Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1283: Resolutely uncompromising

Qin Tian sought to see Murong Jinhong several times and wanted to explain Qin Lang's affairs, but Murong Jinhong refused to see him.

Not only did he refuse to see him, but he was not allowed to find Murong Yuxi.

After waiting for two days in the palace, Murong Yuzhe did not see Qin Tian come to her, and finally couldn't stand it.

"Qiu Xiandongya, accompany me out of the palace."

The two looked at each other and immediately bowed down: "Master Qixun County, Lord Wang gave the order to only let you play in the palace and not to let you out of the palace."

Murong Yu frowned: "Why didn't you let me go out of the house? The mother-in-law said that it was informal."

"I'm going to meet my father."

Murong Yu sighed and ran out.

The main house.

"Don't be mad, the raccoons have explained it. The second child knew that the boss liked us, so he refused." Bai Qingyan poured a cup of tea and handed it to Murong Jinhong.

Outside, Murong Yuzhe stopped immediately when she heard this sentence.

"Huh!" Murong Jinhong shot the tea cup angrily on the table. "Our son is not an item, so why did they let their brothers come and go?"

Bai Qingyan swaggered and was helpless to Murong Jinhong's anger.

She was very angry before, but after Taner explained to her, she was not angry. The brothers were affectionate and knew that her brother liked her, so she did n’t accept it, and it was nothing.

Moreover, the boss of the family mentioned him at the same time, and he didn't know that the brother who had refused to come to mention the family. This shows that the boss of the family has a child in his heart.

She was quite satisfied with Qin Lang before, but now it's not bad to look at Qin Tian. Although she is slightly older than her son, she looks handsome and has a good body. Except for her cold temperament, there are really no shortcomings.

"The boss has asked for a couple of trips, and you can't see people, they are a marshal anyway." Bai Qingyan persuaded bitterly, still thinking that this relationship could be achieved.

Murong Jinhong ignored it: "I don't care any **** marshal."

As soon as Bai Qingyan frowned, she wanted to persuade her, and the door was pushed open.


Seeing Murong Yubi, both Bai Qingyan and Murong Jinhong were surprised.

"What happened to Qin Tian?" Murong Yu frowned and looked at Murong Jinhong.

Did the father and king not let him come to her?

After hearing her mentioning Qin Tian, ​​Murong Jinhong immediately warned: "What's wrong? Don't listen to the adult's words, go back to the room."

"Why don't you like Qin Tian?"

Murong Yuzhen was aggrieved, and was wronged for Qin Tian, ​​and also for herself.

Seeing her aggrieved little pitiful look, Murong Jinhong was suddenly softened, but thinking of the abominable things that brother did, she calmed down and said, "We just don't like him, and you are not allowed to think, we will return to purple in two days Xiao Xiao. "

As soon as I heard that I was going back to Zixiao, Murong Yuxi was anxious: "Why so eager to go back? I won't go back."

Murong Jinhong stared, and she was about to get angry. Bai Qingyan glanced at him immediately and pulled out Murong Yu: "Don't quarrel with your father, go back to the house with your mother."

Pulling Murong Yu back to her room, Bai Qingyan sent Qiu Xian and Dong Ya again.

"Tell your mother, do you like that Qin Tian?"

For the first time, Bai Qingyan asked Murong Yuxi this serious emotional matter.

Murong Yu blushed shyly, but did not hide: "I like Qin Tian, ​​I like it very much."

She never knew she would like a person so much, but she really liked that person, not only thinking of him during the day, but even dreaming of him at night.

Unexpectedly she was so straightforward, Bai Qingyan was a little surprised.

She thought that the child at least had a good opinion of that person, but did not expect that she already liked it so much.

Looking at her shy little daughter, Bai Qingyan not only was not angry, but also laughed heartily.

This child has been foolish since she was a child. She never held her feelings at heart. She was quite worried about her marriage. She was afraid that she and her future husband would have no emotional foundation. She would have a hard time in the future. That kid seems to like her too.

Bai Qingyan took a deep breath and looked at Murong Yu and said, "You can rest assured that your mother will convince your father to accept him."

"Really?" Murong Yu suddenly rejoiced.

Bai Qingyan pinned her hair behind her ear and looked at her with compassion: "It's rare that my girlfriend has a sweetheart, and my mother can't let him run away."

"Thank you, mother." Murong Yuxi threw herself into Bai Qingyan's arms with joy, and she coquettishly shivered.

Bai Qingyan caressed Murong Yuxi's hair, thinking how to convince her stubborn husband.

In the evening, Bai Qingyan started blowing the pillow.

"You really don't like that boss, but our son-in-law really likes them."

Murong Jinhong didn't look at her: "I'll go back in two days, and mention what he's going to do. When I get back to Zixiao, I'll pick ten or eight of them, and I won't believe us. There are no good boys. "

Bai Qingyan's eyes twitched, picking cabbage, ten or eight.

"I think the boss is very good, handsome, good health, or Grand Marshal." Bai Qingyan continued to lobby.

Murong Jinhong didn't look up: "The military general is too dangerous to be suitable for the children."

Bai Qingyan's eyes rolled around and she said, "He is in a good family situation. He will have no in-laws to serve after marrying him."

Murong Jin Hong Lengheng: "He also has a younger brother, elder sister-in-law, like mother, you want to be exhausted."

"He is older than Xie Er, the older will hurt people, and he will love him in the future." Bai Qingyan searched Qin Tian's advantages.

Murong Jinhong snorted again and again: "So old, is he taking care of his son, or is he taking care of him?"

Bai Qingyan was so utterly speechless that she picked up the quilt and slept.

Murong Jinhong looked at Bai Qingyan's back and secretly pouted.

Angry that he would not compromise, and determined not to compromise.

Here, Murong Yudi didn't see Qin Tian for a few days and wanted to sneak out of the palace to find him.

Murong Yu opened the window and wanted to jump out of the window, but she saw the person she missed at night.

"Qin Tian!"

Feeling like a dream, Murong Yuxi sat on the window and looked at him stupidly.

"Shh!" Qin Tianchao whispered to her.

Murong Yu suddenly returned to his heart and quickly reached out to him: "Come in."

Father and mother should all be asleep, but be careful, in case they are seen by the father's dark guards, it is estimated that Qin Tian will be unlucky again.

Qin Tian did not pull her hand, and turned over as soon as she supported the window sill.

Murong Yubi quickly got off the window sill and closed the window.

"Why are you here?" Murong Yuxi bowed her head shyly.

Qin Tian looked at her with burning eyes, only a moment before she said a dumb voice, "I miss you."

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