Private Technology

: 1,101 magic drugs

The news came fast, and people didn't come too slowly. Within five minutes, Liu Mengmeng went to Guan Ming's house.

"You can do it now, Batman has it ~" Guan Ming joked.

"The poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology." Liu Mengmeng responded with a smile when he heard the boss say that after all, they both understood that this degree is definitely not as simple as going from the seventh floor of the company to Guan Mingjia. It is from villa to villa.

"Boss, I just looked at the information that Shuangxing gave me. If there is no problem, how about the meeting the next day?" Liu Mengmeng automatically turned the news conference into a 'conference'.

Strictly speaking, this is a conference where the platform side gathers the content side and discusses the production of the content. The main purpose is to promote the hardware in both hardware and software. It also uses this opportunity to publicize and let people understand this thing in advance. An advertisement.

"Yes, I should be fine the day after tomorrow." After thinking for a while, Guan Ming nodded.

After all, judging from the current market coverage of holographic projection, it will attract many content parties, and it is still a large number of companies.

"Well, okay, then the updated product data and software package of holographic projection, should I give some companies with better cooperation relationship in advance?" Liu Mengmeng offered a suggestion politely.

Liu Mengmeng understands that the power of independent operation after the holographic projection is separated from the computer is naturally associated with Guan Ming's attitude.

This is the case in many industries. The first person to eat crabs, even if it is not the most successful in the industry, rarely starves to death. Remind some companies as soon as possible that they will be two or three days at most, but the business adjustment will be One step ahead, this intermediate advantage cannot be quantified, but it is definitely not small.

Darkly thought, in case any listed company took this opportunity to say something about Guan Ming's relationship, the stock market is likely to usher in a wave of upswings.

"Tell some domestic companies, and also call the platform side, including large domestic companies such as computers and mobile phones." Guan Ming thought for a while and said.

Looking at it now, holographic projection has a tendency to 'kill' the computer industry. However, this is only a holographic projection.

In the future, mobile phones are likely to be replaced by electronic glasses.

All are domestic companies, and Guan Ming is not willing to kill them all.

Guan Ming does not object to their continued deep cultivation of computer and mobile phone hardware, but if conditions permit, Guan Ming still hopes that they work **** the content and do not put eggs in a basket.

When smashing people's rice bowls, always leave a way for people to live. After all, looking down at an enterprise also involves thousands of families.

"Good boss, I'll contact them now. If nothing unexpected happens, there may be companies coming tomorrow. Need to introduce them to you?" Liu Mengmeng said with a tilted head. While talking with Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng Breaking into a mobile company to make a call, while simulating her own voice to communicate with the other party, however, she communicated with the heads of more than a dozen companies at the same time one-on-one at the same time.

"You don't have to be so troublesome, you can deal with this part of people." Shaking his head, Guan Ming is too lazy to meet some social people. He is very satisfied with the current pace of life, but also does not want to disrupt it.

"Okay, but boss, ask you something, when will your drug experiment end." It may be that the matter is over, and Liu Mengmeng's expression is a bit vacant.

"Medicine? ... Is there a problem with that medicine?" Guan Ming froze for a moment, then remembered that it should be Guan Mengyu's estrogen medicament developed by Mu Xiaoxiao.

For that thing, it seems that human experiments have been going on for a long time, Guan Ming muttered in his heart.

Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical currently only has a type 1 diabetes drug, so the sales volume is the same. Although it has a small reputation in the industry, the domestic and foreign drug channels and the number of patients have limited the company's marketing.

Making money is making money, but how much money is worth considering.

After all, Guan Ming did not expect Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical to live, and Guan Mengyu was not ready to become financially independent now.

"No, no, I heard Xiaomeng said that this medicine can improve the body two days ago. I wanted to ask you a question, but I haven't been embarrassed to come here. No, I will come to ask at the opportunity." With a little embarrassment.

"Did I just say that it ’s so important for you to come in?" Guan Ming was also happy, he felt the stubble that just grew up, and he thought for a moment, "how effective is the drug?"

The research of medicine is to mediate the estrogen. This is what Guan Mengyu said. The whole human experiment is monitored by double stars. Meng Liting's role is responsible for daily management. Observation and data comparison of experimental volunteers.

With a human brain chip, even if you don't understand something, you can use learning and observation to get the result afterwards.

In terms of medicine, according to Guan Mengyu, it should have some effect.

"The effect is very good! Don't you know that whites turn black, wrinkles disappear, and teeth are born again, it is a miracle !!"

"Boss, you are too six, 666!" Liu Mengmeng frantically hit Guan Ming with ca11, and his eyes looked at Guan Ming like a light bulb.

"Wait a while, the white will turn black, and the teeth will be reborn?" Guan Ming was taken aback too, so why doesn't it seem to belong to the estrogen tube!

Although Guan Ming is not good at biochemistry, but the word ~ ​​ ~ does not seem to really say "rebirth", people seem to change their teeth once in a lifetime.

Can be described as 'rebirth', that is certainly not a normal tooth replacement.

If the estrogen can affect the secondary growth of the teeth, that's weird.

"Yeah, yeah, you didn't look at it. A volunteer lost a solid tooth. It should be the first molar. As a result, I had a noisy toothache last week. Later, a film was taken. A new tooth is pressed to the nerves! The most amazing thing is that by taking a picture, you have teeth under the first molar. Later, Xiao Meng took pictures of other volunteers. The magic thing is that all the volunteers are fine under the good teeth. The bottom of the tooth was bulging, regardless of the type of the young and old! Among the volunteers ... "I didn't realize Guan Ming's surprise, Liu Mengmeng Barabara said.

"So what, human experiments, can't stop for the time being, tell Meng Liting there, pay more attention to the changes of volunteers, I still need some data to observe." It is necessary that Guanming did not drink water, otherwise he can spray. come out.

"Uh, okay." Liu Mengmeng was a bit regretful, and didn't know whether it was because he was interrupted or because he didn't get the news that the drug experiment had passed.

Those who are near Zhu and those who are near Guanming advise.

Liu Mengmeng is also a stimulus. As long as the product fails the experiment, let alone white and black teeth are reborn, even if she has broken limbs, she dare not use it.

At a deep level, ghosts know if the drug conflicts with the human brain chip.

"You go back first. I won't leave you here for dinner today." Looking at the time, it was almost six o'clock in the evening, Guan Ming was anxious to ask Double Star and Guan Mengyu, and had no time to take care of the ass.

"Good boss, good-bye boss ~" He smiled on the surface, his heart was MMP.

Damn, you do n’t even eat a meal ...

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