Private Technology

: One thousand and twenty two

Mu Xiaoxiao's donation actually belongs to his head. He just feels that he has a baby, so he will be a charity and commemorate it.

With the charitable activities that were started after the twins were born, and now the two trillion yuan in one breath, there must be a gap in money, but it can't be said that she values ​​boys, and after all, continuous donation is a continuous love in itself .

The main reason for this is that Mu Xiaoxiao does not admit that she is a patriarch, and she may also be aware of the issue of twice the amount of money. She now sticks to twins more every day. This may be self-salvation from mothers.

Sitting in his seat, Mu Xiaoxiao had a smile on his face, remembering the pictures of the three children in his head, and regarded the reporter in front of him as a bunch of radishes.

However, she knew that she should show a dignified and beautiful smile, instead of a stupid, offensive smile.

"Now everyone can ask questions. Please raise your hands in an orderly manner and ask questions after getting permission from the host." I know that I am not the main body of this conference, and the boss of charity officials did not force anything, but went down according to the established content.

"Mr. Guan, may I ask why you made such a decision and donated two trillion yuan directly!" The first reporter named was always a CCTV reporter, but the other party did not have the freedom to move forward when chatting in the makeup room. His face was flushed and excited.

Guan Ming is the country's top card, but in the past his contributions have been concentrated in the field of science and technology, not charity. Today, Guan Ming is about to carry the banner of charity, which will make this reporter feel extremely happy. Trillion, ask if you are afraid!

In recent years, foreign media have always complacently said that Gates or who donated as much or as much money as possible each year, but foreigners have good charity tax credits, otherwise where are so many philanthropists?

The capitalists are eager to knock out the workers' bone marrow and throw them in the oil pan and fry them twice.

"This question should not be asked of me. The donor is my wife." Guan Ming said. Yu Guang found that the idiot had no response. It is estimated that 80% of the idiots were distracted, so he reached out and held her hand, then placed it on the table as a sign. I am happy in love.

After hearing Guan Ming's words, the reporters remembered that the donor said by the boss just now seems to be really Mu Xiaoxiao, but these don't matter. After all, Guan Ming nodded so much In addition, Mu Xiaoxiao ’s funds are essentially Guan Ming ’s, or Guan Ming ’s funds were donated to Mu Xiaoxiao ’s technology. I wo n’t say much about it in the future, but Zhong Qiming drools a lot of people, let alone 20%. Even 0.2% can make people break their heads to fight and grab!

"Mrs. Guan, why did you make such a decision? Does your family support you for donating so much money?" A CCTV reporter asked a question.

"There is no special reason to donate. I just feel that many children in China are still living in poverty and suddenly want to do something. Then I check the balance of the bank card and I tell my parents and father-in-law. The bank card was donated, and then they all nodded in agreement. Of course, I still have to thank my husband for supporting me. He ran around to help me with this. "Crooked head, Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth and looked after Mingming, her round little face was as cute as Xue's head!

"Mrs. Guan, hello, I find that your beneficiaries cover all aspects of the lives, education, and medical care of poor children and adolescents. Is it because of your recent birth? Also, this time you gave birth to a child The prince or the little princess? Finally, congratulations on adding a housekeeper to the steward. "The second reporter is a folk media, and the badge is a magazine rather than Weibo or Tencent.

Although the country has stepped out of the feudal society, the self-contained person of Guan Ming, whether it is the media or the public, feels that he has transcended certain boundaries.

"Thank you, there is also a part of the reason. After seeing the baby, I thought about what the child ’s future convention will look like, whether it is school or marriage, and then I checked it online and found that there are still so many domestic people who need help. Child, I think I should do something later, instead of familiarizing with some charity projects and donating as before. ”Mu Xiaoxiao did not talk about the child ’s gender, although this is probably not a secret.

"Mrs. Guan, I'm glad you have a kind heart, but currently there are more than 500 million young people who live below the poverty line and under the age of 18 in the world. Why are your donations not global? Compared with your country, many Youth life in African countries is more difficult, why do n’t you choose to expand the scope of charity. ”The third question is a foreigner, although the voice and expression are in place, but the questions raised are nonsense.

"There are poor people both at home and abroad. This is unavoidable. China is still in the primary stage of socialism. At the same time, the level of productivity is low and regional development is uneven. The quality of science and technology and national culture are not high enough, so I think there should be nothing. The country is worse than our country. "Head tilted, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a pretense of doubt, as if asking him why such a reporter asked such a mentally handicapped question.

In fact, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao had already discussed the answers to these questions.

Don't imagine how good the foreign media is, and don't imagine how perfect the foreign country is.

Regarding the degree of shame, foreign countries are far better than domestic ones. When there is no relevant situation, they can only admire foreigners, but they can only say that they do not know much about foreign countries.

As we all know, the ocean area of ​​the earth is about 2.5 times that of land. The seabed minerals are much larger than those on land. China has also built the world's only deep sea mining vessel. To many people, whether it is rented or not, this is China's own. It's a decision, but some countries have asked our country to make this technology public.

"Hehe ~" I heard Mu Xiaoxiao's words ~ ~ Many Chinese reporters also applauded and laughed out loud. They didn't know if they agreed with Mu Xiaoxiao or mocked the reporter just now.

"General Manager, just now we learned that you and your family are passionate about charity. Will you leave a will to donate naked or donate a large amount of money for charity?" The fourth question is still a foreigner, But he left the problem to Guan Ming.

"I wouldn't do this because judging by my current age and the frequency of previous donations, I may donate more money than most people around the world in my lifetime, so I do n’t have to come all at once, and with my personal Compared to behavior, I hope that my children will continue to do charity like me in the future. In charity, it is more meaningful for the younger generation to transcend than to let the younger generation look up. "Guan Ming knows what he said It may be criticized, but he doesn't want a 'True Fragrant Warning' in the future.

PS: The first recommendation after two or three months, I was left with a bit of brain excitement. Sorry, it has been corrected.

Today, my colleague was caught by the leader while watching the live broadcast secretly before leaving work. The leader punished him to write a review of today ’s battle. I suspect he had a PY deal with the leader because he went directly to the conference room to watch the live broadcast. ...

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