Chapter 922 Opening doubles, read the future

“U17 World Cup opening warm-up match, German team VS Japan team–”

“The game is about to start!”

The U17 national team players who have not yet played are listening to the cheers in the arena in the player channel.

“The following is the U17 World Cup nine consecutive championship team-U17 Germany!”

Especially when introducing the German team, the cheers and applause shocked people’s eardrums.

Borg led his teammates out of the contestant passage. He looked cold, and did not show a smile because of the warm cheers of the two spectators.

The same goes for his German teammates, taking people’s cheers and applause as normal.

“The next one will be the Japanese national team!”

The introduction voice was very dedicated and did not give different treatment to the two teams.

But the spectators don’t think so. The reason why they bought tickets to the auditorium of this stadium is to watch the U17 German team.

As for the Japanese national team, who cares?

The human voice is sparse and deserted.

Only a few polite applause to greet the U17 national team players who walked out of the player channel.


Under pressure, it becomes bigger.

The junior high school students who had laughed on the bus before involuntarily reduced the smiles on their faces. Relatively more experienced high school students also showed a fairly calm attitude.

“The hand is really there.”

Someone in the team whispered.

“Is that the professional player Borg?”

On the opposite team, the most noticeable one was Borg.

“The rules of the U17 World Cup are like this. As long as they meet the requirements of under17, they can participate.”

“Rather than discussing this, I want the host to speak faster!”

As Kite said, his face became cold.

“Yes, it’s too depressing, as if we don’t exist!”

Oshitari walked behind the team. He thought that his own national team was not noticed by the audience. Moreover, his position was still so far behind, so it is estimated that no one would see him.

Oshitari Yuushi, who was thinking this way, was full of desire to complain as soon as he spoke.

“How could it be when we don’t exist 400–”

Nioh’s voice came from the front coldly.

“If we weren’t there, wouldn’t the opposite German team have no opponents?”

The logic is still problematic, but if you don’t go into it carefully, Nioh’s words seem to be really correct!

Are they not here to be the opponents of the U17 German team?

-They are here to defeat the German team, the king of nine consecutive championships!

Thinking about it in this way, Kite and Oshitari were silent.

The two of them were successfully persuaded by Nioh.

Then, wait for the game to be announced and wait for the two players to stand on the court

“The first doubles one-”

“The Japanese team, Watanabe, FujiVS Germany, Bismarck, Seyfried!”

The cheers are for the German U17 team as usual.

The two German players who stepped onto the court, whether they were high school or middle school students, were accustomed to the enthusiasm of the audience and accepted it naturally.

Duke Watanabe also accepted the cold reception on his side naturally.

Two or three years ago, he was not such a tennis player who “sees foreign objects as nothing”. At that time, he was titled “King of Destruction”, and he was of the “flammable and explosive” type.

But now the last U17 World Cup changed him.

The boss, Byōdōin Hōō, whom he confessed willingly, convinced him. So Watanabe competitor started the “cultivation of the body” for more than two years-although he did not learn to practice calligraphy like Byōdōin Hōō, his temper was undoubtedly relaxed a lot.

When he was on the field, Watanabe took a look at his middle school partner–the high school student player was ready to soothe his nervous partner.

However, his preparations seemed to be in vain.

” that’s too regretful.”

Fuji’s mood is not so high, but his fighting spirit has not declined.

The junior high student with flaxen hair is not timid in the atmosphere of “away game”, he is just a little regretful.

“I missed this time, I don’t know if I have another chance next time

It seems that the opponent’s opponent will be Yukimura. When Fuji came on the field, he glanced at the direction of the German player.

Then, this gentle-tempered junior high school student-his aura suddenly became lingering!

“Let’s work hard together and win the first victory for the team!”

Contrary to the tough Fuji, Watanabe showed a gentler smile.

[Since I’m on the court, I must win!]

Duke Watanabe was not originally a high school player from the U17 training camp in Japan. He has no hard reason to stay in this team, but the reason why he stayed in this under-appreciated team for two consecutive years is for this U17. World Cup!

“The first game, the German team serve!”

Game start.

The players in the court are like stars at this moment, and they are highly anticipated.

However, the Japanese players, who are teammates of the players, have a different focus.

“Look over there, many teams are coming!”

After Nioh misled the logic of his teammates, he misled his teammates’ concerns.


“This is the French team? Don’t they need to play?”

“There is Spain over there!!’

“This team uniform, Switzerland is here too!”

The U17 World Cup, the top four teams all came to this stadium.

“If we kill the German team here, they will be stunned!”

Kirihara Akaya was very excited. He wanted to let time fast forward to the end of the game and let him see the dumbfounded appearance of other team spectators.

“You kid–that’s what makes me pleasing to my eyes!! Hahahahaha–”

On this point, Tohno Atsukyo gave Kirihaya an admiring look.

–This is a rare treatment!

“Senior Watanabe is going to make a move!”

Yukimura wanted to calm down, but he looked at his teammates around him. Since everyone is so excited, why should he be disappointed?

The responsibility of keeping calm is left to Byodoin seniors, Captain Yukimura thought.

This can be regarded as using the “experience method of getting along with seniors” from Nioh.

on court.


“Home run–!”

Just kidding, the high school students of the German team may be difficult to deal with, but if you want to let the once famous “Destruction King” deal with the middle school students one-


This sound was not the sound of a tennis ball swinging, but the sound of Seyfried falling heavily to the ground.

