Private Technology

: One thousand and twenty-five, I seem to be in a big deal.

Today is the Lantern Festival, and the Internet-related development of this node in the previous life was not very fast. In terms of Guan Ming's limited memory, at this time in his last life, he used the Nokia blue screen mobile phone, which only had the function of calling and texting. Every week The internet may only be around 15 hours.

In this life, the data given by Shuangxing is that the number of domestic Internet users has reached 700 million people, and the mobile terminal has a population of 630 million. The average online time is more than 40 hours per week.

The side reflects the prosperity and rise of today's Internet-related industries. Of course, this does not affect the timeliness of News Network.

At least in China, the official media is eligible for all non-government media to postpone the draft.

At seven in the evening, the old and young Guan Ming families were sitting in the living room watching "News Broadcast".

Mu Xiaoxiao, who originally wanted to hold her child, lost her right. It is estimated that based on the principle of "eating a hundred beans is not too fishy," Guan Mengxi held his brother in his arms and sat on the carpet. Very stubbornly pulled Rhubarb behind him as a pillow.

Looking at Guan Mengxi who used his face to paste his brother's face with a smile from time to time, Guan Ming revealed a gratifying smile.

It's better to have both children, and to be… home?

No problem!

"Hello everyone ..." On TV, the host began to announce today's news.

"Here we come, we are coming soon." Mu Xiaoxiao clapped his hands in a vehement gesture, motioning everyone to stop chatting and watch TV.

“Ms. Xiaoxiao, a shareholder of Zhong Qiming, held a press conference today and stated that she would donate two trillion yuan for charity at one time. The scope of application of this fund includes, but is not limited to, children's education, medical care, poverty alleviation, etc. The world ’s largest single charity donation in history, and his husband Guan Ming ’s family has donated more than 600 billion yuan in the last five years ... ”

The hostess spoke Mandarin very well and spoke the news release in full.

"Mom, mom, what is two trillion?" Seeing the picture of his own father and mother passed, Guan Mengxi looked up at her old mother with a bit of aggression.

The course of the twins has passed the 6th stage. If you only talk about mathematical multiplication and division, you can do mental arithmetic with 5 digit multiplication. However, trillions are 13 digits. Guan Mengxi seems unable to understand this in a short time. digital.

"Just ... there are as much as two trillion!" Mu Xiaoxiao groaned a little, then said with a serious expression.

"Sikuyi ~" I don't know if she understands, but she has an admiration on her face, probably she thinks that her mother-in-law really graduated from a prestigious university.

"Cough ~" Seeing that his wife's face was to be proud of honey again, Guan Ming quickly coughed twice.

With his parents nearby, Mu Xiaoxiao's IQ shuddered and flew into his head to occupy the absolute high ground.

"Xiao Xi, you can't speak Japanese. If you say‘ awesome ’, speaking a foreign language at such a small age can easily mess up your mother tongue.” Mu Xiaoxiao ’s unsmiling smile became serious again, like an old angry youth.

"But mom ... oh no, it's my sister who can speak foreign languages, my sister can speak Japanese and English, and listening to Teacher Tian, ​​my sister can also speak Spanish." Guan Mengxi retorted seriously.

However, Guan Ming always felt that at first this little point seemed to say that her mother-in-law occasionally came to say two Japanese, but just now the stupid was facing him with the back of his head, so Guan Ming was not sure if it was Mu Xiaoxiao for a moment The expression has been distorted.

"Well? My sister would be so much?" Mu Xiaoxiao heard it, looking at Guan Mengyu in surprise.

"Mom, it would be very disturbing for me to say this ..." Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with a dead fish in her eyes, she also felt Guan Ming's pain at this moment.

What kind of experience is it to call your dad after being chased by his wife?

Guan Guan used to think it would be sex, but after he really understood it, he would feel endless embarrassment, especially when he was in front of his dad, mother, and husband.

"Oh, how could there be so much rain? Teacher Oda taught you?" Mu Xiaoxiao bowed her head, touching her head to interact with her little girl.

"Mom, watching TV, you and your dad are about to start." Xiao Xiao pushed Mu Xiaoxiao away, using both hands and feet, and managed to climb to the other side of the younger sister Meng Yu, and let this strong sister to deal with the intellectually disabled mother-in-law .

"Yeah yeah, watch TV." Patting the carpet hard, Guan Mengxi shouted loudly.

Today's press conference also appeared on TV in a timely manner. At the same time, the host began to briefly introduce the beginning and end of the news and its influence.

"At 9 am this morning, the National Red XX Charity XX accompanied the Guan Ming couple to hold a press conference. The content was mainly publicly disclosed in the past five years. The contributions of the Guan Ming couple and their families to charity, the cumulative donation amounted to 6615. At the same time, under the witness of Chinese and foreign journalists, Ms. Xiaoxiao Mu officially donated two trillion yuan for children's medical care, education, and poverty alleviation. It is expected to benefit 600,000 orphans nationwide and more than 50 million single-parent poor families. And all students who have lost their learning opportunities because of their health and poverty. "

"The past year has been a great year. The country's GDP has grown rapidly, and Ms. Mu Xiaoxiao's single donation reached 1/30 of last year's GDP. It is the best in the world for charity!"

"The country has specially made a trophy for Ms. Xiaoxiao Mu in recognition of her outstanding contribution to charity."

One man and one woman, two hosts, one sentence and one sentence, the pictures on the news screen are also changed in turn.

In the past, Guan Ming and his wife used Guan Ming's pictures as the main subject, but today, Guan Ming has become naked, with his handsome face and the same stomach as the hills to set off Mu Xiaoxiao's external appearance. A dignified and beautiful face and an inner gentle and virtuous heart.

"Husband, I think ... I seem to be in a big deal." Mu Xiaoxiao had a rare IQ going online and looked at Guan Ming with a bitter expression.

"I'm not afraid. I'm just tired at most ~ ~ I wanted to take a big breast for comfort, but considering that my father and mother are all there, Guan Ming also knows to slap that round and dooty face.

"There should be interviews later, maybe a series of reports, etc., but there should be no commendation conference, etc., after all, the trophy was given to you in front of the media, although the official level is not too high, But it also represents the official approval. "Guan Dao knew his daughter-in-law's temperament, and then bravely set up a wave. Anyway, the flag broke and it had nothing to do with himself. Is it okay, after all it is two trillion!

But just think about this kind of thing. After all, dreaming about this thing, even if you pull the calf again, maybe you accidentally got involved that day ~

"Maybe, I think a lot of people should look forward to the latest news from Xiaoxiao." Said, Guan Ming, like a licensed dealer, issued electronic glasses one by one to let everyone go online to watch gossip.

With an immortal mood, Mu Xiaoxiao buckled his heavy electronic glasses on his face, and wanted to see if things were going in a terrifying direction.

PS: This ... I ... update as much as possible, I hide in the corner as much as possible to round a ball ...

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