Chapter 647 : End, smart choice

The coaching staff originally gave Nioh the “privilege”, which is actually equivalent to introducing Nioh, who is still a middle school student, to the No.1 army.

At that time, although Nioh didn’t show the phantom of another dimension in front of others, “others” couldn’t guess the tennis level of the middle school student who allowed the coaching staff to let it go?

Byōdōin Hōō uses Oni Jujiro as a yardstick, and he can think of the level of the middle school student of Rikkai.

On the surface, the boss of the First Army is dismissive of anyone, and he is also “not in sight” towards Oni Jujiro. But in fact, if he doesn’t value ghosts, how can he pick Tokugawa?

–The reason why Tokugawa Kazuya was hit so badly was because of the “hate stacking” of another high school student!

Therefore, as soon as I came back today, the leader of the army, Byōdōin Hōō, who was challenged by the black-haired high school student at No. 1 court, was also very interested in “Rikkai High School Students” as Tokugawa Kazuya thought.

During the expedition, although No.10 was really annoying, but the rough surface actually treated No.1 who was patient in specific areas, but according to the existing information, I studied the “newcomers” of the U17 training camp.

As for why he hasn’t shown great interest in Rikkai now…

It’s definitely not because he wanted to “cope” Tokugawa Kazuya!

It was not at all because of the idea that he and Tokugawa’s grievances “will have a battle”!

The black-haired high school student has not so much face that the domineering army boss values ​​so much.

The reason why Byodoin hasn’t looked at the middle school students of Rikkai University until now is because of the high school students of Rikkai University!

No.2 and No.10, the existence of these two high school students has made Byōdōin Hōō’s fighting spirit against the middle school students of Rikkai suddenly diminished!

Nothing else

What if the current minister of Rikkai University is another Tanegashima Shuji?

Such a bad opponent, the No. 1 army decided to ignore it.

As for another junior high school student Nioh Masaharu–

Maori was so active that Byodoin was too embarrassed to lower his style to compete with the younger generation in the team.

However, instead of seeing Rikkai University, I can only see Byōdōin Hōō in Tokugawa River. Instead, I noticed the direction the black-haired high school student was gazing at.

–Richkai players who can’t get around!

The boss of the first army stared in that direction, and the time his sight stayed was actually very short, less than three seconds-but it was enough to be noticed by other careful and caring people, such as Kimijima, who was busy negotiating and negotiating to draw up the qualifying list.

“let’s go!”

No. 1 of the First Army said, and regardless of his other colleagues in the First Army, he strode away.

NO.3 Duke Watanabe followed his boss very naturally.

The mysterious NO.4 chuckled lightly, and looked at the back of a certain country on the other side of the net, and walked away leisurely.

No. 5 Kaji Kazena, who frowned at this moment, was not inferior to the No. 8 sentenced person. It seemed that he had noticed something or received some special signal.

Although the other players in the first army have different emotions, they are somewhat “superficially calm.”

For example, the cheerful No2 Tanegashima Shuji and the tired NO.6 Omagari;

For example, NO.7 Kimijima, who has a gentle aura on the surface, and No.8 Tohno, who said “I’m impatient, who will pick me up and punish me” but just snorted and left with Kimijima. Atsukyo.

Another example is NO.9 Tsukimitsu Ochi, who is expressionless even though he values ​​his opponent in the qualifying match tomorrow, and the junior high school students of Rikkai University with a very reluctant look, and then left with NO.9. NO.10 Mōri Juzaburō

Since it has already been said that “Qualifying will be held in this court tomorrow morning”, there is no need to stay here.

Time is tight, and the preparation time is so short, how can there be time to stay?

The middle school students have left in twos and threes with their teams or teammates or roommates.

The high school students also left in a hurry-they still have training tasks to do today!

–Even in the event of “Return of the First Army from an Expedition”, the U17 training camp will not be on holiday!

–So all the missing training must be made up!

“Together, or disband?”

Liu opened his eyes and asked.

After Mitsuya Akuto finished watching, he said goodbye to Yanagi Renji and left with the other three high school students.

The reason why Junshi Liu is still standing here and not leaving with Mitsuya

Naturally, it is because Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of Rikkai University, is standing here and not moving.

If the minister doesn’t give instructions, how can the members dare to act at will?

So, even Nioh didn’t blatantly walk to the opposite side of the net-although Nioh now wants to go to the opposite side and chat with Maori, whom he hasn’t seen for a long time.

“time is limited ”

Yukimura crookedly said words that wasted time.

