Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1218: Cut off

Lan Yanyu trembled in her heart and immediately knelt down.

Zhuo Qingyun glanced distressedly at Lan Yanyu, and then knelt down.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun also followed her knees, Lan Yetian's face suddenly frowned.

"I don't care if you are a kid's friend or who is away from home. Now we have to deal with family affairs, please go out."

Lan Yetian suppressed his anger and looked at Zhuo Qingyun coldly.

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, trying to say something, but was pulled by Lan Yuyu: "You go out first."

Zhuo Qingyun looked at him uneasily. Now, in this case, where can he rest assured.

Looking at the tired and crooked look of the two, Lan Yetian was furious.

"It's okay, you go out first." Feeling Lan Yetian's anger was approaching the limit, Lan Yuyu winked at Zhuo Qingyun again.

The plea in his eyes made him distressed.

Zhuo Qingyun sighed helplessly, got up and went out.

"You two also go out."

After kicking out Zhuo Qingyun, Lan Yetian rushed to Blue Father Blue Mother again.


Blue Mother wanted to say something uneasily, but was drunk directly: "Go out!"

The two couldn't help it, and after glancing worriedly at Lan Yuyu, they went out together.

Outside, the two frowned when they saw Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun bowed towards the two.

Only Lan Yetian and Lan Yanyu remain in the main hall.

Lan Yetian suppressed for a long time before he said, "Are you ..."


Without waiting for Lan Yetian's difficult words, Lan Yanyu looked up.

Lan Yetian froze there all at once, and the whole person seemed to be a magical pupa, his body could not stop shaking.

He stiffened, staggered to walk in front of him, raised his hand slyly, and fell heavily with a slap, but it did not hit his face.

There was a pain in my heart, and Lan Yetian violently covered his chest and fell back.

"Grandpa." Lan Yanyu was startled, and quickly got up to support Lan Yetian.

"You ..." Lan Yetian pointed at Lan Yuyu, speechless with anger.

"It's up to you to scold and hit. You don't have to be angry and be careful." Lan Yanyu said anxiously while stroking Lan Yetian's chest.

"You dare to say." Lan Yetian panted and pushed him away. "I'll kill you."

Lan Yetian picked up a stick and hit Lan Yuyu.

The stick hit him hard, and Lan Yuyu didn't hide, so he stood upright.

The more Lan Yuyu did, the more angry Lan Yetian was, and the more ruthless he started.

"Papapa" muffled a few times, causing blood to come out of the corners of the blue pupa feather lips.


The door was knocked open, Zhuo Qingyun rushed in, and rushed to Lan Yanyu's back.

With a snap, the stick was interrupted, and Zhuo Qingyun's mouth was instantly filled with sweetness.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Qingyun would rush out suddenly, but Lan Yetian stopped.

"How are you?" Lan Yanyu looked at Zhuo Qingyun anxiously.

Zhuo Qingyun shook her head, swallowed the fishy sweetness in the mouth, and painfully wiped the blood on his lips.

Blue mother blue mother rushed in together.

"Father, you can spare Yan Yu." Lan mother glanced at Lan Yuyu distressedly, and kneeled down before Lan Yetian.

Father Lan also followed his knees: "This is the end of the matter, you will not be able to kill him, you will lose your breath."

After fighting a fire, Lan Yetian's anger was mostly extinguished. At this moment, when Lan Yuyu was injured, he was also distressed.

Lan Yetian took a deep breath and sat back in the main seat, covering his chest.

Lan Yanyu knelt before Lan Yetian again, and Zhuo Qingyun also followed her knees.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun, Lan Yetian's chest began to faint again: "I don't care what happened to you before, from now on, cut off my communication."


Lan Yeyu stared up, looking for protest, but Lan Yetian glared back: "You shut up for me."

Lan Yetian looked to Zhuo Qingyun: "I don't care if you are Zhuo or Li, please don't come to him again. Our blue family does not welcome you."

"I won't leave him forever," Zhuo Qingyun frowned, firmly.

Zhuo Qingyun's words encouraged Lan Yanyu. He looked up and looked at Lan Yetian with the same determination: "Grandpa, I love him, I don't want to be separated from him anymore, please complete us."

Lan Yanyu said, and then hoeed towards Lan Yetian.

"You wicked!" Lan Yetian suddenly covered his chest again.

"Yu Yu, give me two less words." Seeing Lan Ye's weather rolled his eyes, Father Lan hurried to help him.

"If you don't want me to be angry, you can let him go." Lan Yetian panted slightly, glaring at Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu froze there without saying a word.

"You go." Father Lan turned to Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun frowned at Lan Yuyu, who nodded at him.

Zhuo Qingyun got up, bowed to Lan Yetian, and left.

After Zhuo Qingyun left, Lan Yanyu was detained at the shrine.

"You are here to reflect, when you figure it out, you will go out, if you don't figure it out, you will never come out." Lan Yetian said before leaving.

The ancestral hall was closed again, and Lan Yanyu went to kneel in front of the ancestral sign of the Lan family.

He is sorry to the ancestors of the Lan family, to his grandfather, to his father and mother, but he does not regret it and he will not compromise.

At night, Qi Shuya sneaked into the shrine.

She hasn't been here. As a young lady, she is not qualified to enter the Blue Family Ancestral Hall, but today she came in.

Lan Yanyu frowned: "What are you doing?"

Qi Shuya knelt beside Lan Yuyu and gave the ancestors of the Lan family three heads before she said, "Give me a child. I don't need a name, and I don't need you to love me."

Lan Yanyu's eyes flickered softly: "Is your grandfather asking you to come?"

Qi Shuya turned to look at him: "Who makes me come to make any difference, I can help you solve the problem."

As long as there are children, after leaving the Lan family, everything is resolved.

Lan Yanyu froze for a while, and then said, "You are late."

"What?" Qi Shuya frowned, failing to understand what Lan Yanyu meant.

Lan Yanyu looked down and smiled. If she told him this before, he might agree, but now he can't do it again.

"Go back, I don't need children."

"But the Blue Family needs it. Do you want the Blue Family to be a queen?" Qi Shuya was anxious, and she came confidently, but she couldn't think of such a humble request.

"After the Blue Family will never stop, it has nothing to do with you, you go, you don't have to stay here for years, because I can never love you."

Ruthless resolute words made Qi Shuya completely dead.

"You will regret this."

Qi Shuya finally glanced at Lan Yuyu and ran out with tears.

After ten years of youth and hard work, she finally got such a result. She was not reconciled, but she had no way at all.

Whether he is married or accepted, she can bear it. But he fell in love with the man, she had no chance anymore, all she could do was give up.

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