The German middle school player who dismissed the U17 national team before the start of the game finally learned a lesson!

【how come–】

After Seyfried fell to the ground, he gritted his teeth and raised his head.

The proud German middle school player looked suspiciously at the opponent on the opposite side of the net. He couldn’t believe it–

He was so good in Germany, he suffered such a “dream monster” in the first game after coming to the U17 World Cup!

“Senior Watanabe is too serious.”

Fuji did not expect that the senior high school student he partnered with took the lead to teach the German middle school player on the opposite side. He originally wanted to use his opponent to try his new moves.

“(Bhcj) The opponent’s worldview has been hit.”

The gentle genius opened his ice blue eyes and joked with a smile.

Fuji Syusuke is smiling–

However, anyone who is familiar with Seigaku’s genius will know how angry his smile is.

“Fuji is angry?”

After the running-in training of the U17 training camp and the Okinawa temporary training camp, the players of the U17 national team became familiar with each other a lot.

So at this time, Shiraishi Kuranosuke was surprised when he discovered the danger of Fuji with his eyes open and a smile.

“I didn’t expect Syusuke to be so positive.”

Captain Yukimura is also confused, but Fuji is so proactive, it is always a good thing for the team.

–At this time, most people think so, thinking the same as Seiichi Yukimura’s.

“Are you neglecting the German team too much?”

Nioh reminded his teammates.

“This junior high school student pushed the Shoujia before.”

He emphatically emphasized “Shoujia” and pronounced the accent on the name of Shoujia.

Nioh hinted that the guiding mind was about to be on the bright side. Yanagi Renji was listening, once again wondering if the “fraudster” in their team had been victimized.

It’s not that Liu thinks that Nioh is not like the “Nioh Masaharu” he is familiar with, but compared to before, is Nioh getting more and more naive recently?

[Is it because I reunited with Mori-senpai, so I was’more active’?]

Liu wondered in his heart, but he instinctively felt that this idea was not the correct answer.

Although intuition is not as intuitive and reliable as data, sometimes it is particularly effective–

So what happened to Nioh with Fuji before?

With a little cocoon, Liu gradually grasped part of the truth when Nioh didn’t know it.

–Although this truth can never be fully discovered, but this small part of the conclusion Liu deduced is correct.

Nioh relied on his own mind to “free himself” and relied on the fact that Fuji Syusuke himself was not here (Nioh: Even if he was here, what happened, he opened his eyes and became angry when he mentioned his hand-this does not mean’Seigaku genius’ Fuji Syusuke? I’m telling the truth!!), and aroused the curiosity of others in the team towards Seigaku players.

“I used to sit at the station before going to Seigaku, balabal”

In this U17 representative team, which currently does not have a Seigaku player, talking about the genius of Seigaku and Minister Seigaku, of course the addition of Kirihara Akaya is indispensable.

Rikkai’s sophomore ace broke out on the spot that he “I used to sit at a station while riding a train and then went to the Seigaku Tennis Club”!

Then, before Sanada had a black face to teach his juniors, the Kirihaya player succeeded in “self-help”–

“I have never forgotten Fuji-senpai’s “Yan Fan”!!

Rikkai’s second-year ace raised his chest, proudly showing his memory to others.

The smile on Seiichi Yukimura’s face couldn’t hold back.

As one of the “victims” of the younger generation’s brain holes, he really doesn’t want his “Saint Seiya Series” moves to be famous in the team!

Sanada also barely endured what he was about to say.

Vice Minister Rikkai turned his head very wisely and watched the game seriously. He found that he was too slack just now, how could he not concentrate on watching the game!

Only Nioh was overjoyed, and the younger generation who worked so hard to teach was not fortunate enough to disappoint his expectations–

“Akaya is right!”

“Fuji has used “Yan Fan” very well a long time ago. ”

He couldn’t wait to replace the genius Fuji’s “Yan Hui Shan” with a more famous name.

“His name of’genius’ is worthy of the name.

The outburst of genius’ inspiration can make mortals desperate, Nioh thought.

Nioh Masaharu has never lost his vigilance against the “peers” of the national three veteran opponents.

–If the advantages of the gift of time are not strengthened, sooner or later they will be caught up.

But this is only the worst result, for ordinary tennis players who are one step ahead.

–Is the “fraudster on court” an ordinary tennis player?

–Obviously not.

So Nioh, who is one step ahead, can already look down at the future of these “old opponents who once regarded as enemies”!

When it comes to Fuji Syusuke, it reminds Nioh of “Star Fireworks”.

But when it comes to “Star Fireworks”

His “Meteor Strike”, the ultimate meaning is not “Meteor Fall”, but to read the opponent’s next move!

“I saw the end of the game!

The shining star stream flashed in Nioh’s eyes.

Nioh looked at the players on the court and narrowed the eyes that outlined the narrow tails.

Yukimura and the others mistakenly believed that his “Phantom” could transform the future while they were in the country. Others also had this idea about “Nioh Phantom”.

But the earliest–

At the earliest time, Nioh’s move to see the “future” (although there are not many next moves by the opponents “read”) was his “Meteor Strike”!

[Integrate all moves into the’phantom’ system, and use other people’s experience to accumulate my tennis advantage]

Not just playing the game in person, but even sitting down the court to watch other people’s games, even if you are serious about watching valuable game videos-these are Nioh’s unique ways to enhance his tennis strength!

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