Private Technology

: 1029 Clumsy effort

After eating breakfast for an hour, Mu Xiaoxiao broke the news. Although many of the materials were made up, he had to admit that this material is also quite positive, which made Guan Ming's outsiders more three-dimensional and fuller.

Although I only interviewed for one day today, there are a lot of contents to be interviewed, and finally I made a series of reports.

The content of the interview covers scientific research, charity, daily life and other aspects. It is a comprehensive analysis of Guan Ming's daily life.

"When I see Mr. Guan's study, I always feel more like a recreation room. Why is there an elliptical machine?" After entering Guan Ming's study, the host asked with an exaggerated tone.

The study room in the Zhongnanhai Villa is much stronger than the Guanming Villa in Shanghai. Perhaps the above considers that Guan Ming is a scientist and a scientist with strong hands-on ability. Therefore, the study room has a lot of space and has a wall-sized bookcase. The daylighting is also very good. There are even low tables and rocking chairs next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and desks, sofas and other equipment are also not falling.

"Xiaoxiao hopes that I can have a healthy body, so I deliberately got this thing to make me move twice when I'm okay." Reaching out, he gestured to the other side to sit.

The study can be used as a guest room, but this relatively private place is definitely not suitable for many people to come in, so there are only two single sofas, Guan Ming sits on the sofa, Mu Xiaoxiao sits on the sofa armrest with his legs on one hand, and Guan Ming Shoulders ensure balance.

"Then he only cares about work, and only moves twice when I stare. He even learns to lie and say that he has exercised, which is really annoying." Mu Xiaoxiao groaned with a smile.

"This is CCTV's interview. Give me some face. The audience will see it." Guan Ming tilted his head and looked up. The dark red thin needle sweater made her look gentle, and her long hair drooped down to the tube. Ming shoulders are like weeping willows, always reminding people of words such as quietness and tranquility.

It's a pity not to give face! !!

"Don't care about us, even if we know that Mr. Guan is lying to avoid sports, we will feel that Mr. Guan is saving time to work and there will be no misunderstanding!" Covering his mouth with a smile, the host likes this kind of breaking news, Although CCTV ’s “News Broadcast” dominates the 7 o’clock position, this does not mean that the ratings of this interview can be absolutely high. The more things catch the eye, the better.

"Look, when the show airs, everyone will say that Mu Xiaoxiao is an evil woman. All she knows is that interrupting Guan Ming's working hours and allowing him to peel shrimps, watch children, and exercise all delay national technology. What about development? "Looking down at Guan Ming, dividing the hair blocking the sight to the other side, looking at Guan Ming with clear, bright, non-impurity eyes, like the green lake water, sucking people's eyes.

Even if he was an old wife and wife, Guan Ming couldn't help immersing himself, just like the moment when he saw her for the first time in his life, the sincerity was like splitting his heart, and the clean, baby-like eyes that fascinated him.

"I'm just one person. I can't talk about national technology at all. Besides, it's the standard of normal husbands and fathers to peel shrimp or to watch children. If you exercise, you can do it later." Shaking his head, Guan Ming always has no way to face such eyes, not coquettish, rather than coquettish, because this kind of eyes really makes people feel inferior, and feels that the other party is a piece of white and tender tofu, as if blowing a breath You can crack the tofu.

She patted her knees and felt the soft and hard changes in her palms. For a moment, Guan Ming really wanted to exercise for 18 hours a day to become Schwarzenegger, and then began to lift up, after all, this leg really felt good. .

But the strong little angel in Guan Ming's mind was laid down by the lazy little angel in one round.

Hold high?

tan90 °!

Impossible, useless, unnecessary!

"No, if you are so showy and loving, we are not good at editing!" The host began to complain. At the moment, she is very envious of Mu Xiaoxiao, who has been married for 6 years, but she can still control Guan Ming. Don't know the southeast and northwest.

The host felt it necessary to add some topics that the audience wanted to know, such as how to manage love, marriage, and how to grasp the heart of the rich.

"Uh ... continue the interview, which link is next?" Guan Ming shrugged, his eyes dodging. After all, even such a thick-skinned thing would be a little awkward.

Covering her mouth and chuckling, Mu Xiaoxiao is also embarrassed and don't go overboard, very shy.

"The following question is about charity. Mr. Guan, how much do you think individuals and companies should do in the field of charity, and at the same time, what do you think is the significance of charity?" The host looked at the manuscript and asked.

"Isn't such a question to ask Xiaoxiao, if she is charitable ..." Before Guan Ming said it, she felt that she was covering her leg with her other hand.

