Private Technology

: One thousand and seventy-four counseling the second meaning

Mu Xiaoxiao's resolution actually reminded Guan Ming that what you think is good must be good.

By extension, Xiao Xiao can't see it at present, but it is good or bad for the old couple to tie the tube father and mother to her. It is not clear to anyone, maybe only the old couple is clear.

Some things are not easy to say. Guan Ming can't just go and ask the old couple if they want to move out. If they don't think they want Guan Ming to evolve into a bad boy.

Looking at the old couple who teased the child, Guan Ming felt that he could only continue to maintain the status quo while working harder to improve.

At least compared with Mu Xiaoxiao, the life of the old couple is quite rich. They care about dad, and they also play horse riding and golf in the Macau casino. They play better than Guan Ming.

The management mother is not weak, in addition to going to the beauty salon often, she often goes to the auction house to continue to buy a bunch of antiques that may only be placed in the warehouse.

"Xiao Ming, I heard that you have made a personal island, is it convenient to talk about it?" After having breakfast, I saw Guan Mingzheng sitting on the sofa to slow down, Guan Dao sat and said.

Although the artificial island project only takes one night to ferment, considering the financial resources and technological level of Guan Ming itself, the implementation probability of the artificial island project will be very large, and because of the huge initial investment, people expect the artificial island. The sense is even higher, so the word "artificial island" has become a popular vocabulary on the Internet. At least 30 of the top 100 news on the entire network are about artificial islands.

"I'm thinking that my family can't go abroad, so I want to get you a playground or something, but don't say this outside. In general, it is to build the world's first domestic amusement park." Guan Ming didn't know how many grandfather A fox friend and a dog friend, some things are clear from the family, saying that they are too careful to be attacked by foreigners.

Guan Ming's order year after year, in fact, has also considered similar issues such as steel, coal and other raw materials.

Steel is monopolized by three major companies, and although the country ’s lunar mining has been very successful, it has not yet been shipped back in the second batch, which also means that the time for fully controllable nuclear fusion electricity is still a little long.

The gap in the middle price may only be a few digits after the decimal point, but when the base has been enlarged many times, the gap has widened.

With this money, it would be better for Mu Xiaoxiao to do charity. Regardless of the final effect, at least Mu Xiaoxiao's external image will be better.

"I know this clearly. I read on the Internet that if I want to get an order from you, there is a requirement in charity?" Guan Dian knows his weight, and naturally he won't do self-destructing the Great Wall. To put it bluntly, he is not rich. One generation, if you want to continue this life at home, try not to give disaster relief to your son.

"Well, 1% of the total order price. Do your friends want to cooperate?" Guan Daddy has a large circle of friends, and Guan Ming could not help thinking that the elderly wanted to intercede.

"If you want to cooperate, you must follow the rules. Besides, if you follow the rules, you don't need to intercede." Guan Dad waved his hand, indicating that he didn't think so.

His son and daughter-in-law obviously have to play a big game, and the father can't pull the hind legs behind him. Compared with those wine and meat friends, the family is always the closest.

"I just think that you made something a little big this time, will it affect your previous partners." Guan Da was a little hesitant.

The more popular Guan Ming's products are, the stronger / more partners they have. This relatively harsh condition makes it easy to get rid of previous partners.

Founded Foxconn, Great Wall Motors of the drawings, and numerous suppliers of raw materials and components. At present, the companies that directly and indirectly do business with Guan Ming don't know how many there are, just like a node on a spider web. The more powerful the nodes.

"The problem is not big. Technology is always the point they can't get around. If you want to make money, you have to play by the rules. Now, I'm the rules." Guan Ming smiled proudly.

The strong is strong, the strong is to make rules.

Looking out, various unilateralist aspects reflect the power of certain countries, and when they are done well, they will become rulers and judges. If they fail to do so, they will naturally fall into the altar and become a joke.

Looking inside, the standardization of various protocols and ports, the formulation of various software and hardware rules, the USB interface is the best, the floppy interface is the poor or even slow.

Guan Ming's trick can make businessmen around the world scold him, but ordinary people all over the world support Guan Ming. At the same time, some people will buy Guan Ming's products to support Guan Ming with actual actions.

Flying dragon rides his face, how is this to lose!

Besides, this is not a digital currency. There is no zero-sum game. The most is that the partners make less money. It is not that they do not make money or even lose money. In some ways, this is a reshuffle within the industry.

Only by keeping up with Guan Ming's footsteps can he be more secure.

"Well, you look at it, and stabilize it a bit." He shook his head, but his father didn't boil the chicken soup in his heart. After all, his son may not drink it.

"Can the astronomical telescope above your company still be used now? Yesterday Oda asked your mother to say that she wanted to teach children about astronomy. It seems to be physics. Then your mother said that you have a telescope on your company. We took the child to play with it. "Guan Daddy is just a wild observer, his limit of interest is to get a sense, if too specific, the elderly will also feel very boring.

"We? You, my mom and Xiaoxiao also go?" Guan Ming looked at the old man with a tilted head, wondering.

The pipe man goes to the cigar hall to smoke at least once a day. The main reason is that after smoking, he needs to wash and change clothes. Make sure that he does not come back with a hint of smoke to avoid smoking to children.

If you go to the company, whether or not Daddy can control the addiction is really a matter of talking.

"Of course, okay, hurry up, Oda will come over in a moment." Looking at the clock, Guan Dian said impatiently.

"Convenient. I haven't touched that thing a few times. There are two stars doing hygiene. Otherwise ... I'll go together today." Between family activities and work, Guan Ming hesitated to do it for half a second. Good decision.

"Are you okay at work?" Raising an eyebrow ~ ~ Guan Dian still remembers Guan Ming's refusal to go to see lavender before, just because of this, the old man didn't scold Guan Ming in the bed.

"It doesn't matter, at most, it's an extra night. It's obviously a family gathering. The head of my family doesn't show up. That's not good." Guan Ming smiled.

If yesterday, Guan Ming may not have 10,000 reasons to go, but after today, Guan Ming has at least one reason to go.

Guan Ming considers himself very counseling, but the separation of the word "suggestion" means "from the heart" and obeys his own intentions.

From the beginning to the end, Guan Ming hoped that his family would be happy, and he could do his best to do his best.

PS: May reward, thank you: Prime Minister wants to take a bath, ABC adult costume, May Xiaoxiao, Parade Quartet, Knight J & S, Red Sword, Book Friends 513195352, system forces reward, thank you for your support!

If you look in the background, in fact, you can see that many friends give rewards many times a month, thank you ~

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