Private Technology

: One thousand and thirty two

Black red British style, black straight head with a rabbit ear hat on it, looks like a large loli, regardless of height or figure, is large, the reason why it is named 'loli' It is probably similar to a little girl in character, especially the cute expression.

"What are you doing ~" I was wondering which one of the bathtub treadmill and bounce shoes is more suitable. When I opened the door, I found that the duck was sitting, sitting on the bed, and the upper body was leaning forward slightly. Ditch, big eyes blinked.

"Guess who I am ~" Mu Xiaoxiao asked with a voice similar to a child's voice, with both hands clenched into fists.

"... The Black Rabbit in" Problem Children "?" I couldn't stand the tenderness of the goods, and Guan Ming tilted his head reflexively, as if there was high energy in front.

Guan Ming also accompanied Mu Xiaoxiao to watch anime recently. If he had rabbit ears, he probably only had this character, and the black-red and probably British style clothes suggested something.

"Oh, that's right ~" Both hands moved up and down to look cute, and their bodies twisted, and the rabbit's ears on their heads shook.

Guan Ming wants to know from the bottom that this thing must be made by Double Star, even ...

"Shuangxing said just now that you have recently damaged your joints and muscles due to sports. Wouldn't it be you and your partner to lie to me!" Guan Ming came up in a fit, poked her finger on the other person's forehead, and gave her a jerk.

It's usually not enough time to sleep at this point, whether it is Guan Ming's husband or newborn, or even the twins did not sleep, but today they were born in the room, Guan Ming also knows that this is the ghost of Mu Xiaoxiao, He even suspected that the children had just been returned to the house.

Being stabbed, Mu Xiaoxiao was not angry. He lay down on the bed with the tip of his tongue slowly across his red lips, supporting his cheek with his left hand, bending his right leg, and slowly sliding his right hand up from the knee position. A subtle arc is formed between them.

There was a saxophone song from Conan in the room, but it was much slower than the normal version.

Music plus Mu Xiaoxiao's current movements and expressions, Guan Ming said that **** is full!

As for why you chose the song "Conan", Guan Ming thinks this should be a personal interest, at least his wife likes watching this anime.

The next day, Guan Ming woke up a little later than usual and walked a little bit outside, but Mu Xiaoxiao's face was shiny and she looked very NICE.

"Sister, I'm sorry, don't be angry with my sister ~" Holding her sister's hand, Guan Mengxi took a long apology to apologize.

"What's wrong? Mistakes?" With a big head in her head, Guan Ming sat back to her place.

Breakfast should be specially prepared. Honey-baked prawns are all supplements. The bowl of chicken cakes is bright, and the whole family enjoyed it alone. Although both the old and the young couple turned a blind eye, Guan Ming always felt that the mother was more transparent With endless contempt.

Oh my god, this is all driven by stupid people!

Guan Ming wronged into the ball!

"It should have been Xiaoyu last night that caused a light rain, and I apologized there in the morning." Guan Ma saw Xiaoxiao sit down with a smile on her face and nodded at her as if she had just performed something National missions are the same.

However, it is normal. Usually Mu Xiaoxiao is treated at home, not to mention that she is still breastfeeding.

"I just saw the baby, he is still sleeping, Xiao Xi, Xiao Yu, eat first." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, and began to coax the child with that stupid smile on his face.

"By the way, I received the above email in the morning. The giants are all at home today. We have a giant meeting at 3 pm. It is expected to end at 4:30. Then we arranged a half-hour meeting time for us. Take a picture, and then you two will return to Shanghai. "

After speaking, Guan Ming picked up a shrimp with a fork and started eating.

Zhongnanhai's team of chefs are proficient in various cuisines, such as topping, shelling, and shrimp line.

Although the name is grilled prawns, the final process of this thing is similar to that of wok meat and sweet and sour meat. There is no open flame at all, but it is a little greasy for breakfast.

"Back to Shanghai? Why should we go back to Shanghai? You don't go with us?" Guan Ma swallowed the soy milk and looked at Guan Ming puzzledly.

"... I'm not afraid it's boring for the two of you to stay here. Xiaoxiao and I are going to the two sessions, and probably go in mid-March." Seeing Guan Dian's wink, Guan Ming knew that the old man wanted to go back and only Willingness.

When Guan Ming didn't start, the housekeeper took care of the father and the little ones, but until the time when Guan Ming took off, the housekeeper had nothing serious.

"What's boring about this, you two attend the two sessions, and the kid happened to be bringing us, shouldn't you ... you want to go back to your fox friends and dog friends to go to Macau!" At the end, Guan Ma looked at Guan Da with a suspicious look.

The old lady can't wait to see the old man go to Macau as a charity gambler, but those rich people really do n’t know where to spend it, so they will go to Macau together.

