Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1276: Awkward life

Qin Tian carrying Murong Yuxi all the way down, they were silent.

Murong Yu's nature is lively, but she can't stand it.

"What's your name, I don't know your name yet." She rolled her eyes, feeling that she had found a good topic.

"Qin Tian." He answered.

"Qin Tian." Murong Yu said his name silently and smiled. "So your name is Qin Tian, ​​it's a good name."

As she meditated on his name, his eyes softened softly.

"How old are you this year?" Murong Yuxi asked again with interest, but she was curious about him now.

"Twenty-eight." He replied.


Murong Yuxi was surprised and couldn't see it. He was already 28. She thought he was only 23 or 4 years old.

If it was twenty-eight, wouldn't it be twelve years older than her?

He frowned, listening to her surprised tone.

Is this too old?

Qin Tian's mood was suddenly not beautiful again.

"I heard that you have a younger brother and a general." After asking the name and age, Murong Yuzhen asked his family again.

Someone is not in a good mood and does not answer.

Unable to hear for a long time, Murong Yu shrugged.

Why not answer, is it because he has a bad relationship with his brother? It is also possible that who made them all generals.

"I heard that you are a Moxueman, is Moxue fun?" Awkwardly, Murong Yuxi automatically changed the subject.

But someone who is not in a good mood still doesn't answer.


In the face of someone's silence, Murong Yuchi pouted his mouth unhappyly.

Obviously it is a heavy ice day, a heavy snow day, a cold day, what sunny day is it.

After being silent for a while, Murong Yuxi said again: "Are you ... married?"

After asking, I don't know why Murong Yuxi's heart jumped unconsciously.

The front was still silent. After waiting for a long time to hear no answer, Murong Yu suddenly felt disappointed.


Just when she thought she wouldn't hear the answer, someone opened her mouth.

The two words with low dumbness came to his ears, and Murong Yuxi grinned.

He said no, she felt inexplicably happy.

He didn't want her to misunderstand even if she was in a bad mood.

After asking the most questions, Murong Yu did not speak again, knowing that he did not like to talk, and she did not want to make herself appear too noisy.

The two were speechless all the way back to the entrance of the Snow Mountain, and they were under the horse's tree.

Looking at the two horses tied together, Murong Yu's eyes brightened: "Are you really following me?"

Their horses are all together.

Qin Tian didn't answer, put her down from her back, then hugged her and got on the horse with her.

Murong Yu stunned: "Aren't you riding your own horse?"

"Are you sure your feet can ride?" Qin Tian slanted her.

Mu Rongyu pinched her mouth, well, she was a semi-disabled and could not ride a horse.

Qin Tian waved his sword to temporarily interrupt the stable of the other horse, and then ran out with a pinch.

Murong Yu frowned and glanced back: "You leave it here, it will starve to death."

"It's smarter than you."

Bingbing's cold and disgusting voice is really very flat.

Enraged, Murong Yuxi was fortunate not to speak.

Xu Shi was too tired to crawl before, and Murong Yubi fell asleep quickly.

Seeing that she was asleep, he immediately slowed down and pulled her cloak over her.

Seeing that she felt warm, Murong Yuxi immediately drilled into his arms, and after a long while, she seemed to find a comfortable place to sleep.

He looked at the man in his arms with a weeping smile, hugging her tightly despite his numb arms.

Because someone was asleep, it was already dark when they arrived at the Holy City.

"Brother." As soon as he entered the city, Qin Lang ran over with a group of soldiers. "Where did you go, and if you don't come back, we all have to enter the Senluo Mountains."

Qin Tian frowned. As soon as he was about to speak, he felt the little head in his arms move.

"What's wrong?" Murong Yu squinted for a moment, asking indistinctly.

"Good, keep sleeping."

Qin Tian coaxed, and covered her cloak with her.

Listening to his gentle voice, Murong Yuxi closed her eyes obediently, and slumbered again.

Qin Lang stared blankly at Qin Tian's eyebrows, which could gently turn into water.

Is this his cold and ruthless brother? He wouldn't be caught in the fire.

"I sent her back to the palace."

Throwing a whisper, Qin Tian wobbled the horse slowly and went to the palace.

Qin Lang stared blankly at Qin Tian's back, and it took him a long time to return.

Was the person in his arms just the owner of Yuxi County? When are they so good?

"Go and tell your brethren that you don't need to look for them when they return." Qin Lang turned and ordered the soldiers behind.


"Let's go, let's go back."

Qin Lang turned around with a weary look. It didn't sleep all day and all night, but fortunately he came back, otherwise it would be sleepless night again.

"Marshal, there is a horse."

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, the soldiers turned back, but saw a horse running back by itself.

As soon as Qin Lang's eyes were bright, he rolled over and dismounted, and ran to hold the horse.

This should be his brother's horse. This horse is quite smart. He was abandoned by his brother and knew he was coming back.

"Bring it back and keep it well." Qin Lang touched the horse's head and gave it to his soldiers.

Anyway, he bought it for money, but can't lose it.

The party returned to the barracks in a mighty manner.

Here, Qin Tian also entered the palace smoothly.

After learning that Murong Yu was back, Mo Beichen and Bai Jue, Bai Qingyan, and Murong Jinhong all rushed over.

Seeing Qin Tian holding Murong Yuyu, several people were shocked.

"What's wrong, is it hurt?" Bai Qingyan's face changed greatly, nervous.

"No, I just fell asleep." Seeing Bai Qingyan worried, Qin Tian whispered.

The crowd was relieved.

Bai Qingyan's heart also fell back: "Thank you General Qin."

"Give me." Murong Jinhong also stepped forward to take Murong Yuxi, and hugged her back to the room.

Bai Qingyan quickly followed.

The **** looked at Qin Tian and asked, "What happened?"

"She went to the snowy ice field and we encountered an avalanche." Qin Tian explained briefly.

Although Qin Tian said it simply, the **** heard it terribly.

This girl even went to the snowy ice field, and fortunately Qin Tian followed, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Thank you very much." Beaver thanked Qin Tian gratefully.

Qin Tian bowed: "The emperor is polite."

"Okay, you can go back to rest early, you've worked hard."

Knowing that he must have suffered a lot, the avalanche was not a joke.

Qin Tianchao bowed and they retreated.

Qin Tian stopped unconsciously when he walked to the palace where Murong Yuzhe lived temporarily.

After standing for a long time in the yellowish candlelight, he turned and left.

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