Private Technology

: 1,103 pictures of acquaintances

In fact, Guan Ming knew very well that he could control Guan Mengyu for a short time, so to speak, if Guan Mengyu was developing normally, he might be less than 20 years old, and Guan Ming could not control it.

If Guan Mengyu develops abnormally, it may be a teenager.

What is the power of the traversal, Guan Ming knows his heart, so he has never underestimated the ability to manage Meng Yu. After all, with Guan Ming's personality, he can have this family business now. If the thinking and personality are more positive, the goal A bit bigger than the ideal, the consequences will definitely be greater than Guan Ming.

Restraint and vigilance are never the best means.

"Is there a problem with the drug?" Guan Mengyu asked in the study, sitting on the sofa.

When I ate, I already had some speculation, and after being called in after the meal, Guan Mengyu was able to determine the cause of the drug.

Although reasoning is not her best, it does not mean that she is weak in reasoning.

"The drug did not appear to be a problem, but it was very prominent. You told me last time that you were studying a drug that regulates estrogen secretion, but now it looks like this drug should not be that simple." Guan Minghe There is no printed information and then thrown on the coffee table, creating a persecutory and powerful conversation environment.

Although his partner is younger than himself, he is still his own daughter.

Although I was awkward in my heart, I was still a bit dissatisfied.

But some things have to be adjusted.

I used to feel that I was equal to the little girl in my heart, but he never showed it. Now, it is time to show this attitude of equality and respect, because this is just a little earlier than expected. .

"Estrogen cannot be adjusted casually. If there is a lack of estrogen in the body, there is no problem with proper estrogen supplementation. However, if there is an excessive amount of estrogen in the body, it is a big problem if it is reduced, so I have never thought about using drugs. It directly affects the estrogen. "Guan Mengyu was probably able to guess Guan Ming's previous thoughts, so he explained it, even if he seemed suspicious.

"Then how do you operate it? The medicine is given to your mother in the end. I think I should be qualified to know what medicine my daughter-in-law took. What happened?" Guan Ming touched the sofa armrest. Look at Guan Mengyu seriously.

After the mentality has been adjusted, the dialogue can be much smoother than before, at least there will be no meaning of 'superior one' or '怼'.

Xiao Budian in front of her eyes Although she can't even point her feet on the ground on the sofa, her soul may be as high as Guan Ming.

In the same way that Mu Xiaoxiao had to replace Guan Ming with blue fat Doraemon with electronic glasses, Guan Ming automatically and consciously supplemented the two daughters in front of his eyes with a female scientist in a white coat.

Should be a beauty, otherwise it is impossible to cross to Guan Ming's house.

Whether it is a tall **** female scientist, or a petite loli female scientist, or even a pale-haired old lady scientist, she must have a pair of dead fish eyes!

Seeing how peaceful Guan Ming's attitude is today, Guan Mengyu's always upset face can not help but a little surprise. In her expectation, she might be beaten today, even before she came to the study, she made a secret with her sister. Password, let her break in ten minutes later to save herself.

However, surprised and surprised, Guan Mengyu tilted her head and thought, saying, "The principle is very simple. It is to find out how to activate telomerase and at the same time find the benign and malignant development trend of the measured size on human cells. From the data obtained so far, Look, 85% of cancerous cells have highly active telomerase, but telomerase ... By the way, do you know the role of telomerase? "

Guan Ming's mouth twitched, 85% of the cancerous cells had this thing, and you still researched a bitch, that's your mother!

"It seems you don't know." Seeing Guan Ming's meaning of runaway, Guan Mengyu shrugged. "In healthy people, currently only active telomerase can be detected in hematopoietic cells, stem cells and germ cells. The role of granzyme is to synthesize telomeres at the end of chromosomes, is ... "

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by angry Guan Ming. "The mystery of the human body is no less than that of the sky and the earth. I have never objected to your research, but I repeat, this is for your mother. drug!"

"I can tolerate everything you do, but only if it doesn't hurt your family, and it's Meng Yu, you're challenging my bottom line!"

Slap the table hard, and my palm hurts. Although it was not Guan Ming's original intention, for a moment, Guan Ming gave birth to an idea of ​​'accidental death'.

"I know that it is my mother-in-law, so I only did such a long human experiment to ensure the safety of the drug." Without being intimidated by Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu was also an "accidental death" in his life, but compared with the past Guan Ming's current performance can be described as 'human and animal harmless'.

