Private Technology

: One thousand and eighty-eight

As Guan Ming said, Guan Mengxi did not take his brother to the movies with him for the sake of his brother's safety.

Just as Guan Mengyu said, Guan Mengxi was not coaxed by Mu Xiaoxiao, but Guan Ma forced her away.

In any case, the results look wonderful. In the final analysis, only Mu Xiaoxiao's mother would be unhappy.

"Depressed, Xiao Xi usually is so well-behaved, how can he be so disobedient!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked sad in the car without the usual stupid gesture.

Probably the same as when Mu's mother knew that Guan Mingbu had come to Mu Xiaoxiao, it was also the result of a pot of flowers secretly being taken away and raised by a cricket, which always made the owner's mood low.

"Deserve it. At the beginning, I said I wanted to be kind to my father and mother. When your face cools down, Xiao Xi will certainly be good. Now, you don't listen to what you say, who is to blame?" Guan Ming said aside The wind is cool.

"Hey, hey, that's your girl, too, so that's cool!" I feel a little depressed in my heart, not like the usual "I'm stupid, I'm proud", but really unhappy.

In Mu Xiaoxiao's mind, the weight of the child is the same as Guan Ming. Although the weight between the two will not change over time, Mu Xiaoxiao can't help but care about the child's future. Similarly, she believes that Guan Ming Think the same way.

"Uh ... don't be angry, the child is too young, and slowly raising a child." Feeling the other party's attitude, Guan Ming pushed her shoulder with a flattering smile.

Just like an angry big child, he twisted his body hard and looked out the window, making a non-significant hum, without the coquettish feeling of the past, it was the kind of real angry feeling.

"Actually Xiao Xi's words ... I think she's very smart, she won't go ... to do things that often make you angry, you have to have confidence in her." Guan Ming's hand made a few strokes in the air, as if It is strengthening the tone.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao still looking at the window with his arms in his arms, Guan Ming reached out and stopped her shoulders, and whispered, "Xiao Xi is a good boy. You are also a good mother. You will be fine in the future."

"Really? Will it really get better?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, looking up slightly, looking up at Guan Ming's eyes.

"Really, it's going to be okay!" Although his tone was certain, Guan Ming's mood was a bit complicated. He bowed his head and kissed the shopping brain door, and he didn't want to lift it for a long time.

I don't know if I want to use this action to convey my inner thoughts, or to prevent the other person from seeing his expression.

At half-sound, Mu Xiaoxiao's body shook twice, and he laughed, "You called my mom, what should I call you ~"

Guan Ming heard it, and he had a embarrassed face.


What kind of comfort is Laozi, who is called mother!

"桀桀 桀 ~" I don't know when, Mu Xiaoxiao turned her hands over her chest while leaning towards the door, showing a chuckle expression on her face, like a hamster who has been eating nuts all the time. A little tricky.

"Your sister!" Guan Ming rubbed the dog's head with a rage, and Mu Xiaoxiao begged for mercy.

On the road, the convoys exercised on the bustling streets, but it was not clear from the outside the complex moods they once had.

The crew of "Heart Flower Road" invited Guan Mengxi and Ma Qingyun to attend the official premiere, but only Ma Qingyun went. Guan Mengxi is going to go with his family. In fact, the crew hopes to invite Meng Xi's immediate family members.

Leaving aside the construction of a physical villa and real antiques, famous wines, and famous cars in the tourist area before, the light speed review of Optoelectronics can show how huge the background behind Guan Mengxi is.

In a certain theater, the Guan Ming family did not have the luxury to take the entire show, but reserved the middle position in advance, surrounded by security personnel disguised as a couple.

In the past, Studios did not make money because the majority of pirated copies, and the Chinese have not yet developed a supportive attitude toward genuine copies. At the same time, the disposable amount of Chinese people was not high.

At present, the disposable amount of Chinese people has increased, but the movie studio still does not make money. That is because with the extensive reference of Guan Ming's series of products, many people with a lot of trouble can watch it directly at home, and the movie viewing effect does not have to go to the cinema.

So coming to the cinema to watch a movie is actually a sense of nostalgia or ritual. It is like traveling or driving or biking, but riding a horse has formed a series of races and even evolved into an 'aristocratic activity'. You cannot say that it is social Retrogression may be that people are missing the past.

Ada's business performance in the movie studio in recent years has not been as good, not as strong as it was in the previous period. Similarly, such as BAT, once Guan Ming also pondered that the BAT shares in his hand can eat for a lifetime, but it is clear that the technology Inspur does not always love the former king.

Judging from the current domestic Internet, BAT has lost its former glory, but still ranks at the top. If it changes, it may be changed from the former Big Three to the current double giant N.

Giant refers to Zhong Qiming and future technology.

"Sister, you have to wear this. Mom said it would be very loud for a while, and it would be bad for your ears if you listen to it for a long time!" Sitting on the chair, Guan Mengxi seriously checked her sister's earmuffs, like headphones. The same thing.

Guan Mengyu: "... ????"

What are you talking about, I can't hear at all, and why do you fiddle with my earmuffs?

The twins sit together, and the Guan and Mu sit on the two sides. The father and the Mud are on the outside. The twins behind the back row are the Guan Ming couple and the outer body is a circle of bodyguards.

"Heart Flower Road Put" is not a certain degree of magical change, but a major change.

Guan Ming only watched it once in his life, and he could n’t remember the specific plot, but he could n’t help seeing the bald head on the tree.

The story of Guan Mengxi was after that. On the subsequent road, a Rolls Royce slowly drove over, stopping under the condition of three or four or five meters in the plot.

The rear door opened, and the three of them were arguing.

Guan Mengxi showed a small head and looked at the three of them, asking loudly, "Mayihelpyou?"

"Uh ~ ~ stumbling, the lush male protagonist speaks lame Chinese English.

"Haha, Xiao Xi is so powerful, it looks so beautiful!" Mu Xiaoxiao cheered with excitement as she hammered Guan Ming's thigh.

"Yes, but how could her hair be blonde? The hair dye is bad for the body. I don't remember Ma Qingyun or Double Star's report." Guan Ming is very satisfied with his child's non-Chinese-speaking English, but the problem is that he doesn't Satisfied with that golden hair.

After the death of Guan Mingxuan in the last life, he bluntly said that the old man was a cancer caused by the use of unqualified hair dyes for a long time. At the same time, the old man took medicine at home because the old man did not spend too much money at home. It's too late for the body.

Guan Ming didn't know what a qualified hair dye was, but since then he has refused to dye his hair. Shaved young man Guan Ming who hasn't dyed his hair has also been banned from dyeing his hair.

"It's a hood, have you watched the final script!" Fang his teeth at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming improperly.

"The final version?" Guan Ming frowned, finding that things were not so simple.

It was only that Mu Xiaoxiao then gave an elbow to make Guan Ming realize that there was a difference between Menghui Pass and Mongolian Pass.

PS: The artillery car, in fact, the models and functions will be understood to some extent by me. As for why there are such models and functions, the positive explanation is that in addition to the heroine's lack of understanding of this, more Consider comfort, negative explanations ...

It's as if itching is obviously scratching the back, but people have developed the function of spanking ~

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