Private Technology

: 1039, let my brother filial piety

Guan Mengxi, who lied about the military situation, was applauded by Mu Xiaoxiao. The position was a fleshy little butt.

"Hmm! You don't love your brother anymore, he can talk!" Covering his **** with both hands, Guan Mengxi wrinkled his nose and snorted heavily.

"The child's body is not well developed, and it is not realistic to speak now. It is likely that the sound made by the airflow is too fast, and the true meaning of" talking "are two concepts. It really speaks. "Siping sat steadily in the sofa, Guan Ming smiled and looked majestic.

Hearing Guan Ming's explanation, Guan Mengyu poked his lips and didn't break anything.

"Ha? It's true that you can call your mother." Mu Xiaoxiao was a little "angry" and patted Guan Ming's belly with both hands.

After taking off the clothes, the sound of the palm hitting the body is very interesting. If Guan Ming is now slippery, I can probably see the scene of ‘Meat Sea Waves’.

"Huh! You don't care about my brother, just I care about my brother. When the brother grows up, I must let my brother filial piety to me!" According to the routine, it should be the rhythm of swearing to heaven.

Then there was only the moon tonight, no thunder.

"Filial piety is for juniors to elders, brother and you are the same generation, so you ca n’t use filial piety." Mu Xiaoxiao said quickly, lest there are some strange ideas in her little head, only five years old can breast brother The ghost knows what else this little can do.

"I don't care if I don't care, I will let my brother filial piety in the future, I will tell my brother to go now!" Grimace his tongue, Meng Xidian run upstairs.

Miss Sister did not take herself to play, she felt so uncomfortable and unhappy!

You usually stick to me. Is it because you have forgotten your sister when you have a younger brother?

Hesitating, with a reluctant face, Guan Mengyu climbed down the sofa and went upstairs, but unfortunately Guan Mengxi could not see the figure.

On the Internet, after a video of Mu Xiaoxiao was sent out, it caused a lot of comments from netizens.

"Readers can't say fat, it's called fat!"

"This should be the worst time that Yanzu was hacked."

"Self-proclaimed Guan Yanzu? This is too funny, I didn't expect such a scientist, and at first glance you are not a serious salted fish."

"Compared with the fat tube, Mu Xiaoxiao is much cuter. She had always thought she was a very intellectual person. I didn't expect it would be so interesting."

There are many comments on the Internet, but under the control of Double Star, public opinion has not developed in a bad direction.

Two domestic internets are in parallel, and Double Star can flexibly control whether all content is displayed or even deleted.

In foreign countries, although it is still dominated by the US Internet and supplemented by a small number of network satellites, Double Star can hack into the background of the video to control each comment.

All comments are cut according to the current law. For example, domestic users cannot see comments from foreign users, and foreign users cannot see comments from domestic users. The Chinese spoken by Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Ming will also be dubbed according to grammar. Go to the corresponding native language in the corresponding area to ensure the original sound.

Those who follow Guan Ming will not follow this video because they are more concerned about the proposals of Guan Ming from the two sessions.

If you don't pay attention to Guan Ming, you will go to the brain to make up the person according to the video, making Guan Ming's person set more three-dimensional.

What Mu Xiaoxiao has always wanted to do is getting better.

Guan Ming, this fool, always thought that the two sessions were separate. The NPC session is the NPC session, and the CPPCC meeting is the CPPCC meeting. Where can I know that the CPPCC committee is attending the NPC session.

"It's very embarrassing." Guan Ming scratched his head, and there was endless embarrassment on his face.

This is really awkward, and it is still awkward in front of all netizens.

Yesterday, Mu Xiaoxiao updated the video. In a conversational manner, Guan Ming said that he could not attend the NPC and CPPCC meetings at the same time.

I didn't read the comments either. When I went out today, Zhou Wu told Guan Ming with a serious expression that the two meetings were held together.

"It's okay, it's boring stuff. Netizens must think that you're teasing them on purpose." Said, Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief when he checked the comment area of ​​the video through the electronic glasses.

A large wave of ridiculing Guan Ming's comments have emerged endlessly, but everyone thinks that Guan Ming's video belongs to the "Country owes you an Oscar series". Few people think that Guan Ming doesn't know the routine inside. The impression is very good.

Occasionally, very few comments will be clicked off by the double star to ensure that public opinion will not be impressed in other directions.

On March 5th, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao entered the venue and found that the government's reporting work was actually addressed by the previous giant, but when it was introduced, it was a giant and did not say that the previous and current session. No routine.

However, Guan Ming will not say much on this occasion or this topic.

