Private Technology

: 1069 Plants

Looking at his daughter-in-law's stupid smile, Guan Ming felt that socialism had saved her a life, otherwise Guan Ming could hang her up for a night!

Also ‘do n’t go, do n’t go scared’, why do n’t you teach a ‘all say I ’m too fat’!

However, if you think about it, it seems that you can't blame your daughter-in-law, probably the cosmic truth of counseling + counseling = counseling. When you encounter the pair of counseling by Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, the child may have the word 'suggest' inscribed in his bones. Guan Mengxi was very well-behaved in front of big men and giants since he was a kid, and it may be shivering.

After breakfast, Guan Ming took a car driven by Zhou Wu and went directly to the Shanghai boss.

"I knew you would definitely choose our side." After seeing Guan Ming in, the big face on the Shanghai Stock market smiled brightly.

Assembling an artificial island is a super project, in which the derived technology is on the one hand, and regional influence is on the other.

It can be said that if such an assembly base is completed and applied, in the future, once the country involves the assembly of very large equipment, there is a high probability that it will be put on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In the long run, it can even form a distinctive feature. High-tech industrial park.

There is nothing wrong with robots going to work. If there are few people, the profit of catering can be ignored, but at least you have to go to electricity. The price of industrial electricity is not low. Even in such a factory, education, tourism and other aspects may be improved.

"I don't like dealing with strangers very much. You speak well and the Shanghai market is so developed. I have no reason to go abroad." Guan Ming business touted a wave.

"Hey, you guy! Come here and see how these places are ~" Pouting with a smile, the Shanghai big man waved at Guan Ming and motioned for him to follow.

The desk is large. In addition to some common furnishings, the most prominent one is a map of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The map is not big or small, about one meter square.

The Shanghai market is very large. From the map, you really can't see anything concrete, but Guan Ming can clearly see that there are several polygonal red boxes on the outside of the Shanghai market.

Needless to say, this should have been prepared in advance by the big names in Shanghai. If you take into account the previous work, it may be done a month or two or even earlier.

"You are so confident in me ~" Seeing this, Guan Ming couldn't help feeling a sigh.

Before entering the site selection, the government must approve the project, and the artificial island project is not only technical, but also has various considerations in the military and economic fields.

Even if any one of the small projects in the above link is rejected, it may cause the abortion of the entire project, which means that the relevant work of the Shanghai Stock Exchange has been done in vain.

"It's not that I have confidence in you, but that we all have confidence in you. Come and see, you can adjust these places casually." The Shanghai big man didn't deliberately highlight himself, even the things he ignored and ignored. Make him toss and turn.

"Okay, then I'll take a look first, which is convenient for holographic projection?" Guan Ming asked, after all, the map scale makes it difficult for Guan Ming to see the landform clearly, and Guan Ming also needs a relatively accurate assessment.

"You can do it yourself. Today I purposely set aside time to accompany you to make this."

The words of the Shanghai city boss are regarded as a kind of authorization, and Guan Ming can also call 'National Artificial Intelligence' for a detailed introduction of these areas at the level, but in the office of the Shanghai City boss, all of them are The high-tech products controlled by the company defaulted to the Shanghai Stock Exchange as the first use sequence, unless the more advanced powers such as giants.

On the desk, the holographic projection projects relevant information.

The total area of ​​Shanghai is 6,340 square kilometers. There are 15 administrative districts and 5 suburban counties in the city, and there are 3 places shown on the map, which are on the upper left, lower left, and lower right.

Relatively speaking, the bottom right is better, because the straight line distance to the sea will be shorter, but the problem is that for artificial islands, this distance can be ignored.

With a maximum radius of 50 kilometers, the area of ​​the bottom of the artificial island is larger than that of the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange, so the issue of straight distance is also important?

Probably, it can be described in position.

One artificial island position, two artificial island positions ~

However, this kind of assembly is only a partial assembly after the artificial island is divided into large parts, and then the final assembly is performed at sea and in the sky. If it is really to be assembled on land as a whole, it is estimated that in addition to the desert one, it can be selected in China Not many more.

Taking a closer look at the information, Guan Ming thinks that the lower left will be better. This one will be relatively easy to relocate. There are not many companies and it will not cause much impact on the local non-agricultural economy.

For relocation and the like, Guan Ming also thinks that he can pay enough funds for these people to buy a house in the urban area.

Don't think that these land use management can't pay a penny, these are all money, and the importance of this project to management is obviously greater than the Shanghai market.