"How come, Xiaoming thinks this for us, and it's all just good intentions." Guan Daddy waved his hands in disgust, trying to clear the relationship.

"By the way, are we going to go to the giant's side this afternoon?" Guan Dad forcibly shifted the topic. Although it was a bit blunt, the effect was very good. Guan Ma couldn't care about Guan Da's careful thought for a while.

"Of course I'm going. There aren't many opportunities to take a picture together, and people on both sides just have everything." Although Guan Ming thought this behavior was mentally retarded, who made Mu Xiaoxiao like it?

"It's a pity that my parents are there." Mu Xiaoxiao regretted after speaking.

When I came to the imperial capital before, the four old people came together, but on the third day they went back again.

I do n’t know what ’s going on, but Guan Ming thinks it ’s the two elderly people avoiding suspicion. After all, there is only one villa in Zhongnanhai. Occasionally, they can live together for a day or two, but they live longer. Live so peacefully.

"Mom, mom, do you want to take your brother and sister to take photos with the giants and grandpas in the afternoon?" Holding the hemp group, Guan Mengxi still had white sesame in his mouth.

"Yeah, so you have to be pretty." Fingers touched, and Mu Xiaoxiao took off the sesame seeds from that mouth.

"Uh-huh, we will be very beautiful!" Nodded again and again, Guan Mengxi's face was inexplicably excited.

Is this the awakened soul of makeup?

Guan Ming observed a moment of silence for his own son, probably, women's clothing is not impossible.

The itinerary of the giants will not be static. Occasionally, he will change the itinerary if there is an emergency. According to the itinerary reported by Double Star, one of the giants must have changed the itinerary.

Of course, Guan Ming does not think that the reason for the giants to change their schedule is to take pictures with him. It is very likely that this giant meeting is very important.

At 4 pm, the Guan Ming family drove to the giants' office.

Wearing a beautiful little western skirt, Guan Mengxi grabbed his sister's hand and looked away. The other hand was held by Mu Xiaoxiao, while Guan Ming walked in the middle and pushed a stroller.

The meeting was slightly delayed, waiting until 4.45 until the giants adjourned.

In the large sitting room, the giants and housekeepers are sitting together. It may have been discussed before, and it is naturally Guan Ming who accompanies the chief giant.

"I've seen CCTV's interview with you, it's very good." The chief giant looked at Guan Ming, nodded with satisfaction, clearly Guan Ming was a man, and naturally he also knew what he said was true and what was false.

"It's all I should do." Guan Ming was modest, after all, this was not the time for him to curl his tail.

"I wanted to talk to you alone today, but we have been very busy recently. I just called your family. Although there is not much time reserved, I have the opportunity to see your son in the future. It's a naughty little guy. "The giant remembered something and shook his head with a smile.

People will not be too harsh on babies, even if they urinate in their arms, or even lie in the arms of giants, everyone can laugh and laugh at the children's extraordinary performance since childhood.

"The child's biological clock is a bit messy. This time is the time for him to get up early. I'm really sorry." Guan Ming said embarrassedly with an apologetic expression.

Even if the giant smiled and waved at that time, Guan Ming was cold on his back.

"I was born and understandable. I heard that you were going to get a proposal for an enterprise and a poor area during the two sessions. Now it's convenient to talk about it?" Glancing at others who were not too far away, the chief giant asked.

This kind of thing is not a secret. After all, the proposals of the two sessions do not have a long confidential period, nor are they military or scientific and technological designs, and there is no concept of leaks.

"Before, the giant wanted me to go to the poor areas to carry out poverty alleviation programs. Later, I thought about it carefully and felt that ..." Guan Mingyuan said his thoughts originally.

Different companies have different views on different poverty-stricken areas. At least Guan Ming thinks that his technology-based company will be very happy with the concept of 'high-tech + tourism'.

Whether it is a beautiful inland city ~ ~ or a small county along the coast, Guan Ming has too many scientific and technological means to expand the tourism industry.

New materials glass bridges, 3D bridges, skydiving, water slides, smart pavilions, etc. are all good gimmicks.

As for the direction of the agricultural and sideline industries, Guan Ming said that he was a bit wrong.

It is also the opportunity that follows, Guan Ming is also a small giant to shape the general giant, if you really want to assign tasks to Guan Ming, then it is best to find a reliable place.

After talking with Guan Ming about how the three sides of the company, the locality and the individual can achieve a win-win situation, under the reminder of the secretary, the general giant Zhang Luo began to take pictures.

The giants all gave face, and took several photos in succession. The giants + children, the giants + Guan Ming and his wife, the giants + housekeeper.

After getting what he wanted, Guan Ming's eyes reminded him, Guan Dad retreated with his family, leaving Guan Ming alone to deal with several giants.

PS: Improving my life today, I was almost drunk. In order to update, I haven't had time to watch the game, I will make up later.

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