"It's good to say some gossip. I'll leave it to you to deal with such serious stuff. You are so handsome ~ No matter what you say, everyone will forgive me. I don't have to. In case the netizens are crazy DISS, I will It's a headache. "Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want Guan Ming to lose this opportunity of" flaunting justice. "She worked so hard for so long and asked for such an opportunity.

"Okay, okay, let me say it." Knowing that this was Mu Xiaoxiao's kindness, Guan Ming groaned a little, then nodded.

Looking at the host, Guan Ming said, "How do you say, charity? I think it is a social responsibility, whether it is an individual or a business. Although the law does not explicitly state how much charity tax you pay each month, But this social responsibility is more ethical, at least in my opinion. "

"We enjoy the national bonus, from your birth to death, whether you are sick to see a doctor, or to live, eat, live, etc. When we are in trouble, we instinctively go to the country and the society for help. When we are developed, I think We also need to give back to the country and society, because in this way we can allow the country and society to develop faster and help those in need. This is a spirit that is passed on by fire and will never die. The spirit of society and business to the national society is also the spirit of elders to juniors and old people to children. "

"I value this spirit very much. I once read the works of Zeng Guofan, because of curiosity, and also checked his related records. In fact, if you look closely, you will find that there are very few sons in the Houmen family like Zeng family. Because the Zeng family still retains the spirit of Zeng Guofan, whether it is "Zi Guofanzishu" or "Zeng Guofan Family Book", you can feel that kind of strong personal thought, and this kind of thinking also continues to affect the descendants of Zeng family. "

"I was thinking that my personal achievements are okay now. What will my children and grandchildren look like after a hundred years? I also wrote a" Book of Guan Ming Family "? This is unrealistic. I do n’t have the level of Zeng Guofan. Then I I can only use clumsy methods to physically tell my offspring how I did it. "

"Although I can't sum up some very good words, I can do it through charity, care for the elderly, and loyalty to love and marriage. I will use my actual actions to tell my children that I am like this Yes, and I hope they do too. "

"Influencing one by one, one by one, maybe I can't think of a way to eliminate poverty and the gap between the rich and the poor, but I feel that when the overall mental outlook of the society improves, many things will be solved and will not Someone begged for sweet and spicy food during the day, and no one would walk away indifferently when they saw someone in need. I think that's great. "

Guan Ming's charity is for a good part of the children's sake. It is an example for the children, just like the father in his lifetime. Even if he never sees his relatives there, he still brings the old man back to support him, even if the old man is very despicable. The management mother quarreled, and the management father did not send the old man back to the uncle's house that didn't care about anything.

Perhaps the old man's father-in-law just felt that the old man was older, but he felt that no matter how old the grievances were, he could not deny the responsibility of the Son of Man.

But from the perspective of Guan Ming at the time, that was a spirit. He was a grass-roots daddy who had to go out to find work even if he retired all his life. There was a spirit that Guan Ming couldn't look straight at and burned!

This is exactly the same. Guan Ming's last life, in this life, no matter how good his life is, he must tie the two old people to live together. As long as he has a bite, he will not make the old man hungry.

Because he is clumsy, he can't think of other ways to express his inner thoughts, and he doesn't even know how to fully describe such thoughts and spirits.

"It's awkward. If this is also awkward, we sincerely hope that there are countless people in the country who are just as awkward as they are to do what you are doing now!" Said the host sincerely.

The host is not an actor, but he is better than an actor.

The host is not a psychologist, but rather a psychologist.

She could feel that Guan Ming was telling the truth at the moment, and that was exactly the case, so she was moved.

It would be better to be able to do it ~ ~ She has seen too many people called beasts by professor during the day, such as those who control the words and deeds, and are not many.

Guan Ming smiled and shook his head without saying anything. By the way, he also calmed down his slightly excited mood.

"After listening to what you said, I think you should still have some action in the future, can you shed some light?" The host continued to ask according to the established questions.

"Isn't it going to the two sessions, I am going to propose something about business and charity. In simple terms, let companies go to poor areas to develop, while driving the local economy and increasing the income of local people, it is also balanced to the income of the company. To achieve a win-win situation among the three parties, which includes investment in education and medical care, and planning the direction of economic development in the region, etc., the content is only a matter of discussion. "Guan Ming thought for a moment and said.

PS: Although I am a salted fish, even salted fish has a dream drop!

Turn over and shake off the salt grains. Compared with chapter two and three thousand, I wish I was chapter two and three thousand.

In order to have the next recommendation, I will work harder and also seek genuine support!

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