He was doing things that were completely thoughtful–wasting time. He looked around with different emotions and tentative eyes, without any discomfort.

This is probably the pride of “Rikkai, the king of junior high tennis”, Kimijima glanced at the minister of Rikkai before leaving, thinking like this.

“There are no mandatory requirements for this qualifying competition.

The Minister of Rikkai said very tolerantly.

“Everyone, prepare for it.”

He continued.

Nioh, who stood carelessly on the side, answered in his heart–


“But one-”


“Since it is a competition, all we want is victory!”

Yukimura’s requirements have always been very simple.

It’s just “victory”, that’s all.

Nioh, who had guessed the next sentence, couldn’t help but sigh in his heart for the consistent and uniformity of their tennis department director.

Yagyu and Kuwabara, who had no idea about the top ten qualifying for a long time, also naturally accepted all this.

After Liu Junshi and his “Brother Akuto” played a tennis match, they were already satisfied.

Sanada still refuses to tell others what his different-dimensional phantom is, and what he waits for is the opportunity to compete with a strong enough opponent, the top ten in the army!

Only Marui and Kirihaya are the tangled people.

Marui has other considerations.

Kirihara Akaya, who has completed a breakthrough in another dimension, is rarely stunned–

“Can’t lose”

“Of course I will win!”

“Senior Nioh must compete with Senior Maori, then the opponents are other high school students from the first army.

“It’s not impossible for other high school students to be opponents, but”

“The deputy minister wants to compete with Tanegashima-senpai. Tanegashima-senpai is the No. 2 in the army.”

The tangled remnant thoughts appeared on his face, and it turned out to be broken

“I have already competed with NO.2, should I compete with NO.1 in qualifying?”

Rikkai’s second-year ace is struggling with such things.

Kirihaya, who has been looking forward, lost the doubles game, but in his own opinion-he Kirihara Akaya is also the trump card compared to the No. 2 player of the first army!

That doubles left him too much to continue to accumulate and comprehend, and he hasn’t fully grasped it yet.

If you continue to play, it seems that you won’t get much.

–Rather, it is better to give such a rare opportunity to other teammates who are about to work hard for a goal.

“Minister”, Kirihaya finally made up his mind.

Under the gaze of his predecessors, he made a choice.

“Tomorrow’s qualifying, I won’t participate.”

Rikkai’s sophomore ace said solemnly.

If the opponent’s No.1, he may continue to hesitate and struggle for a while.

However, the seniors have told others that the No.1 army has already had such information as a certain opponent, so why is he hesitating?

It is better to watch the game quietly outside the court than to let yourself be disturbed by the game.

Not only saw the wonderful performance and strength levels of others, but also preserved their strength and surprised others at the U17 World Cup!

–This is what Rikkai’s second-year ace is going to do.

“Puff, Akaya has grown up.”

Nioh said, squinting his eyes slightly to cover his surprise.

He didn’t expect that his younger generation would have such a willingness to choose–

The younger generations have always been keen to compete with the strong, and now they give up on the basis of having a winning rate and being completely able to participate. They have indeed grown up!

Thinking about this, Nioh looked at his other red-haired teammate with disgust.

Marui was also surprised by Kirihaya’s decision, but after he himself felt the disgusting look from the mocking white-haired companion, he almost exploded his hair in public regardless of his image!

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho selected almost crushed the bubble gum in his mouth. He has no intention of blowing bubbles now.


It’s easy to say, really 2.9 is doing it, how can it be so simple?

Father, like son.

Marui Bunta is also a very sensible and calm boy. But when he was struggling just now, he still couldn’t make a quick decision.

Now, it was the younger generation’s decision that prompted him, the third-year senior, to make up his mind–

“Minister, I won’t participate anymore!”

Marui narrowed his smile and said.

He also has his own things to do.

The tennis match is not the same as a “catalyst of strength improvement” for everyone. Compared to seeking a breakthrough on the court-the key is that he is not sure of winning right now, Marui gritted his teeth and chose to watch off the court.

It’s just a little bit, it doesn’t have to be on the court, Rikkai’s big genius thought so.

– In case of a negative impact or an injury to the game, maybe it will drag down his genius idea!

Arriving in Houshan early and receiving the very targeted guidance from the three ships coach, coupled with the gold-rich doubles game that I have watched before, the talented red-haired Rikkai big player has already had his own ideas.

Ingenious, Marui Bunta is a truly talented player, and his whimsical ideas can become real stunts.

Therefore, with the current thinking, what Marui needs is to follow the thinking step by step and make steady deductions!.

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