Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1254: I want super super super god

What happened to the second room was that Baiju knew nothing about it. When Mo Beichen returned, he said nothing.

A good night's dream, just after waking up in the morning, Bai Beichen was entangled by Mo Beichen again.

"Don't make trouble, Grandpa asked us to discuss the ascension today." Bai Tan's hands were against Mo Beichen's chest, not letting him succeed.

Mo Beichen pulled down her hand and leaned down to bite her earlobe: "He hopes we can have a baby."

The numbness in the ear felt into my heart, and the beaver's eyes were instantly blurred.

Mo Beichen watched with satisfaction her reaction even more wanton.

By the time Chen Chen was unable to get up.

Qiwen and Yunzhi outside were holding the newly made dragon robes and phoenixes, and were afraid to knock on the door.

"No way, my waist is about to break." Seeing him still thinking, Baijui hammered his chest with shame and annoyance.

This guy doesn't know what's going on, these two days are like a estrus beast, tossing her to death.

"Let you go today."

Seeing that she was really tired, Mo Beichen kissed lovingly at the corner of her lips before turning over and getting out of bed.

"Go get hot water."

Dressed, Mo Beichen shouted across the door.


The three outside suddenly blushed.

Yunzhi Qiaolian blushed slightly and gave Qiwen her clothes, so she went to fetch water with Qingye.

The **** lying on the bed flushed with asham.

What hot water does this guy want now? This is for fear of others not knowing what they have done.

Receiving the shameful eyes, Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows indifferently.

They are married, isn't this the most normal thing? If you do nothing, then it's not normal.

Hearing his heartfelt, the **** was too lazy to care for him, covered the quilt directly on his head, turned over and closed his eyes.

Soon Yunzhi and Qingying brought hot water: "Aunt, hot water is here."

"Come in."

The three entered the room together.

Yun Zhi and Qing Yan did not dare to look at Mo Beichen, so they went to give the **** water.

Qiwen went forward holding her clothes: "Auntie, Miss, the Bureau of Internal Affairs sent the ascent dress."

Mo Beichen raised his eyes and glanced at: "Let it go."


Qi Wen put the two dresses together on the table.

Mo Beichen wrapped the quilt and hugged the beaver.

The **** stared at him blushingly.

Mo Beichen didn't care at all: "Let's go down."


All three bled back.

The lady and aunt are really loving, especially the aunt is still as good-looking as the gods.

Mo Beichen carried Bai Tan into a wooden barrel.

"You go out." Baitan wrapped a towel around her body and rushed people shyly.

Mo Beichen, as if he hadn't heard it, untied his clothes and stepped into the tub.


Before the **** spoke, Mo Beichen leaned over and sealed her lips.

Tossing again, the **** lay on his chest, shameless.

Who said she had let her go just now, and she never believed him again.

It wasn't until the hot water became cold that Mo Beichen lifted Baijue out of the water.

"Even if it was washed?" Bai Ju's face was disgusted. How could this be considered a bath?

Mo Beichen gave her a playful look: "If you still want to wash, then let them get hot water again."

The **** flushed, and gave him a stern look.

Mo Beichen kissed her red lips with a smile and took her clothes to help her wear them.

Put on the lining, the **** jumped down from the bed.

"Let's try this dress." Baitan took the dragon robe on the table and handed it to Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows and took on the dragon robe to put it on casually.

Looking at Mo Beichen's exquisite dress, Bai Tan's eyes brightened instantly.

"Amo, you really look good on anything."

I thought this dragon robe wasn't worthy of A Mo's temperament, but I didn't expect it to look so beautiful and full of majesty.

The **** couldn't wait to put on his gown.

This one is red, and she winks.

Putting on the dress, Baitan pulled Mo Beichen to the bronze mirror.

Looking at the two in the mirror, Beaver blinked: "How do you feel like getting married?"

This golden red is really not too bad when they got married.

Mo Beichen took her into her arms with a smile: "Then you will be married that day, every day in the cave."

"The beauty you want." Baitan glanced at him with a red face, "Do you like dresses?"

"Do you like it?" Mo Beichen did not answer the question.

He never cared about these, as long as she liked him.

"It's okay." The white raccoon pinched his mouth. This dragon robe is like this, unlike ordinary clothes that can be changed in various styles and colors.

Knowing that she was not very satisfied, Mo Beichen raised her eyebrows. "The matter of dress is left to me."

The **** blinked, and it took a long while for him to return to his thoughts: "Do you want to remake the dress?"

Mo Beichen laughed at her: "Do you want supernatural or supernatural?"

"I want a super super super god." The **** hugged him with a bright smile.

Looking at her sly little eyes like a fox, Mo Beichen couldn't help himself.

Feeling the change in his eyes, the **** immediately blushed and blocked his falling lips: "No fuss."

This is not over.

Mo Beichen kissed her palm and took her into her arms.

"Royal ..."

A sharp shout interrupted their intimacy.

"Grandma Liu, you can't go in."

Baitan frowned at Mo Beichen.

Is it Bai Ruomeng?

"Bai Ruomeng, you bitch, I killed you."

"Master, save me ..."

Mu Bingjun and Bai Ruomeng's voice came together, and Beaver's brows frowned even more.

The door squeaked open.

In the courtyard, Mu Bingjun was holding Bai Ruomeng to fight.

Seeing the two coming out, Mu Bingjun and Bai Ruomeng both stayed asleep.

Bai Ruomeng looked at the phoenix on Beaver's body, and red eyes jealously.

Why would Baitan be his queen, she refused to accept it.

Mu Bingjun was also stunned by their peerless style.

"Auntie, miss." Qiwen saw the two coming out and immediately bowed and saluted.

The **** frowned at Mu Bingjun and Bai Ruomeng: "What's going on?"

Qi Wen bowed down: "Grandma Liu rushed in, and Grandpa Liu followed."

I don't know what happened. Grandpa Liu will hit Grandma Liu as soon as she comes in.

"Master, save Menger, he will kill me ..."

As soon as Qiwen's voice fell, Bai Ruomeng immediately wanted to rush towards Mo Beichen.

Mu Bingjun didn't know whether it was intentional or not, so she went to Beichen.

Before Mo Beichen had a reaction, Baiju blocked him in front of him and shoved Bai Ruomeng: "In the early morning, what are you crazy about?

Come to take advantage of A Mo in front of her, this is when she died.

Bai Ruomeng glared at the beaver: "Beaver, I'm already the man of the Lord, you can't stop me from falling in love with the Lord."

Bai Ting'an and the second wife hurried to hear this sentence, and they suddenly felt like they wanted to die.

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