Chapter 936 Nioh and Maori doubles

Nioh and Maori were almost stared at by the three boat coaches and walked to the court.

The two players acted as doubles partners in this game. When they stepped onto the court, they were in the same mood–

[Speaking of which, I can’t get nervous at all now~]

Mōri Juzaburō, who stood still on the court, lost the tension in the players’ bench. Instead, he relaxed, even distracted before the game officially started.

[Oops, I’m getting excited. Byodoin-san was such a morale upset person?]

Nioh hadn’t been nervous from the beginning.

Together with the Maori predecessors around him, he listened to the voice of the host of the opening ceremony.

This is also no way.Who makes the opponent be the King of Germany’s Borg?

As early as the U17 training camp, Nioh began to think back to this U17 World Cup competition, one of the best high school students worthy of competition ~ opponent.

After the U17 representative team’s roster is confirmed, he can even brazenly prepare for the game.

So, the preparation time for this doubles game is too long-

After a long time, Nioh completely abandoned the nervousness and even almost lost his anticipation!

Simply, Captain Byodoin is not generally reliable in this kind of large-scale event, and Captain Yukimura has not disappointed the trust and expectations of all his teammates. The two players used their games to mobilize Nioh’s emotions in the game, and also let Maori shift his focus and relax.

A brief introduction by the host of both players–

This U17 World Cup is also really fighting for the “future of tennis”. At the embarrassing moment when the German team lost 0:2, their host could also play temporarily on the spot to blow up the two teams.

But the audience still liked this set very much. After the host had finished speaking, they applauded.

–There was also a burst of suppressed cheers in the director room.

“Go up! The ratings have gone up again!!”

“Quickly, the game is about to start, notify each position and aim at the players!”

It’s almost like entering the filming set of a certain film and television drama by mistake.

Except for the referee who is a professional, the host of the live broadcast and the guests (U17 official staff) understand tennis, others do not care about the result that the opening game is actually over in the score.

“Emotions, I want to see their expressions!”

The director who was in charge of the live broadcast of the game couldn’t wait to be on the stage himself, holding the camera at the players’ faces and shooting.

But he must be disappointed

Borg, who stepped onto the court, still had the same expressionless appearance as before. Even the German middle school player Frankensteiner who played with him on the doubles team also synchronized Borg’s expression.

The two German team players are unanimous with expressionless faces.

“Ahem, this is probably the tacit understanding of the players?”

In the directing room, someone saw this scene and whispered.

“The Japanese team is also there”

“Does the tacit understanding of doubles in the tennis match also reflect this aspect?

Because the previous two doubles games weren’t too slow, the third game actually can be broadcast live for more time-this is also the official meaning of the U17 World Cup.

Therefore, when the referee announced that the game was about to start, the expressions of the players on both sides were photographed real.

“Unexpectedly, at this time, I can still be distracted!”

In the contrast between the two German players’ upright and serious looks, Nioh and Maori, who are serious on the surface but distracted, are set off especially “excellent”-in the eyes of coach Kurobe, the two of them are really wrong!

It’s not that you can’t say that the players are jokes and jokes, but at the critical moment when this kind of competition is about to start-

[Following the release of Byodoin Temple, do these two want to continue flying?]

Coach Kurobe had to admit that he was flustered when he watched the two players, Nioh and Maori, who were calm and relaxed on the court.

“Relax, relax!

Coach Saito calmed down.

“Look carefully at Nioh’s expression, especially his eyes–”

“Byodoin has done a good job, isn’t Nioh already mobilized by him?”

In terms of micro expressions and psychology, Coach Saito is an expert.

Therefore, to ease the nervousness of his colleagues, he still needs more effort and a few more words.

“I hope so. There will be no more accidents in this game!”

The colonization coach is too tired.

He didn’t even say any hope for the victory of the game, but simply hoped that the players on his side could end today’s doubles game steadily.

The hope of the coaching colonization is simple and simple.

However, Nioh, who is excited, and has his own little expectation for this game, will make this doubles game ordinary?

–Even if they would, Borg and Frankensteiner would not!


Borg serve–

The right to serve in this game is in the hands of the U17 German team.

The high school players of the German team were all expressionless before the game or at the beginning of the game. But from the speed of the ball as fast as lightning, it can be seen that Borg is serious about this game.


You can’t catch a tennis ball with the naked eye. Although Maori was slightly frustrated, he had already expected it.

With Tsukimitsu Ochi, the fast ball serving partner – because of his height advantage, a tennis player who can achieve a flat ball with a lore, Mōri Juzaburō, who has developed motor nerves and can outperform his brain, has achieved “conditioned reflex”. realm.

Subconsciously, but unconsciously, Mōri Juzaburō moved.

He didn’t think about where the ball fell in his mind, nor did he calculate the opponent’s serve angle, wind speed and other interference factors.

Maori just raised his hand and waved–


In the blink of an eye from the audience, this ordinary tennis ball was hit back and forth on the court.

The first doubles contest between the U17 German team and the U17 national team in this field–

This game began to serve the “hello” round, few people can see the whole story clearly!

They only saw Borg swing serve, and then the small brown-red curly high school tennis player on the opposite side of the net started to move and then swung the racket.

Tennis was simply beaten back and forth!

“Ah, is the Japanese high school player in this doubles game also the trump card in their team?”

“I haven’t paid attention to this team before. When the game is over, I have to–!!”

