Chapter 891 :Juggernaut

! Bach Murray

Boom! In Aisle’s shock, the tennis ball was also hit back by Long Ze

Regardless of the shock, Aisle rushed out decisively

Boom! The tennis ball was taken by him, and immediately hit Long Ze again under his strong slam.

The speed of this ball is also amazing, far beyond the ball played by Aisle to open the other dimension.

But it’s useless! Under the action of Eagle Eye, Long Ze clearly caught the ball again and hit back.

Unwilling to reconcile, Aisle increased his offensive again, but the result was the same. All the balls he played were taken by Long Ze one by one.

“How can this be!”

Aisle’s whole person froze directly, and the realm of God and I can’t deal with Long Ze

However, what Aisle didn’t know was that all he knew was “four seven seven seven.”

It’s just a half-step god me, not a full version of my god me. The half-step god me can only strengthen the power and speed of hitting. It is naturally impossible that this degree of bonus can not deal with the Long Ze under Dzogchen.

Boom! “! Long Ze, 10!”

Boom! “! Long Ze, 20!”

Boom! “! Long Ze, 30!”

Although the Aisle under the half-step god me broke out more terrifying than before, it still couldn’t resist Long Ze

In just ten minutes, Long Ze played three games in a row

Standing in the field, Long Ze faced Aisle and asked, “Do you want to continue now?”

He asked Aisle this sentence once before, and now he asks it again

“no need!”

Aisle shook his head and immediately put down the racquet in his hand: “I admit defeat!”

I can’t even deal with Long Ze even Half-Step God, he is already desperate! Seeing Aisle surrender, Long Ze didn’t say anything more, turned and left the court

The moment he left, he faced the other nine people outside Aisle’s field: “If you want to challenge me in the future, you can continue!”

“I am waiting for you in the strongest position at any time!”

After saying this, Long Ze turned and left.

Leaving Aisle and the other nine people standing there in silence

Lost! 10 of them all lost! “Go!”

After Aisle walked out of the court, he waved towards Leon Bona Nine 9 and Xuan even left the Yixin Dojo.

It can be seen that this match is very big for him. As the first person on the active professional list, he can’t even get a point% when facing Long Ze.

After Aisle 10 left, Nanjiro came here, watching Aisle and the others who had left, turned to Long Ze and smiled: “It seems it is over!”

“I thought you were going to watch the battle!”

Long Ze asked Nanjiro

“I have no interest in the challenges of these little kids!”

Nanjiro shrugged and said

“Little Kid”

Although all the ten people who challenged him ended in defeat, after all, they are among the top ten in the active professional world. Nanjiro was even described as a kid! “Even the number one in the active world has only reached it. Half-step god me, what kind of player is not a kid!”

Nanjiro smiled, and then seemed to think of something, and continued: “By the way, Long Ze! Don’t you think that the challenge is over, I think there should be a group of people who will challenge you during this period of time!”

“There is still a group of people”

Long Ze frowns slightly


Nanjiro smiled and said: “In every era, there will be some powerful characters. I dominated the tennis world decades ago, but in the following ten years, a batch of monsters were born, and all of those monsters are not lost in the peak period. I!”

“It’s just that many of them have retired!”

“The reason for retiring is the same as I did at that time. I can’t find an opponent and feel bored!”

When he said this, Nanjiro stopped and smiled deeply at Long Ze: “But it’s different now, you show up, I think they will come out one by one!”

“And I have a feeling that it won’t be too long, just these few days!”

Hearing this, Long Ze shook his head: “This is really troublesome!”

“Why are you scared?”

Nanjiro asked with a smile

“I won’t be afraid of nature, but I just don’t like the feeling of being constantly challenged by others!”

Long Ze smiled, and immediately said: “But forget it! They want to come, then come! I am waiting for them!”

“And I really want to see how powerful the monsters you said are!”

Upon hearing this, Nanjiro laughed: “That’s right! This is the Long Ze I know!”

The two were talking, but at this time a powerful momentum came from outside the field, and they were constantly approaching 0 here. This momentum is much stronger than the ten people who challenged Long Ze before! Feeling this majesty Nanjiro smiled faintly: “It doesn’t seem to be the last few days! Someone is coming now!”

“Who is coming”

Long Ze asked subconsciously

“Sword Saint Bach Murray!”

After Nanjiro said this, a figure stepped into the dojo

It was a man with a black racquet on his back

About 30 years old, there is a scar on his forehead! The man is full of sword-like sharpness

Obviously a person, but it feels like a sword, and it is the sharpest kind

The man raised his head slightly, revealing his eyes hidden under his long hair. His eyes swept across the dojo, and the thick voice swept across the court like a tide.

“Who is Long Ze”

Suddenly Sound 4

9 Attracted the eyes of the disciples in the entire dojo, including Tezuka and others

“Who is that guy?”

“have no idea!”

The swordsman Bach, who resounded in tennis after Nanjiro, can also be called another myth in tennis after Nanjiro

Since winning the four Grand Slams in the Open ten years ago and looking for no opponents, he has retired from tennis, and his reputation is not known to many younger generations! “Old Bach! You are still as domineering as before!”

The suddenly remembered voice attracted Bach Murray’s gaze. After seeing the familiar face, his gaze suddenly condensed.

“Samurai Nanjiro!”

:::! Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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