Private Technology

: 1041 The direction and topic of public opinion

The big man in front of him is not just as simple as a propaganda minister. At the same time, he is also a newly elected member and secretary. At the same time, he feels relatively young.

To put it more pragmatically, Guan Ming would not be surprised if he could break into ‘chang’ five years later. Similarly, this is also based on Guan Ming ’s disinterest in politics.

If he could be included in the list of all members and members in his lifetime, perhaps he would not have such a guess.

"Don't worry, you all have a good heart. It's normal for you to chat or something." I wanted to say something, but when the waiter came in to serve, the boss didn't say anything.

Tonight's meals are not plentiful. Four dishes and one soup, in addition to one cold dish and egg flower soup, two of the remaining three dishes are seafood. It can be seen that the boss deliberately ordered Guan Ming to order , But the color is not red, it may be that the big brother can not eat spicy.

There is no wine for dinner today. After considering some of his sultry operations, Guan Ming feels that if he drinks, it is easy to get his son drunk.

On the other side, Guan Ming is unclear for the time being, maybe the other party has to work overtime at night.

"I recently saw that you uploaded a small video on the brush video. I looked at it and it was quite interesting." I swallowed the food in my mouth, said the big brother.

"Before CCTV interview made a series of programs, I looked at the comments on the Internet and they were all very positive, so I hope to guide some of my personal opinion through this small video. If it is not appropriate, I am here It doesn't matter. "Guan Ming said quickly.

Unlike those giants and big guys who are familiar, this big guy Guan Ming is still quite unfamiliar. He really ca n’t do it if he throws the pot to Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, he ca n’t determine whether the other party can get this. A joke.

"You think more, keep eating, let's say as we eat." Holding the hand with chopsticks, he pointed at the dining table.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ming also picked up chopsticks from good to good, but his mind was not on the food.

"Your ideas are fine and no problem, but I think that since it is a guide, the direction and topic should be properly selected." The big guy said.

"Direction and topicality?"

"Yes, direction and topic, let the audience see what you want them to see, let the audience understand what you want to express, at the very least, reduce the part that may be controversial." Nodded The big brother said while eating cumin squid.

"You mean ... Last night's video was inappropriate?" Guan Ming thought for a moment and asked.

Yesterday's video didn't seem to matter to Guan Ming. A simple sentence “Europe is not friendly to self-driving electric vehicles” did n’t feel any problem, because although this sentence can read a lot of things, this sentence The words themselves seemed to be just a complaint, not even a complaint for Guan Ming.

Come on, even if Europe is friendly to self-driving electric cars?

Let Guan Ming make more than one billion or billions a year?

It doesn't make sense!

Just like the little Shenyang said, one of the most painful things about people is that they are dead and the money is not spent.

Guan Ming doesn't know how much money he can spend in this life, but he certainly can't spend just the money he earns.

"It is not appropriate to say that you are now shooting video, you have not prepared in advance, it belongs to the type of shooting and shooting." The big guy asked.

"It's true that I mainly want to show my daily life. After all, I rarely appear in front of the media, and the public is curious about me." Guan Ming nodded and tried to put the pot on his head, but In fact, this is completely Mu Xiaoxiao's pot.

The ghost knows what she is thinking about day and night. If one day this little video of the constipation is not available on the Internet, after all, you ca n’t speculate on a creature like a idiot.

"Get a solution or a theme. This can be better. The language content is the most basic. If conditions permit, you can do it in advance in terms of actions, looks, and even lighting. After all, you are also a celebrity. Pay attention to this. No problem at all, "said the big brother, eating the meal.

"Uh ... okay." What else can Guan Ming say? It's impossible to refute. He won't refute in this life.

"Let's talk about the video yesterday. You also know what the country is negotiating with foreign countries in the recent period of time." The big brother's expression turned serious.

Nodded, Guan Ming said nothing.

Of course, Guan Ming knows that in negotiations, even the low-profile version of the moon mining technology is ready to be sold. Even Guan Ming went to Tsinghua University for a few days to give a lecture for this matter.

"I have read the internal reference. This time the country has negotiated externally. As for the autonomous driving electric vehicle market, we are determined to obtain it. At the same time, we have a great opportunity to gain access to the global market. At present, we do not recommend that you publish some topics that are easy to cause Aspects of the topic, so that the other party is not ashamed into anger. "The big brother said.

When Guan Ming heard it, he suddenly realized that he finally understood why there was a renewal of electric vehicles. A giant came to say hello in the same way. He also understood that the boss was worried.

