Princess Against the World

Chapter 3245: What are you

The easiest way to split themselves is to make them two camps.

Ling Luoyu used a simple question to easily reach this point! !

As expected, Boss Huo was betrayed by everyone and kicked out of that small team! !

After being kicked out, he also became a **** of Ling Luoyu.

Feng Chenglin said, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their eyes looked at Boss Huo in horror.

If Boss Huo obeyed Ling Luoyu's words, he would drag them together, dig a hole for himself, then jump in and bury himself! !

"Boss Huo..."

Master Zhang took a step forward, with a smile on his face as he was about to get close to Boss Huo, but Gu Lan raised his hand, seemingly inadvertently touching his hand under his neck.


There was a whimper in his throat, his face turned blue and black, he knelt down with a sullen snoring, trembling all over.

"Did Sect Master Ling let you speak?!"

Gu Lan's gaze flicked across the crowd, his eyes as knives.

"Sect Master Ling has already said about the rules of the, there are still people who don't understand, do you need to ask again!?"

Everyone: "..."

The lesson from the past is there, who would dare not understand! ?

"Since you don't speak, then I will assume that you all understand... if you understand, that's fine... If anyone talks nonsense without opening their eyes, then I'm sorry!!"

Gu Lan's fingertips gently squeezed, but everyone's hearts seemed to be held invisible, and suddenly hurt.

"When the time comes, don't blame me for being polite!!"

They have all experienced Gu Lan's abnormal cultivation base-they are stubborn and vicious!

Otherwise, they won't be restrained--not to mention the power to fight back, and even the courage to resist! !

Ling Luoyu looked sideways and smiled like a blue: "What about the ancient master... the words are a bit heavy, but they are reasonable! Since we are playing games, we must have the rules of the game!! There is no reason that those rules are used on Boss Huo," Don’t do it on you... Since you want to play my game, then you have to follow my rules... Now, do you know what I mean?!"

Everyone: "..."

I've been taught, who would dare not understand? !

Looking at their dark faces one by one, Feng Chenglin was upset: "I'm asking you something, can't you hear me!?"

After everyone was stunned, they nodded quickly, how dare you not hear it!

"Since I have heard and understood, then our game will continue..."

Ling Luoyu got up leisurely, his skirt fluttering, walking leisurely among the people.

"Now, you answer one more question for me... It's just this question, you have to think about it before answering me! In other only have one chance!!"


Everyone's hearts were then mentioned in their throats, sweating nervously and wet back.

Ling Luoyu stood still opposite Boss Huo, looking at his eyes shiningly.


Everyone's breathing was obvious--

Suffered! !

The above is the last thing they want to mention!

Boss Huo's eyes trembled, and he looked at Ling Luoyu in horror, his eyes flickering.

Ling Luoyu understood the fear in his eyes, and understood that his guess was correct.

"Those people upstairs... are they to kill the ancient master after he left!?"

Boss Huo's knees were obviously weak, and he almost knelt down again, but Feng Chenglin grabbed his collar in time.

"Stand up! What are you counseling..."

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