In the audience, people’s whispers did not finish.

Their words stopped for the next round on court.


If you think that high school students are the main force in this doubles game, you would be wrong.

– On the basis of this basic error, and then mistakenly regard yourself as too important, it is definitely a mistake plus a mistake!

Bang! Bang!

In the doubles game, the four players on both sides are still swinging the ball.

Frankensteiner can be regarded as a middle school player with rich experience in internal competitions in Germany. Being selected for the U17 German team shows that his tennis prowess is also among the top middle school students in the world.

But unfortunately, his luck is really bad!


Nioh swings.


“15:0, the Japanese team scored!”

To get a small point first, Nioh and Maori didn’t give their opponents a chance to underestimate them.

They bluntly greeted the players of the German team in a very straightforward way–the act of scoring points in the opponent’s serve game.

[It’s not like Nioh’s tennis][The opening was too rough, what did they experience during the overseas training camp?]

Seeing live broadcasts or replays of the U17 World Cup opening game elsewhere, many middle school players who knew Nioh Masaharu looked at the doubles game with twitching eyes.

At the beginning of the game, I did not show off my tennis skills-this is actually the normal way to open the game-like Byōdōin Hōō, it is “abnormal” for a player who is fully fired to defeat his opponent at the opening game. .

But the crux of the problem is not here

After the ball landed, what a certain white-haired player said was the point.

“Puff, I heard that you are called a’tennis robot’?”

The “additional symptoms” of excessive excitement appeared.

Under the court, everyone in the U17 national team player seat looked different. Many of them secretly raised their eyes to look at the Byodoin captain sitting next to him.

[Is this really “contagious”?][Nioh was led by Byodoin Temple, right?]

Fortunately, high school students say that in their impression, Nioh Masaharu has been in the limelight enough. Now it’s just the addition of the “German player in the provocative match”.

…………Please ask for flowers.

– Isn’t it normal to talk trash during a game?

Some high school contestants just took a short meal and didn’t take such small things to heart-anyway, they are not the people who are playing the game against Borg on the court!

[I don’t believe it! This is definitely not the Nioh I know!]

But most middle school players, represented by Shiraishi Kuranosuke, think so.

[Huh, I see you are too excited!]

There are other middle school students who watch the game and think similar to Atobe.

“In the middle school opponent I met, you are the best tennis player in the’tennis robot’ faction. ”

Nioh-kun, after only playing for such a short time–

Isn’t what you said really rubbish?

Where is this complimenting the opponent, this is obviously angering the opponent!

Sitting in the front row of the players’ bench, Irie Kanata watched the game. He listened to Nioh’s voice in a subtle mood.

“Because of the rules of the U17 World Cup opening game, when there are only three doubles matches, we can only play doubles, which is a pity.

What exactly does Nioh want to say?

At this time, Seiichi Yukimura didn’t know what annoying things his teammate would say.

Instead, it’s Marui Bunta–

Marui looked at Frankensteiner of the German team, his eyes filled with sympathy.

“You came to participate in the U17 World Cup for greater challenges, right?”

Nioh spoke very fast, and he didn’t leave people outside the court with extra time to think.

“Time is precious, we will fight quickly–”

I haven’t finished this sentence. At first glance, it sounds like Nioh is going to provoke Frankensteiner–

It sounds normal, middle school students VS middle school students are originally a fairer battle. However, Nioh hasn’t finished the second half of his sentence!

“If you can beat the Maori predecessors, you will win!”


Because Nioh spoke in English and the German middle school player on the opposite side of the net, the audience also heard and understood clearly with the help of court equipment.

Then, they just stupefied

“As for your master–”

“Borg, your opponent is me!”

This is the real provocation and the real contest.

Nioh thought to himself that it would not be a problem for the Maori seniors to solve the middle school player of the opposite German team.

So in order to save time and make quick decisions-in fact, to make yourself happy, why didn’t he directly fight with Bog here?

[Sometimes in the doubles game there will be a situation of’two-on-one’ in the actual sense, I now take the initiative to propose 1vs1, also for the sake of the German team~]

Due to his emotions being driven off by a certain high school student, the Nioh player selectively forgot the “singles behavior of tennis players on the doubles court” that he himself has never recognized.

“What is he talking about?? Who can repeat it?!”

“This is Nioh?”

“I heard it right!”

Yanagi Renji, who has always been indifferent because the previous game went well, couldn’t help but widen his eyes at this time.

It is said that “the warrior who slays the dragon will eventually become the evil dragon”-

[Did you forget that you are doubles, Nioh?]

Is this trash talking purely aimed at your opponent, or is it your own true thoughts?

Once again Liu felt that he couldn’t see through Nioh, and he was extremely puzzled.

[Senior Maori, I hope Senior Maori can be reliable and stable in the game!]

I will bury the doubts about Nioh in my heart and analyze it in detail later. Now Liu only hopes that the “reliable senior high school students” can be as steady and reliable as ever.

–If the senior is annoyed by what just said, please wait patiently until the end of the game to find Nioh to settle the account!

–I know these are doubles, so don’t go crazy in the game, senior Maori!!

Ps, Liu: I implore senior high school students not to be awkward in the game QAQ (crossed out

Tanegashima still floating on the sea: What happened to Nioh? Forget it, I’ll call Daqu and ask carefully~

Completely innocent audience big song: What’s up with me!

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