It was nothing more than fearing that Guan Ming's remarks would be reported by foreign media, and then the local people's plan would continue to march and demonstrate, bringing negative emotions to the local government. After all, these were more or less ‘unfavorable to cooperation’ remarks.

Because Guan Ming was a stuffy gourd before, and he rarely paid much attention to these things, so when the giants said hello before, they just said the updated content of electric vehicles.

As for the internal reference, Guan Ming often reads it.

The internal reference is a publication for the insiders. Because of different contents and different levels, this thing looks a bit taller, but the essence of this thing is still a document. Some think tanks and think tanks are important for scientific and technological development, national and international economic structure, and people's livelihood. Economic surveys, etc., are posted on it.

"I will pay more attention to it in the future. I will try to make some remarks that only concern myself. You can rest assured." Guan Ming admits decisively.

"Not so exaggerated. The video last night is also currently very good. At least everyone sees you on the other side, so pay more attention to it in the future." The boss nodded in satisfaction.

I have heard of Guan Ming, and I have also read Guan Ming's materials.

But the big man knew that this counseling also looked at people and status, even if he was the same before, it is estimated that Guan Ming would not counsel this thoroughly.

The next two were just gossiping, eating and drinking, talking about what the big brothers mentioned.

Maybe it is the expectation of the post. The big brothers are more concerned about how to regulate domestic public opinion in a high-tech background, how to guide young people's correct values, and so on.

In this regard, Guan Ming thinks it is better to come to a wave of bans on South Korea first.

Although Guan Ming also likes a long-legged Korean star, to be honest, there are too many Korean stars really not suitable for appearing in the country, such as a star who frankly came to China to develop without money.

There is no love in front of the country. If Guan Mingzhen wants to see a star with a long leg, he can invite others to come in private, right? He is not bad, and he throws down a billion dollars to invite the other person in his living room. Can you dance for two hours?

That is absolutely steady!

Of course, as someone who already has a daughter-in-law, he wouldn't do that either. At best, it's all about the latest developments.

After eating a meal for more than an hour, Guan Ming still wanted to wait for the big brother to leave first, but the big brother sent Guan Ming to the car, which made Guan Ming a little uncomfortable. ...

In the Zhongnanhai villa, when Guan Ming was home, there was no one on the first floor. I used my buttocks to know that the old man should return to the house to watch TV and wash up to sleep. Maybe the old man did not know when Guan Ming arrived home, so he did not go downstairs. Wait.

After returning to the bedroom, I saw my daughter-in-law lying uninteresting on the bed.

With a look of despair, she opened her mind, the big girl and the little son lying on her chest.

The son slaps his elder sister while eating, and the elder sister licks it and shakes his head, presumably trying to infuriate or tease the brother to see how hard the brother protects the granary.

It's a pity that Xiao Biao didn't seem to realize the preciousness of the food and looked at his big sister indifferently. Please continue your performance.

However, it may be understood that after all, small things have not yet learned the famous phrase, "Everything is hard".

If there is a room for people who are not suitable, the double star will block, and the indoor people will be notified at the same time, and if Guan Ming, the double star will be indicated by logical calculations, so it will be unobstructed.

And Mu Xiaoxiao's words, after seeing Guan Ming, left two lines of excited tears.

"Husband, you are going to die. Hurry up and take your daughter away!" With a voice of grief and indignity, Mu Xiaoxiao reached out to grab Guan Ming at the door of the room. Stayed, and then fell on the bed weakly ~ ~ Seeing her devil's decisive snatching and nursing food, Guan Ming wanted to look serious, but couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe ~ Xiao Xi, Songkou, this is your mother, what to do if you bite it?" Guan Ming walked over quickly, took her head and said with a smile.

Guan Mengxi's baby teeth are all full, it hurts you a fool.

Upon hearing Guan Ming's words, Guan Mengxi looked at his tearful old lady, and looked at his ignorant younger brother. He got up reluctantly, and then wiped the milk stains on the corner of his mouth very smartly.

"Well, my brother is so boring and not cute at all, is it because he didn't have twin brothers? I obviously ... when I was a kid ..." The words stopped, but Guan Mengxi still felt unhappy on his face, probably because he felt interaction with his brother. Not addictive at all.

"Everything? I ate it? Little guy, you have to remember, these are all my father and me, and it hurts me if I bite it!" Guan Ming held up Xiaoduo and clicked her nose with her fingers.

This little meaty thing doesn't look too greasy!

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