oshitari Yuushi glanced at Atobe awkwardly, and got a cold eye knife from Minister Hyotei.

Well, it’s not strictly his fault!

Isn’t Atobe also present?

If the minister does not stop it, it is equivalent to acquiescence!

The Kansai boy of Hyotei played his alcohol and quickly adjusted his mood.

“Wen Tai! Wen Tai! Here, I am here!”

Fortunately, in the Hyotei member-Rikkai player fan. In Akutakawa Jirou’s heart, Minister Hyotei still has a bit of deterrence.

In front of Atobe Keigo who looked at him coldly, he seemed to be on the verge of death now-this intuition made Hyotei’s Marui Buki not happily ran to Rikkai’s group.

But even with “near-death pressure”, Akutakawa Jirou still did not forget to wave and call his idol Marui Bunta happily.

It’s a pity that his joy can’t dissolve the condensed atmosphere that is suppressed by the noise on the scene.

“It seems that the game is all over.”

Byodoin held his arms and stood still, and said coldly.

On the contrary, it doesn’t sound ridiculous, it’s just plain and straightforward.

It’s just that I don’t know if I had anticipated it, or if I was confident about the next game, I just ignored it?

Under the thick long bangs dyed blue, Tsukimitsu Ochi thought silently.

No. 9 of the first army has been taciturn in the team, he never commented and discussed anything in public with enthusiasm. But perhaps it was because of his silence that he understood this army team clearly.

If it were before, Byōdōin Hōō would definitely be angry–because all N..11 to N..20 high school students in the First Army were defeated.

How can such a weak team win the world championship?

First Army No.1 has reason to be angry;

Byōdōin Hōō also has reasons to be angry.

Because, in this team, most people are “a drag” for the captain who is obsessed with the championship!

……For flowers……

The tennis prowess of middle school students seems to have been proven, but in large-scale world-level competitions, the probability of unexpected level fluctuations is too high.

Therefore, as the No. 1 team aspiring to win the U17 World Cup, Byōdōin Hōō has reason to be angry.

–But this is the original, the result of the development of things under normal circumstances.

The current situation is very different from “common sense.”

Tsukimitsu Ochi watched coldly, but was upset by the quarrel with Rikkai’s high school student.

However, Yue Zhi, who is honest on the surface, has to admit that although Maori is overly lively and noisy, it also has advantages that cannot be ignored.

For example, honesty.

Kimijima was dubious about what Mōri Juzaburō said, but Tohno Atsukyo couldn’t listen to anything.

But Tsukimitsu Ochi heard everything.

Byōdōin Hōō is now gradually eclectic in appearance, but in his bones he is still the legendary minister of Makinofuji.

As a minister, you don’t have to worry about trivial things (they are all about the deputy minister and military division~), but you also need skills other than tennis.

For example, listen.

No. 1 of the first army did not say anything, and the action reaction shown was also extremely disgusting with Maori, but how much did he listen to?


Of course, Otsuchi did not know the idea of ​​Byodoin, but he used the idea of ​​a captain to consider the victory of the tennis team game-three wins in five games are victories, and losses are allowed, but three games are guaranteed to be won.

And Rikkai in the Maori mouth is big

As long as there is a middle school student who has the level of yelling No.10 in the army, Byodoin has no reason to be angry!

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned-in the “temporary team” that has just arrived at court on the 16th, two people have already “reached the standard”!

Thinking hard about the Rikkai player, Tsukimitsu Ochi tried very hard to ignore the existence of the Hyotei junior high school students on the other side.

– Hyotei, the former head of the Junior Middle School Tennis Department, was very worried that he would lift his bangs on impulse and stare at the juniors.

-First Army No. 9 only realized how much his doubles partner is worthy of his tolerance and cherishment after seeing the younger generations!

PS, please tolerate and cherish those [simple, ignorant] senior high school students who have finished their appearance now-here are some seniors in particular!

What kind of hatred are the members of Rikkai?! This point, “Prince of Tennis” has long told us! In contrast, Hyotei is really a little angel!!! Compared with four days, compared with Seigaku, no matter what Compared with any school, Hyotei is a simple and kind little angel!

Finally, how can the No. 1 army have no reason to be angry? No Tokugawa, no ghosts, understanding No. 2 will make him angry to an explosion!

PPS, the author deleted the original scenes of the middle school students (anyway, everyone is already familiar with them, let’s learn more about high school students!) and added the high school scenes (also adopt the original setting, and then extend the private setting! ) As always, the private settings developed from the small settings improved by the original work are mixed in, once again warned, do not accidentally hurt (some original settings

You can check yourself if you don’t know it, but please check it in many ways, because some Q&A or posts are originally private or self-understanding by people who have not read the original setting! It seems very convincing and a fan of the male god, but at all It’s not like this! Some of the settings are not black originals or arranged like that, so you can make up for it if you don’t think it is appropriate. long time ago,

Every time I see such a question and answer, I feel very tired. Now I emphasize it again and explain in advance-I don’t accept the set question and answer, but as always, I accept all the self-braining of the corners of the text!) soil.

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