The content of the report is that in the past five years, the country's economic growth rate, etc., can feel the country's strength, because the economic growth rate in each of these five years has increased by about 20% compared with last year, and it has also mentioned several management issues. Ming's name and even the lens gave Guan Ming several times.

Although everyone didn't say anything, a considerable part of them were emotional.

Five years. It is also these five years that Guan Ming has risen rapidly and created the world's largest private enterprise, participated in the world's largest state-owned enterprise, and even used its products. The country has also been in a cross-border manner in international financial negotiations, and the effect is very significant.

Guan Ming's exit from the international market was very decisive at the time, and re-entry into the international market was also required by other countries. Therefore, in the recent period, when the country talks with other countries about the economy, once it encounters the other party's unreasonable, it is often offered. The magic weapon of Guan Ming's exit from the market is to intimidate other countries, not to mention that this trick is insincere.

Guan Ming's products do n’t matter if you have n’t used them and do n’t know, but if you have used them, it ’s really hard to break them.

Foreign folks are very looking forward to Guan Ming's products. Whether it is electronic glasses or holographic projection, they have greatly improved people's lives. Among them, "League of Legends" contributed a lot. Counting the two global finals last year, holographic projections have been played. Once, it was transmitted through video to all young and middle-aged people who love e-sports and high technology, and this age group is also the main group for impulse consumption and demonstrations.

It is this time that many countries have seen the wishes of young people, and even young people in some countries have said that if they no longer open their markets to Guan Ming, they would consider immigration.

During that time, the national tourism industry developed vigorously, and at the same time, the influx of foreign capital was also very strong.

Regarding this year's 2013 economic outlook, the giant said that this year's economic growth forecast target is positioned at about 23.6%, and the growth rate of consumer prices is controlled at about 6.2%.

Applause, the podium floating in the sky slowly descended.

Mu Xiaoxiao and You Rong won the applause, looked at Guan Ming cheerfully, put their hands on their legs and put their fingers on their legs. They looked very peaceful and beautiful. They had a feeling of royal sister and royal wife.

It's the pickle-like hairstyle on the back of the head that makes Guan Ming a little awkward.

This product thinks about something weird all day long, saying that she is already a child mother and a wife, so you ca n’t keep those youthful and lively hairstyles in public. You must make a bun on the back of your head. .

At that time, Guan Ming recalled the youthful and lively hairstyle.

Mu Xiaoxiao watched Guan Ming carefully and said three words-Ji Fashi.

At that time, Guan Ming remembered the actress of "One Piece", then looked at his son's granary and nodded in approval, saying that her idea was fine.

If Mu Xiaoxiao dares to dress like this SEX, Guan Ming can make her shit!

The two sessions were a very hard work for Guan Ming and his wife. The feeling that "Lao Tzu obviously doesn't want to talk to you, why do you still jump out?" But the problem is that everyone says the same camp. Ming is hard to say anything.

You can ask "What is the development trend of the Internet?" Guan Ming can say that the Internet of Things, Internet + and other things, everyone develops together.

If you say ‘the international economic slowdown last year’ is fine, Guan Ming can also talk about the reasons for the failure of the US dollar.

But you say that the establishment of the e-sports national team by the General Administration of Sports really has nothing to say about Guan Ming.

Laozi dota has 800 points all year round, do you tell me about e-sports?

"I'm not quite sure about this. If I play, I'm more optimistic about" League of Legends ". I think it will have great potential in the future." Looking at an interested official opposite, Guan Ming really got a headache.

Increasing e-sports' international status is not a problem for Guan Ming, because the PC has dominated the game segment for too long, and Guan Ming, a laggard, also wants to be superior.

Guan Ming sometimes looks at e-sports ~ ~ but the domestic level is too difficult to get ahead in the international arena, and I can't remember the season. "League of Legends" will also reward 25% of the champion's skin sales %, Guan Ming would be very happy to see if China can secure the Asian title every year.

"League of Legends? Then I have to take a closer look." The official expression froze and wanted to say something. A service staff ran next to him and whispered to the Guan Ming giant that he had asked.

Guan Ming naturally and politely said that he has something to do with it.

In fact, both Guan Ming and this official know that if Guan Ming truly supports the national e-sports cause, then he can donate money and even directly host the competition.

But the problem is that the level of the 'national team' is worrying. Guan Mingke is not interested in throwing money to foreign teams.

PS: diarrhea, the whole person is weak and feels weak. I am so handsome that I have a physical problem. It really is heaven! Jealous! Ying! Only! (Voice here is Hong Qi in "East and West") public)

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