Chapter 770 Multi-school joint team, in the ward

After receiving the invitation from the predecessors, Liliadent Krauser, who was confused by standing alone, naturally joined this growing “temporary team”.

Then when they were about to walk to the entrance of the infirmary, they saw Chitose and tangerines–

These two people should be visiting the injured Ishida Gin.

Everyone looked at them and thought so.

However, after approaching, Nioh and the others heard Chitose Senri’s worried voice.

“The injury is very serious, do I need to stay in bed all the time?,

“I thought I could be trained in the dormitory, but now it seems that the injury is too serious and must be in the infirmary

Chitose Senri was very worried and talked to Tachibana Yoshihira. He is undoubtedly able to empathize with the “injury”. Not having gone to the infirmary with Shiraishi before does not mean that he does not care about the injuries of his teammates.

“Ishida should be checking for a little longer? Or, he and Shiraishi are chatting with senior high school students in the infirmary?”

Ishida Gin’s roommate Tachibana Yoshihira guessed.

No matter it was out of that mood, he was unwilling to go on with Chitose’s worries.

Before, after he and Chitose watched the qualifying match, like other middle school students, there was an inexplicable impulse in their hearts.

That feeling of swelling in his chest, even bursting gradually, and how can it be suppressed, made him want to play tennis on court.

So after qualifying, the Minister of Fudomine took a look at his friend Chitose Senri–

Although they are now members of the tennis clubs of different schools, at this moment, the mood and impulse of the two are the same.

-One they all want to run on the net 17 court, waving racquet.

Let the passion and impulse flowing in the chest gradually slow down as the sweat drips, so as to restore calmness and calm down.

Lion Music Middle-School, the Lion Music Tennis Club undoubtedly had too much influence on Tachibana and Chitose when he was National One.

But to put it another way, when Tachibana Yoshihiro and Chitose Senri joined the Lions Club Tennis Club, weren’t they willing and full of excitement?

After all, the facts that have always been avoided, those emotions and feelings that he thought could be ignored without thinking deeply, were finally figured out after the U17 training camp for Orange Jiping, who returned to his blond hair.

This is actually very good for his tennis.

But the “counteraction” is–

After being depressed for too long, the passion will be released again, and the impulse can’t be restrained.

–After the qualifying match, Tachibana and Chitose directly carried racquet away from the big team.

The two of them randomly found a court and started a fierce tennis match.

They didn’t feel a little embarrassed across the net until they were tired and calm.

Chitose is now a player in the Shitenhouji tennis club. He should have followed Shiraishi Kuranosuke to the infirmary to see Ishida Gin!

Although Tachibana is not Shitenhouji’s player, he is Ishida Gin’s roommate. As a result, not only did he not care about Ishida Gin, but instead took Shitenhouji’s players to play tennis for such a long time.

Sure enough, because the qualifying match gave them too much mental shock, did they both lose their sanity?

But embarrassment belongs to embarrassment. After playing tennis, they still have to see the injured teammate.

But after calming down, after going to the dormitory to find someone, Tachibana and Chitose frowned–

Why can’t I find anyone?

Didn’t go back to the dormitory, is it possible to still be in the infirmary?!

So worried, Chitose Senri and Tachibana Yoshihira walked to the front of the infirmary together.

When they were about to enter the door, they saw Nioh and their “magnanimous” group of people.

–Very mighty, very powerful.

At least, Chitose and Tachibana stopped talking when they saw them.

Rikkai Dai, Hyotei, Seigaku, Yamabuki, Higa Middle, Saint Rudolph, and Liliadent Krauser.

The tennis players of these schools are together

[If you add Jiping, Shitenhouji and Fudomine to me, this is almost all the U17 junior high school tennis clubs. 】

If it wasn’t for the black feather spring breeze of Rokkaku Middle-School or Tiangen Hikaru who was not in the group of people in front of him, if it weren’t for him and Tachibana Yoshihira who actually met these people here, Chitose would have thought that Nioh and the others were deliberately forming such a school. The tennis club has a “representative team” to visit the wounded.

[But it’s not bad to think about it this way, at least very imposing]

And it’s easy to move people.

After joining the Shitenhouji Tennis Club, Chitose Senri, who is increasingly infected by the school spirit, can’t help but imagine the facial expressions of his friends after seeing such a “representative team.”

“It seems that we all want to go together-everyone is going to visit Ishida-kun and senior high school students.

Yukimura actually felt that it was a coincidence that these people could meet together.

However, Minister Rikkai himself likes such a coincidence.

“Yes, Shiraishi and the others went to see Ah Yin, but they haven’t come out for so long.”

“Jiping and I were a little worried, so we came to have a look.”

Although Chitose played tennis with Tachibana for a period of time, his mood “cooled down” a little bit, but he still hasn’t forgotten Mr. Rikkai’s “show his skills” in qualifying.

