Princess Against the World

Chapter 1315: Kotou Sergeant

"I thought about the result, but I didn't expect the two of them to be so useless and come back so early!"

Qingcai snorted uncomfortably, glanced at the strategist, and sat down.

"I said...Military strategist, I don’t understand. There are also two people who have the cultivation level of Qi under my hand. Why don’t you let them follow, but instead let these two slaps?! Just the two of them. For, isn't it obvious that people will discover it?!"

"Above the breath?!" The military division chuckled, "If it is above the breath... do you think, at Qingmang Mountain Villa, what kind of identity can you control them?!"

Qingcai's face changed slightly, and his head hung down.

"Then need to say, of course it is my uncle..."

"That's right! Once Ling San found out that someone was following, and the person who was following was the cultivation base of Qi, you said, who would be the first person she suspected!"

"Of course it's the uncle..."

When the voice fell, Qingcai took a breath.

"I see. What you mean is that even if Ling San spotted Wu Ma and Deng Zhi's tracking, he would not doubt anything. Even if he doubted, he would not doubt his uncle, because the two of them had too much cultivation. Weak! Could not be the manpower sent by the uncle?"

"Yes! With the strength and mind of the owner, how can someone who is stupid enough to send the Xuanba to follow her? So, for a while, she can't think of the owner!"

In the army's analysis, even if Ling Luoyu knew that Deng Zhi and Wu Ma were following her, at best they would treat them as scumbags who coveted her money and would not doubt the others.

Ling Luoyu was speechless: "..."

This is a military division? ! ?

Sergeant Kotou? !

Can you think of such a file? !

Doesn't he know what it means to cover up? !

Regardless of whether it's Xuanba or anger, following her for a while, it may be for money, but both of them have been following her for two days, so she won't be fancy to her, right? !

Her eyes flicked towards Qingcai, and then she looked at the dog-headed sergeant, and she understood something in her heart.

Judging from the intelligence quotient of Qingcai, the military division can indeed bear the word military division.

Because this youth seems to be completely off-line with IQ, a bit hysterical.

Ling Luoyu gently shook his head, turned and walked away.

Coming out to expose them now will lower her IQ.


Qingmang Villa.

Feng Chenglin hummed and started from the bed, with a stunned expression, as if he hadn't woken up from the fragment.

"Where is this?"

As his eyes turned, he saw Ling Luoyu licking melon seeds with Erlang's legs upright, and he felt even more bewildered.

"Three young masters?? Why are you in my room? You have something to do with me?!"

Ling Luoyu spit out the skin of melon seeds, his eyes flashing to the surroundings.

"your room?!"

Fengchenglin stumbled out of bed, his head was heavy, and his feet were light, and he stumbled while walking.

"Why am I so... dizzy?!"

He looked hard at the table in front of him, raised his hand to support it, and wanted to support it.

But who knows that under a single hand, it was actually lost.


Before he could react, he fell a dog and gnawed mud!


Ling Luoyu's egg was painful and speechless.

"Fatty, are you okay?!"

"Fuck... You can just drop it... and see if it hurts..."

Feng Chenglin was lying on the ground, and for a moment he didn't even have the strength to get up.

He was weak, but there was some strength in his mouth.

"Fuck! Third Young Master, you poisoned me? Why am I weak? No strength at all?!"


Ling Luoyu stepped on the table top with his toes and slid out with a chair, gloating at the Fengcheng forest on the ground.

"Fatty man, why would Master Ben poison you? Is it because I want to take the opportunity to XX you?!"

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