Private Technology

: 1,107 The Wave of Daddy and the Family Trust

One day later, Guan Ming met a total of 13 important partners, including chips, ar glass, batteries and other important holographic projection components. Of course, it is also a family trust-related technology company.

In fact, Guan Ming has considered whether to set up more family trusts, funds, and so on. Don't become a compelling thing in this family trust again.

However, considering the current age, Guan Ming thinks there are still many opportunities to adjust in the future.

For example, the biochemical aspects of Guan Mengyu's grasp can be separated in the future, provided that he has the heart.

The relationship between parents and sisters is always better than that of cousins ​​and cousins. This is naturally clear. For now, I can only hope that I live longer.

"It looks stupid." At night, Guan Ming casually commented after watching the picture of Mu Xiaoxiao covering her mouth on the TV and laughing.

The special feature of "Run Brother" is being broadcast. The title of this episode is "Charity Rush". The higher the score of the members, the more funds will be donated after the show. Of course, the more you earn, the more you earn. more.

At present, on the eve of skydiving, the hosts are pushing each other and trying to delay the process of skydiving, and Mu Xiaoxiao is watching the two male hosts as they talk about crosstalk and start various skydiving.

What is 4000 meters high is as cold as winter, and what is the first domestic variety show amateur parachuting, Barabara's, can't wait to call this parachuting the world's first.

"I feel the same way. I secretly tell you that when you were on the plane, several people didn't feel anything as soon as they left the camera. They looked very sophisticated and apparently had skydived. As a result, the camera swept over and everyone suggested It had to tremble like a quail, for fear that the audience wouldn't see them as 'the first time'. "Putting his son's posture in his arms straight, Mu Xiaoxiao spit out.

I can feel that her last shooting experience was not very good.

"I mean you look stupid. The pickle-like hairstyle is obviously weak." Guan Ming didn't care about the host's performance.

With these relatively familiar stars in China, foreign stars are more attracted to Guan Ming, and more unknown means more associations. For example, it is clear that Zhang Ming is aware of Zhang Ziyan's affairs, Guan Ming still can't help but feel that a certain long leg will be pure.

"Asshole, that's the head of a flower bud! I'm going to parachute soon, and I will definitely be ugly with a shawl!" A hammer was arched on Guan Ming to a.

"Mom, is the bud head a flower-like head?" Guan Meng Xi, who was sitting on the carpet playing with a hard plastic duck, looked up at Mu Xiaoxiao, and the fleshy little hand patted his mother-in-law's slippery calf , Make pia ~ pia ~ sound.

"Uh ... almost." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao was a little awkward.

Normally, it should be a hairstyle like a flower bud, or the back of the head like a flower bud, but the statement of her own big girl doesn't seem to be wrong, it just sounds strange.

"Haha ~" Guan Ming made a mocking sound in a timely manner, and incidentally scratched the a who was hit by the itch.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law and son were in a state of restlessness, Guan Dian interrupted by saying, "Xiao Ming, how are you talking with those presidents today?"

As a family trust manager, Guan Dian still cares about the growth of these companies.

The father-in-law should go out and talk to these presidents today, but with his son, the father-in-law didn't want to move because he didn't want to make those presidents embarrassed and ended up unhappy or his son.

Guan Dao is an important point to connect various industries. While chatting with these presidents, they are actually exchanging information, promoting cooperation and commonality among these enterprises, so that these enterprises are constantly growing and getting rich.

For example, the expansion of sales of holographic projections means that the supply of chips to other companies will decrease, which means that some companies need to place orders early and will get richer profits.

Another example is that some senior executives who are not related to family trusts have a close relationship with Guan Dian. Perhaps they may have the opportunity to cooperate with family trusts to set up new companies, and even more, they can contact the bosses of upstream companies in the industry chain through Guan Dian.

In general, the rich father of Guan Daddy is also realizing his own life value, and his life is much more chic than Guan Ming.

"It's okay, but the expansion of the content side is not ideal." Holding the flamboyant fist, he opened it with his fingers crossed, Guan Ming said indifferently.

"The content side, the problem should be small, after all, there are so many content sides in the market." Guan Dad nodded, and there was not much worry.

The content carried by holographic projection is very large and complicated. In addition to obvious industries such as games and film and television, even e-commerce companies such as Treasure and Jingdong have opened the era of 3D stereoscopic holographic projection, let alone maps or anything. .

Holographic projection, ar / vr, and electronic glasses not only allow users to add a more novel experience, but also provide many entrepreneurs with opportunities for advancement.

Last year, a domestic e-commerce company successfully listed in the United States. The main model is a new model of virtual try-on. After registering a business, the merchant needs to provide a 3D projection of the product. Then the user can use electronic glasses and vr to try it on at home and finally buy online.

This e-commerce company is not without its shortcomings, such as the question of whether the 3D picture of the product matches the real product.

"No, I am looking for a few typical products that release the performance of holographic projection, which is equivalent to a 3a masterpiece in a PC. If the content consumes insufficient hardware, some users will not update." Guan Ming The last time you used a cell phone to buy a new one, it doesn't mean that Guan Ming did not like the new cell phone. He can only say that Guan Ming was poor.

"In this case, let me go back and talk about it. If the content is concerned, I don't really know too many people." Guan Dian pondered for a moment.

The family trust is mainly based on the technology spun off by Guan Ming, or directly exchanges for shares of the other company, or the two together form a new company, all of which belong to the family trust that does not pay a penny.

However, the important point of this cooperation method is the technology. The technology that Guan Ming strips out is all hardware calculations, which means that the companies involved in the family trust are mainly hardware.

"No need to work so hard, holographic projection is currently mainly domestic, so the content side ..." Guan Ming shook his head without elaborating.

"Then let's get a main creative team to make things ~ ~ the novel IP transfer game, and then the kind we strongly support." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but say.

"For example," Prince's Diseased Spring ", a text-based cg game that can absolutely abuse people. 3d cg and multiple endings are probably very good ~"

Looking down at this excited idiot, Guan Ming couldn't think of any direct or indirect relationship between abuse and praise.

"What kind of" Prince's Diseased Spring "? The frog prince? The masterpiece must burn the hardware. It is better to make" Harry Potter "and" Break the Sky ", at least more popular. Sorry to say that a family trust is one that doesn't pay a penny.

If you need to manage the content production, why not create an IP yourself?

Now there is a "Magic World" hanging inside the company. Although the profit is very high, the problem is that a game industry appears in a bunch of hardware revenues. It is a bit awkward to look at.

It's like a small loaf stuck in a bunch of luxury cars. Everyone is a car, but the style is different.

The separation is of little significance. The family trust is based on the management of the family industry, with supervision and accounting as the main body. It is more painful to insert into a game industry than to put it in Guan Ming.

The overall sale is not significant. "Magic World" has now reached the time of selling, and it can't be sold at a price.

"Hmm ~ Your pretty wife doesn't want to talk to you and throws it at your son!" Flat mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao put Guan Mengyou into Guan Ming's arms, then lowered his head and picked up Guan Mengxi and hugged him.

Looking down to look after Guan Mengyou, this little one held a big front teeth **** and looked at Guan Ming ignorantly, and he couldn't help but pat Guan Ming's belly as if trying to determine why it was different here.

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