Just some words

[Visit senior high school students in the infirmary??][Yukimura-san, are you sure you didn’t come to let the senior high school students get their hearts out?]

Chitose felt that two senior high school students didn’t want to see Seiichi Yukimura now. At least for now, they shouldn’t want to see Minister Rikkai’s smile.

“Well, there are still some other things to discuss with seniors.”

Nioh hadn’t thought about speaking at this time.

After all, there are three ministers from Rikkai University, Hyotei, and Higa in the “team”, as well as Yanagi Renji, Guanyuechu, and Sengoku Kiyosumi who can communicate on behalf of the team in the tennis club.

However, after Yukimura finished speaking, he stopped there, but Atobe and others did not open up as if they had reached an agreement ー-

Isn’t this just for him to say the “purpose”!

“Tomorrow, I will play a game with Senior Court No. 1 of Byodoin Temple. Please come over and be the audience if you have time.”

“Of course, it’s better to come and cheer for the audience.”

Nioh said, joking on purpose.

Chitose and Tachibana, who just listened to his “joke”, obviously couldn’t smile easily.


Orange Jiping was taken aback.

“Nioh, do you want to be No.1 singles with the First Army?”

Chitose reacted faster, but only to reconfirm whether there was a problem with his hearing.

“That’s it.

“My uncle will take Oshitari and the others to Court No. 1 tomorrow, and they will come here now.”

Hearing the beginning of what he wanted, Minister Hyotei was satisfied, and he was finally willing to speak.

“In order to be able to inform all high school students, of course we have to come to “professionals.” ”

“Right, Nioh?”

Atobe’s tone was plain and plain, as if what he said was taken for granted.

But Tachibana and Chitose were dumbfounded.

Forgive their imagination, after all, such a thing seems to be a bit cruel to the well-known senior high school student.

“It’s not right now.” It’s too late, we all walked to the door, Atobe. ”

“So Chitose, and tangerine–”

“Since we have gotten together, let’s just form a team and go in to face Ishida and the seniors.”

Nioh is not afraid of what Minister Hyotei meant, and after seeing Chitose and Tachibana Yoshihira, he immediately thought of a very good idea.

This idea of ​​his is actually similar to Chitose’s inner complaints.

–Since everyone is here, why divide into “small groups”?

-Isn’t it more imposing to form a “middle school student team” together, at least it sounds nice in the name.

“Oh, that sounds great.

Minister Rikkai’s eyes lit up.

“It’s not only good, we get together, isn’t it the’Middle School Student Team’?”

Sengoku Kiyosumi said Nioh’s unfinished words and aspirations.

“”Representative Team”

Kite Eishirou thoughtfully.

“Very gorgeous idea.”

Minister Hyotei was also attracted by this idea.

They are all just middle school students. No matter how calm the character is, a youth of this age will have the dream of youth, want to run to the end of the world, want to cut through the wind.

They sometimes have contradictory ideas, they want to look up at the sky alone in the sun, and they want to have a group of partners with different interesting souls.

“–It’s super cool!!”

“Senior Marui, they will definitely envy us at 280!”

Kirihaya also lit up, and then nodded wildly in agreement.

“Team? Form-a-representative-team?? ”

Although the first-year Liliadent Krauser spoke like interrogative sentences, his tone was undoubtedly a bit agitated.

Something that sounds very interesting and fulfilling–

All of them are willing to try.

“Then it’s settled!”

When they first saw Nioh, they complained about Chitose Senri, who felt so strange that these people gathered together, and immediately represented that Minister Fudomine next to them, Minister Shitenhouji and others in the infirmary agreed.

Chitose feels that Tachibana Yoshihira will definitely be willing to join this “team”.

– Although Shiraishi is not here, he certainly doesn’t mind being “represented”. This kind of thing should be able to miss them Shitenhouji!

Therefore, under the unanimous approval of this group of “like-minded” teenagers, things became like this.

– In the ward of the infirmary, No. 1 of the First Army is talking to his “childish” high school students who are “not enterprising” and who throw pillows leisurely.

“Kimijima, you don’t want to lie here with Tohno like you do with a lot of snacks in the game!”

Kimijima, who was still dizzy due to the aftereffects of the Yukimura match, was enduring uncomfortable listening to Byōdōin Hōō’s words.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a large group of junior high school students in tennis uniforms coming in uninvited and swarming in.

Jun Island:

As soon as so many middle school students entered this ward, plus the players already in the room-

The high school players who were still in distress suddenly felt more dizzy.

Kimijima felt that he should have gritted his teeth and insisted to leave the infirmary immediately after waking up, or just change to a ward.

Ps: Soon, Jundao will feel that he might as well keep staring!

Shiraishi, rest assured, you will all be able to join the team soon!

PPS, Rokkaku Middle-School players (Kuroba, Tiangen) who didn’t know but would know sooner or later: What happened? Is this a collective action?.

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