"Oh this place ... the land leveling is a bit more troublesome, and the diversion of water resources may take more time." After seeing Guan Ming's comparison, he carefully looked at the plot in the lower left, and the Shanghai city boss reminded him.

In fact, in the opinion of the Shanghai market leader, the lower right will be a good choice. Let alone the straight distance from the ocean, at least there are many schools nearby. Considering that the project is very long, the artificial island project alone is possible Will promote the insight work of some students.

Of course, the words on the lower left have little effect on this. Anyway, no matter where they are placed, everyone cannot trot all the way to the factory.

"This problem is not big, and I will carefully evaluate the diversion and ensure that it will not affect the surrounding water resources." Guan Ming said he was fine.

Both industrial water and industrial wastewater exist. Guan Ming is not unscrupulous enough to directly discharge wastewater into the river. Similarly, the protection of upstream and downstream water resources also needs to be considered by Guan Ming.

"It's just that there will be a lot of residents in this place, and the preliminary work will still trouble you." Guan Ming believes that there will not be a discount on the demolition fee, but this does not mean that the demolition work will be easy.

There may be some negative comments about the quality of Chinese people, but from a practical point of view, our country has a large population and there are many birds in the forest. From a horizontal comparison, our country has the lowest crime rate in large countries. Country, I have been out in the middle of the night for so many years, how many times have I encountered passers-by?

"This is what we should do, but don't you go and see for yourself?" When you noticed Guan Ming's attitude, the Shanghai market leader thinks that this area of ​​land should be used with caution.

"If you check, it ’s the same whether I go or not. I have been working too much lately. Xiaoxiao wants to go to Chongming Island to watch lavender together. I have to work quickly." Guan Ming spread his hands and smiled.

Guan Ming doesn't think that the above will pit Guan Ming on the ground. He even wants to promote this project by himself, which can be seen from the attitude of the Shanghai big boss.

Seeing and not seeing has no practical significance for Guan Ming. River diversions and land reforms can all be done in the study, and he cannot measure this area with his feet.

If there is a problem, the big names in Shanghai can't solve it, and Guan Ming naturally can't solve it. What the big names in Shanghai can solve, Guan Ming can deal with it in advance without words.

Guan Ming currently needs robots, various types of robots, and various numbers of robots.

"I really don't know what to say about you." Shaking his head, the dignitaries in Shanghai said with regret. Probably, if Guan Mingneng pays more attention to his work, his success will be higher.

But compared with higher achievements, perhaps this kind of Guan Ming is more real and more suitable for the country and the times.

"This is what I entrusted to you above. I don't know exactly what it is, but it said that it should be done as much as possible. When the total amount is unchanged, the proportion is mainly for you." Slap big mobile storage device.

Although the country ca n’t decrypt Guan Ming ’s DNA storage technology, thanks to the promotion of artificial intelligence and network satellites, the technology in this world is obviously much faster than the previous life. The semiconductor charge storage technology Guan Ming did not understand, but I heard that it is the Chinese self Breakthrough and better results.

"Well, I know." Nodded, Guan Ming put this thing in his pants pocket, he knew that it should be related to the weapon parameters that the artificial island could use.

"This is encrypted. If you have a password, you can go back and get the permissions yourself." The chief executive of the Shanghai Stock Exchange ordered.

I think that even if there is artificial intelligence, there is instability in network transmission, so passwords and physical storage are kept to ensure that information is not leaked.

"I heard that you are going to hold a tender recently. Do you need my help to arrange it?"

"It's so fast? I mean the news spreads so fast?" Guan Ming wondered whether there would be a weapon like a laser or not.

Yesterday, I just discussed with the giants. I didn't expect that the big names in Shanghai will know now ~ ~ Businessmen and reporters are different. I got a few old friends' calls this morning, and they are asking about this What happened. "The big names in Shanghai have no intention of showing anything, just narrative.

"With no problem in quality, I don't have any problems here." Guan Ming's people set up instead of courage. Considering the size of the artificial island, if the tender is held, it is estimated that all nations can participate in it. Will not go back empty-handed.

Regardless of Guan Ming or above, the most needed thing is time. It is impossible for a certain company in a certain industry to eat all the relevant orders. If you give orders in 2114, there is still an egg.

"You don't need to think about me in this regard. I mean these businessmen need me to help you arrange it. When the time comes, your company will come in person and arrange it at both ends." The Shanghai city boss waved his hands quickly. He didn't want to go wrong with this. At the same time did not dare to interfere in this.

"Oh, I'll go back and arrange it." Guan Ming remembered his number one, and thought of the tragic fact that he could not be born ...

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