Private Technology

: 105 she is still a child (2/2)

At about nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Mengmeng left Guan Ming's house. Guan Ming did not leave her, and she did not take the initiative to stay. Of course, this stay was just a normal overnight stay. Although Liu Mengmeng could be lying shamelessly here, But she has a lot to do now.

In addition to implementing the things I just talked to Guan Ming, she also needs to make statistics on the company's finances and files.

Moving a company is more trouble than moving. Personal items, company items, etc. need to be counted, and then you need to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change the company's location. Externally, it is mainly for journalists and potential partners to ventilate. The most important thing is server issues. .

"Magic World" has only one server in the domestic market, that is, the company's current supercomputer, because Guan Ming is now busy with the school's supercomputer. She also asked Guan Ming about this, and Guan Ming said that she would stop serving for 24 hours. Back to compensate for the double time, because he does not have time to assemble and debug a new supercomputer now, and at the moment the most needed supercomputer is the double star, not the game server.

After waiting for the double star to resolve the photon computer, Guan Ming also needs to debug and deform the double star itself, and at the same time assemble the photon computer. The "Magic World" has unknowingly changed from the most effective project to a project with less attention ...

Invitation letters were sent by Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng separately, and they were divided into post and personal visit.

蒙 Liu Mengmeng personally came to the district headed by District Chief Li, and the post was delivered by the group of reporters, but before the person arrived, the phone passed first, followed by the invitation letter.

And Guan Ming personally came here with Qian Junhao and Bian Chengwen, a few experts and professors. After all, everyone meets every day, give it in hand, everyone's face will pass, if Liu Mengmeng even comes here to give, these few face It must be sad, after all, Guan Ming, who meets every day, is the boss.

The invitations sent by mail mainly consist of people who were in charge of the meeting. They were Director Wang and Dad's father and mother who came from Daocheng. Of course, when they called Director Wang, they promised to arrive on the spot. When he was on the phone, the two old men began to blame over the phone, clean up these useless ...

With the passage of time, the day of the ribbon-cutting came a little bit, Guan Ming took the father and mother to visit the company. The old couple took a step first, just arrived this morning.

Although it has already been put into use, but everyone just moved in, everyone is still not comfortable with the company. Even if employees have a company building profile, the most familiar person facing the company here is Guan Ming, because it was designed by him.

There are not many load-bearing walls in the building as a whole. The biggest sense for the father-in-law is big and empty. Just when Liu Mengmeng was around, the father-in-law did not say anything. As soon as Liu Mengmeng left, the father-in-law began to complain. His son is arrogant.

"How much does it cost? There are just a few people in your company who need such a large amount of money?" Guan Ma looked at the luxuriously decorated building with a distressed expression, especially the glass wall, which was filtered by single-pass glass. It's not dazzling.

"The problem is that I have money now, and I will become richer and richer, so ah, you two are retiring quickly. I am planning to build a villa by the company. Then we will live together." On the shoulders of the old couple.

Guan Ming doesn't know what other people's lives are like. In his family, the old man lives with him. After all, the old couple had only his son. Before he got married, specifically before he had met with Mu Xiaoxiao, he managed Ming was always worried about the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and every time he mentioned marriage, he stated in advance that he would take over his parents to live together, which may be the main reason for each attempt to get married.

The biggest reason why Guan Ming still pursues Mu Xiaoxiao in this life may be that Mu Xiaoxiao has no objection to living with his father, but also respects his father.

I have said that marriage is to find a lover who can tolerate his own shortcomings. Guan Ming thinks that his biggest shortcoming is his cool nature, and Mu Xiaoxiao just added this one.

I talked about the topic again. This time, my father and mother didn't refute, but they were silent.

The old couple was still thinking about it, when their son went bankrupt and could not eat outside, they could still have a little savings on the island side, let Guan Ming eat, although because of Guan Ming, the old couple started When I buy games and newspapers and magazines, every time I look at the building with the number of billions of income and the number of billions, I always feel a little illusory, but when I really see this building with billions of units, the old couple do n’t know how It's good, maybe it's better to use blankness and complexity to describe it.

I am at a loss for the future, for the present, but for Guan Ming, for their son.

At first glance, the old couple were silent. Guan Ming felt that there was a drama. After pondering a bit, Guan Ming decided to enlarge the move.

"Oh, here I am, there are girls I like. If you all resign, I will tell you about her." Guan Ming didn't dare to boast Haikou that he went to see his in-laws, this person, one Chatting, relax and be a little alert, it's easy to spit on the mouth, if Mu Xiaoxiao is a peer of the same age ~ ~ After all, she is a child, 23333.

"Is there an object? What is the character of the other person? What kind of work? How about the family?" When Guan Ma heard it, his mouth was like a machine gun, and Guan Daddy turned back and looked at his son who was taller than himself. The son actually has a target.

"I won't tell you, anyway, I'm very optimistic. I went to get married. If you can't come, I won't tell you. Besides, even telling you is useless, you can't come." The trick, in fact, is still a kind of showdown, a kind of sharing, and in Guan Ming's heart, Mu Xiaoxiao is an existence worthy of him to show off.

"You child!" Guan Ma unhappyly patted his son's shoulder.

Seeing his father's expression is not good, Guan Ming laughed and pushed open the door of the suite, which is the Guan Ming company's lounge, which is similar to the presidential suite. There should be a lot of them.

At this time, the father and mother couldn't bother to lament the luxury in the room again. More attention was paid to Guan Ming and the news just now.

"Hurry up and say, don't worry about your appetite, be careful of you." Guan Dad's face was happy, his tone was very light.

My aunt loves my sister-in-law, and my ancestor loves my grandchildren. Of course, this is also a kind of bloodline inheritance. Guan Ming is now a successful career, and his father ’s and his mother ’s usual chats have also changed from Guan Ming ’s career to Guan Ming ’s target.

When a person reaches a certain height, door to door is certainly a feudal habit, but whenever people make a choice, they also consider this issue subconsciously.

The most important thing that Guan Guanma thinks about Guan Ming's future daughter-in-law is character, and then subconscious work, family, which also reflects some problems.

PS: Cheeky for recommendations ~

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