Private Technology

: 1082 breath of freedom

Sun Lao told Guan Ming very clearly that artificial diamonds can be available, but the supply is absolutely impossible to provide the entire piece of 'sand beach' at one time. After all, the country still needs artificial diamonds in other fields.

After the discussion of materials with artificial diamonds as the beginning, the discussion of subsequent materials has become more harmonious. After all, compared with the decorative object of diamond beach, the functions and uses of some key materials can still be understood by Sun Lao.

In the case of Liu Kai constantly telling the output and inventory, Guan Ming spent one morning to calculate all the materials, and this is not the order, but the clarification of the material model. .

"It is stated in advance that after the bidding session, 1% of the total order price is for charity, not pure profit, 1% after tax, but the price of the total order before tax." At the end, Guan Ming ordered.

This part needs special explanation. The last commercial tender will not matter. When you signed the contract, you thought it was a net profit and 1% after tax. Then you said that the price was bargained back and forth, and the business was not done. .

There is no shortage of businessmen in this world who can make money, will make money, and want to make money. If Guan Ming is willing, there will be more people who want to cooperate with him around the world.

But military things can't be so reckless. If you really drive away, you may not find a second home.

It is not that there is no substitute material abroad, and whether people sell or not is the focus.

Everything is said well in advance, and the rules stand up. How good everyone is to follow the rules, so that everyone will not be able to get through.

"I will tell them about this." Nodded, and Sun Lao gave no guarantee. After all, the mass production and supply of new materials, the difference is the output, not the market. It is not guaranteed that there are people blindfolded by money. .

"It's almost time for lunch. Let me have a meal here. What would you like to eat at noon?" Looking at the time, Guan Ming issued an invitation.

After looking at Liu Kai, when he found that the other nodded, Sun Lao smiled and said, "That's right, I will eat here at noon today. "

Maybe it ’s asking Liu Kai ’s travel time or the completion of the task. Guan Ming did n’t think about it carefully. “Recently, seafood has been a bit greasy. In May, it ’s just when Northeast dipped in pickles. It ’s delicious, I want you to eat it. ”

"Get more white meat, and the fat from killing pig dishes is not greasy." Sun Lao is also an old lady. He placed his 'order' without blinking his eyes. There is no need for Guan Ming to explain what is killing pig dishes.

South of the country, Yazhou.

Skydiving is dangerous, but this danger is not as big as ordinary people think, because whether it is an umbrella bag or a coach, it is a finished product that has been honed for a long time.

This thing is a bit like medicine. There are so many Chinese people. Every doctor in the country has performed N times as many operations as their foreign counterparts every year, so the degree of safety in this regard is still trustworthy.


"Sister, don't you really need a coach? I think it's good to let the coach take the fly." His face was a little white, and he was wearing a skydiving costume, and the hostess was sticking to Mu Xiaoxiao.

The so-called flying is that the coach binds the client in front of him, the coach is responsible for opening the umbrella, and the client is responsible for screaming and urinating pants.

"Rest assured, no problem." Mu Xiaoxiao's face was flushed with excitement and a thumbs up at the hostess.

Mu Xiaoxiao jumped without parachuting because she was equipped.

The Guanming artificial island project has a high-altitude skydiving project, which uses high-tech intelligent control, and does not require customers to learn how to skydiving.

By judging the height of the ground / sea surface, and judging the speed, wind direction, and final position, the umbrella is fully intelligently opened and intelligently drifted, and the entire skydiving process is finally completed.

This set of equipment is well-designed and has also been tested, so don't worry about safety.

Mu Xiaoxiao chose this activity, in addition to promoting artificial islands, more rest assured of Guan Ming.

A product, experimenting in the capacity of Guan Ming's wife, will surely reassure users to the greatest extent, just like Robin Lee's self-driving self-driving car in the fifth ring.

"I, I drank too much water just now. Otherwise, I'll go to the toilet first."

"Go with it!"

"What a mess, little girls are not afraid, you are afraid of a hammer."

"Shame, shame on the masters!"

Hee hee hee, while the male hosts were joking with each other, they were also cheering each other.

At this time, unless they are physically unable to carry it, no one will not jump, because they face not only the temptation of money, but also the temptation of fame.

After the development of science and technology, the rise of online celebrities is much less expensive than in previous years, which further dilutes the aura of stars in the entertainment industry, even if Internet celebrities are generally lower than celebrities.

But now, these celebrities are not as high as they were later. Individual hosts even use second-rate descriptions to be considered high.

Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't make fun of it, even if the little dwarf she likes was also in it.

Different identities, different positioning, dignity is always what she wants to show, even if there are not a lot of sports activities in the past two days.

Following the instructor's instructions, everyone lined up to board the plane.

"Do you need to wear gloves? The temperature will drop a lot in a moment." Mu Xiaoxiao is following a female bodyguard who is also preparing to skydiving.

"No need, remember to take a picture of me later." Mu Xiaoxiao said that it was okay.

At an altitude of 4000 meters, the cabin door is opened, and the temperature is obviously much lower than the ground. The exposed face and hands can feel a chill.

Stomp, feel the clothes, see the host who is still pushing and wanting to jump back, Mu Xiaoxiao stepped to the door position and looked at everyone with his back to the door, saying, "I'll wait for you below, bye ~ "

Waving his hands, Mu Xiaoxiao leaned back out of the cabin.

"Wait ..." The anchorwoman's voice had not yet faded away, and Mu Xiaoxiao's bodyguards followed.

"What should I do?" Looking at the rest of the male presenters, the female presenters looked very rare.

"What else can you do? Just jump along, sooner or later." The host C drew a shoulder and looked helpless.

The psychological fluctuations of the hosts before skydiving are appreciated by the audience. Originally, everyone wanted to shoot for an hour and a half, and then jumped, no matter how much the final cut ~ ~ At least everyone's shots can There is a guarantee, and we do not bother to parachute once.

But Mu Xiaoxiao jumped down so decisively, and it was not good for everyone to grind on it.

After all, it was Mu Xiaoxiao's words. It's really impossible for everyone to leave her waiting below.

The moment he jumped out, Mu Xiaoxiao just felt that his heart was about to fall into his throat. The whole person rolled about 360 ° in the air, and then slowly stabilized.

The swing of the limbs will affect the balance. After the initial panic, Mu Xiaoxiao recalled what the coach taught before.

Try to smile on your face, don't open your mouth to the bottom, lest the wind be poured in, the whole face will become a ghost.

Seeing the camera shooting himself, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and waved at him, trying not to let himself scream.

Follow him overlooking the earth, touch the white clouds, listen to the sound of the wind, and feel the breath of freedom.

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