Private Technology

: 2014 Daddy who is too worried

Guan Ming never thought about what the World Datong Association looks like. Ma Zhe's description of socialism is too false and empty. After all, the society is plural and the inside is extremely complicated. It is not a word or two that can explain it.

In his last life, Guan Ming hoped that Daocheng would have an undersea viewing glass hall. After all, Daocheng was not only his hometown, but also the place where he worked. If he was not reborn, he would probably live there all his life.

In this life, Guan Ming has no special thoughts. The company building itself covers part of the outdoor scenery. Private yachts can also see the bottom of the water, and there may be a lack of a high-altitude water slide. However, Guan Mingming is encouraged. He was afraid of heights. At that time, he was brave to get on the Ferris wheel in order to soak up Mu Xiaoxiao. It would be a great thing for him to kill him now. He would have married and returned home. Didi Didi!

"The idea is very good, but is it profitable in this way? After all, if the poor area, transportation is a big problem, and if the transportation is not good, the source of tourists will definitely be much worse." Although the giant is responsible for the people's livelihood, it is also very important for these things Good at it, no giant is casually fooled, and all aspects of business must be strong.

"Building roads is also a matter of getting things done once and for all. It also costs more in the beginning. In recent years, foreigners have also been willing to move to our country, not only because our country's economy is developed, but also our country is safe enough, at least. You won't be killed at night. "Guan Ming euphemistically politely.

The United States is called Paradise. I do n’t know how many people are killed at night. I do n’t know how many gray transactions are going on at night. Like Guan Ming, the most favorite is a country that wo n’t be robbed or even killed at night. .

"... So, how about I give you a pilot for you to do?" After pondering, the giant looked at Guan Ming seriously and said.

"Ha? No, I ... right, I don't understand these." Guan Ming was a little aggressive.

Today, I only paid a courtesy call, and at the same time, I also expressed my euphemism to look at the children, but I never thought that such a job would be arranged.

Don't look at Mu Xiaoxiao's attitude at home is very firm, but as soon as the cargo was on the plane, he was so persuaded that he had a deal with Guan Ming and let Guan Ming communicate with it.

There is no way, the whole family is persuaded, but there must always be someone in their own right, looking at the expression of the goods' emptied, Guan Ming can't wait to put her head in the toilet.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, but you have money. You can not only give the locals money if you have money, but you can also know how to do it. I have records of your family's annual donations. You can use these donations locally. Right, the support should be fixed, maybe you can make money. "The idea of ​​the giant is not a temporary intention, but something that everyone discussed at the giant meeting.

Although the articles of incorporation have not been completely set, this kind of action that can buy people's hearts naturally requires innocent companies and people to do it. Guan Ming is the first choice, especially his family donates a lot of money every year, so much that it is easy. Level of support for a poor area.

Since charity has been pursued before, it is better to use the same amount to do more specific things, which is more meaningful. At least the supported regions will have a much better attitude towards Guan Ming, which will be beneficial to Guan Ming's future reputation.

Immediately after, the giants began to introduce the general preferential policies for poverty reduction.

Strange, when Guan Ming got home, he hadn't reacted too much.

Sitting on the sofa, forefinger tapping the armrest of the sofa rhythmically, Guan Ming's expression fell seriously into contemplation.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Sitting next to Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him gently, some soft voices couldn't hide a little worry.

Could it be that the old lady's request was really excessive, and then he was scolded?

When thinking of this, Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little uneasy in her heart. She was not afraid that Mu's mother would beat her. If she could solve the problem, world peace would not be a problem.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, what would happen if I became the head of the town, hey ... it might be the head of the town." Guan Ming said queerly.

The town heads and town heads here are not real duties, but they need to stand on this level to consider the overall situation and develop the local economy.

"... Mum, it's not good, Guan Ming is sick, he started talking nonsense!" After hearing Guan Ming's words, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and then he started to shout by pulling his neck.

"I'm going ~ do you say that to me!" Holding her round face and pulling it out, like noodles.

"What are you doing, let it go!" Upon seeing the news, the management mother saw that her son actually bullied her lactating daughter-in-law, and that was enough!

The mentality of Mu, who is behind Guan Ma, is much more balanced. Although Mu Xiaoxiao is more sensible than before, it has evolved from three days a dozen to five days a dozen at most. Mu mother feels that she can live a healthy body to the present A large part is due to Mu Xiaoxiao. High-intensity physical exercise is good for physical and mental health.

"Mom, he said that he wants to be the head of the township and mayor." Seeing her mother-in-law approaching, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was so heartbroken, began to break free. The little bird held her mother's arm and began to sue, showing that she was Bullying and obedience ~ ~ Mu Mu, seeing this scene, kind of stuffed.

Guan Ma and Mu Mu went one step ahead, and then the other two old men followed suit. Guan Ming had to elaborate on this, saying that this was a business practice, so that Mu Xiaoxiao's brain would not make up 800 episodes of inspirational, sad, and dog-blowing South Korea love story.

"This kind of thing will involve a lot of people and things. It's about thousands of families in one place, and we can't afford to be sloppy. So, go back to you and set up a special group, and then you and your husband will be consultants. I was It's a little official. Your manager is also the technical backbone of the state-owned enterprise. We will help you check it. "After Guan Dian understood it, he took a picture of his chest and said that he was responsible for it, and Guan Ming felt that the old man was just too busy. .

Little official? Quickly pull down, it is a grass-roots official ape. Okay, who did you manage then? When shopping in the grocery market, the bargaining price is not smooth.

Technical backbone? To be straightforward is to be a veteran lying on the production line all his life. You should be an eighth-level fitter.

Of course, these are the situations before Guan Ming's rise.

"Okay, I'll get it back." Nodded, Guan Ming calmly accepted the advice of the old man, the heaven and earth's father and mother are the biggest, nothing to mention, this old man and old lady really want to start playing with Guan Ming, He really couldn't fight back.

"Hub husband, did you talk about the child? The giant agreed to take a photo?" Itching Mu Xiaoxiao endured for a long time and found that everything was almost done before he asked Guan Ming.

As if there was a tail fanned into an electric fan behind her ass, the little round face was a flattering and expectant expression.

"Almost, but there is only one leader at home, we are not the sun, and it is impossible to let others turn around us." Of course Guan Ming will not tell the truth, lest this goods torment him tonight. u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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