"The older the cell, the shorter the telomere, the younger the cell, and the longer the telomere. Each time a cell divides, it shortens the length of the telomere, and when the telomere is short to a critical length, a person will age or even die. In other words, Prolonging the length of telomeres is the key to prolonging people's life, making them forever young and even eternal life. The most important thing is that I have deep research in this area in the last life. What I lack is only human experiments, which is why I died in my last life. The reason for the drop. "

There are no dead fish eyes in the past, and the big round eyes are all serious and solemn.

Seriously speaking, this should be the first time that Guan Mengyu took the initiative to talk about her life, revealing her unnatural death and research direction in her last life.

"Eternal life?" Guan Ming looked at her with a skeptical look.

The word immortal is so big that Guan Ming subconsciously avoids it, perhaps because of rebirth / rebirth, he still avoids things like life and death and gods.

In the past, he believed that theology outside of science was just that science had not developed to a certain degree, but with his current brain capacity, he could not interpret his transcendence and rebirth and the rebirth of his daughter from a scientific perspective.

The unknown represents mystery, which is awesome.

Guan Ming only dared to retrieve memories and put them in a computer to simulate. He never thought of eternal life, but his daughter had such a thought.

In the same second life, Guan Ming had to admit that his daughter was bigger than him and more scientist-like.

"Eternal life is only the ultimate goal, because malignant tumor cells have high activity of telomerase. This is why many tumors can proliferate indefinitely. At present, I cannot remove telomerase from malignant tumors. Similarly, I cannot determine how many active ends Granzyme can induce cancer. In human experiments, what I need to do is to observe the amount of active telomerase in the human body and the extent of benign and malignant tumors on the body under a quantitative drug. The next step is to adjust the drug on this basis. Dose, find the best cost-effective point, even the point that just does not induce cancer. "

Guan Mengyu did not feel that he would be stronger than Guan Ming in scientific research. If he had an attitude, he might be stronger than Guan Ming. After all, Guan Ming knew the sleeping wife every day.

How many professional scientists are so busy that they do n’t even have time to eat. How can you sleep with your wife every day!

"Then your medicine can make people rejuvenate?" Guan Ming still remembers his daughter-in-law's "user needs", so he can't help paying more attention in this regard.

"If you return to old age ... it has a certain contingency, and most of the experimental subjects will die, but if it is only the younger one and the span is not large, the threat is not great. After all, the body size is there, and the ratio of growth to height will shrink. Keep it simple. "Guan Mengyu was afraid that Guan Ming had a cognitive error. He first made a 'big' with his hand, then quickly moved his palms closer to draw a 'small' character.

Nodded, Guan Ming understood what she meant. When talking about bones, the fastest way to shrink is to amputate. If you rely on medicine to shrink your body, the bones will shrink at the same time. What about the extra bones? Take out the bones like Jun Malu?

Don't joke, the biggest possibility is that the bones puncture the epidermis and then break.

Guan Ming feels that the so-called contingency is largely due to the violent changes in the body as a whole, leading to many complications.


"How do I feel like I have known each other ..." Touching his chin, Guan Ming muttered to himself ~ ~ The little green devil's devil glider in the movie "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" released last month also looks It seems familiar. When you develop this thing in the future, you will find that many directors and screenwriters have bigger brains than scientists, especially when these people can use money to find corresponding scientists to provide theoretical basis for them. You can also Use other terms to explain, for example, "Genius is on the left and lunatics are on the right", there is an explanation of "seemingly acquaintance", but just look at it, this book is written by interviewing mental patients. Guan Mengyu twisted his body, lying on the sofa halfway, squinting.

"Your mother thinks that she is the gangster who was born and fell to her head. Is it really special ..." Guan Ming couldn't help but say something, this is the cartoon, let the goods know that the millennium kill can hurt the prostate.


Duang ~

The door was kicked outside. Since the two people in the room didn't say anything secret, Double Star did not continue to close the door.

"Daddy! I'm here ~" Biandian ran in, and after seeing her sister lying on the sofa, Guan Mengxi snorted and rushed to her sister.

Am I hearing this?

Did you really call your father just now, not your sister?

Guan Ming, who was about to open his arms, stiffened like a background board, and the pipe over there was half a breath in the rain, and at the same time he lifted up a half breath.

My younger sister, shouldn't you rush to Dad after shouting Dad, why are you looking for me!

Seeing that the younger sister slammed herself, Guan Mengyu, who had just wanted to get up, was pressed again, but was still pressed by the younger sister.

Holding himself like an octopus, Guan Mengyu looked at the chandelier on the ceiling, so excited that he wanted to shed tears of emotion.

Blue skinny, shiitake mushrooms!

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