Private Technology

: 1,110 causal treatment

The second-generation holographic projections were on sale as scheduled, and various evaluations on the Internet have begun. The words of Yimei are endless, and the prospect / qianjing of content production is also in various discussions.

All of this is not beyond the expectation of the management.

Even all this was taken for granted, and Guan Ming had no sense of accomplishment for a while.

Coming soon, there is a wave of diss, how can there be no one who can fight, this is really uncomfortable!

Guan Ming complained infinitely.

It was just that his grievance was soon interrupted by a message.

"The country will begin a month-long earth-moon transport program in early July, which aims to explore the moon and take the solar system for mankind ..."

In the morning news, the host said in a righteous manner.

There is no deeper meaning to know, but he knows that bringing back helium 3 is the most basic.

Since it is no secret that the moon has helium 3, since the country's first successful lunar and lunar transport, many people are saying why the country does not develop deuterium. After all, one has countless reserves in the ocean, and the other has to be ' Working people hurt money 'ground and space.

With the money in space, it would be better to mess with the national infrastructure.

In fact, such remarks are a soft blow to foreign nuclear powers against the country's nuclear progress.

There is a lot of deuterium in the ocean, but the problem is that compared with helium 3, the energy produced by deuterium is not only small, but also radioactive materials and damage to equipment.

Not to mention the damage that deuterium has on specific players, just talking about ground and moon transportation is a technological exploration and accumulation in itself. We must know that the first flight distance of the first aircraft was not as long as that of the Boeing 747. But if there is no first plane, the ghost knows when the plane will enter civilian use.

"Having finished the baby?" Guan Ming asked casually after watching Mu Xiaoxiao holding the baby down.

"It's over, I want to wean him, but I can't bear it." Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, holding the child next to Guan Ming.

"Huh? Why?" Guan Ming asked absently, thinking at the same time how much helium 3 raw material he could divide.

"It's all changed color ~" Pan Xiao was attached to Guan Ming's shoulder, Mu Xiaoxiao said in a low voice, because the voice was too low, the Guanma over there seemed to not hear it at all.

Guan Ming looked at her like a fool, no, she just looked at her with the same look as a fool.

MMP, do you want 404!

"I blame you for this asshole!" I think that the topic is a bit sensitive, and Xiao Xiaoquan hit his chest, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was a little bit ashamed.

Mu Xiaoxiao kept mourning why he was so stupid. After thinking about it, probably the IQ was sucked away by the younger son.

"This ..." Guan Ming didn't know what to say for a while. Strictly speaking, at least 2/5 of this pot was Guan Ming. After all, the years were ruthless. Guan Ming was able to carry nearly half of the pot, which has shown that he is A man who dares to act.

"If only your pharmacy is better, I dare not use those cosmetics or scare my baby ~" Mu Xiaoxiao patted his big breast, as if talking about something.

"... I think it's right that my baby was poisoned, and you are still a baby son." Guan Ming fangs, and said decisively down the line, lest he be ridiculed by the stupid.

"Cut ~ it's almost old enough to pay back the baby!" Rolled his eyes, and then Mu Xiaoxiao waved at the twins who were carrying backpacks over there, with warm smiles on their faces.

Although there are only two of them in the twin class, the teaching location is not at home.

The experimental school set up above is not a shell school. It has a serious office location. The two little things must carry school bags to school every morning. Of course, just go back and forth by private car.

Thinking of a type 1 diabetes drug developed in her own name and her remarks, Guan Ming always felt what the goods were suggesting.

"Relax, Xiaoyu ... is assisting me in the research of new drugs, and I will use it when it is safe to go back to the experiment!" Guan Ming will not disapprove of his wife's age, nor will she object to her being younger anyway According to Guan Mengyu, this drug can bring people back to the top.

Being able to return to the past after the peak period means being young, that is, Guan Ming is not sure how much this return to the past is.

If IQ is used, Mu Xiaoxiao's peak period may be in the third grade. After all, after ignoring Guan Ming ’s tutoring supplementary class, her oldest math on the passing line should be the third grade.

If you think about it this way, Guan Ming's inexplicable egg hurts ...

"Ha? Xiaoyu told you?" Mu Xiaoxiao's face turned red, and she couldn't hold back her courage.

"What happened to Xiaoyu?" Guan Ma, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, came over and asked.

"It's okay mom, nothing ~" He smiled and shook his head, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was awkward.

Maybe it was because he was not supported, Guan Mengyou flattened his mouth, his little hand was shaking back and forth, and he was about to cry.

"Good grandson, come, grandma hug!" The old lady didn't want to disturb the world of her son and daughter-in-law, so she came together and hugged her grandson decisively.

Tugging the pleated placket, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the nurse who was watching the child, pulled Guan Ming, and took him directly to the study.

"Xiaoyu told you?" Even though the door was closed, Mu Xiaoxiao still lowered her voice with guilty conscience and the expression on her face was as serious as possible, so as to prevent Guan Ming from seeing her embarrassment.

However, this exaggerated performance is not as good as Meng Xi's management!

Probably because of the protection of the country and animals (idiot), Guan Ming did not expose her.

"All the things that Xiaoyu will teach are okay, and this thing is still what you want to eat, I always have to look at it." Spreading his hands, Guan Ming smelled shamelessly.

Everything has a cause and effect. Guanming University has been in the library for four years, and the achievements that have appeared in the end, Guan Mengyu always needs to have a reason.

Otherwise, it would be a joke to just research a drug for returning to youth. Is it true that there are no scientists in the world?

You have to know that twins can now show such an intelligence quotient because of the research on Guan Ming's genetics and the search for the 'cause' of twins.

In other words, do n’t look at Guan Mingyou ’s library history, but in the face of such a powerful Guan Ming, the country still researches him, but it ’s just a piece of research. In a deeper point, the country has not actually found Guan Ming's 'in', in the future, is likely to be treated with Einstein, that is, the brain was removed for research, but that is all after Guan Mingchang can't afford to kneel.

And Guan Ming's speech just now is also a tacit understanding between father and daughter. Guan Mengyu's early research will be linked to Guan Ming's head, at least nominally with Guan Ming's participation. Later, until she has sufficient qualifications to undertake her own research results. Then she can really go out.

"So, that's all my nonsense ..." A little babbling, bowed his head as if he had made a mistake, his hands were behind his back, and there was a sense of sight when the student saw the director of teaching.

"By the way, teach the little ones by the way, it doesn't matter." Guan Ming thought the other party was confessing that Meng Yu didn't strictly keep secrets ~ ~ But ‘kids’, is n’t the quilt operation normal?

"Uh ... oh, okay, then I'll go out first." After a moment's hesitation, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming grimly, and slipped out before he even returned to God.

Is she cute?

is there any other reason?

Guan Ming thought about it for a moment, but didn't think about anything, he simply didn't think about it.

Playing with the electronic glasses on his hand, Guan Ming thought about what to do next.

The matter of ground and moon transportation does not need to be considered by Guan Ming, and he does not even need to specifically contact it.

The second-generation holographic projection has just been launched. It is expected that at least half a year will be an explosion. It is best not to launch other second-generation products during the half-year period.

For the artillery vehicle, it is only practically measured at present, but considering the issue of research and development cycle, Guan Ming does not want to give it to the Great Wall so soon, so as not to shorten the construction time next time.

The man-made island site is currently being demolished and the house is not cleaned for a while.

Thinking about it, Guan Ming suddenly realized that he should haven't read much books for a few years, especially thesis in recent years.

His golden finger wasn't done by clicking on the lottery, but by reading knowledge by himself, then like building blocks, bypassing the class with known theories and then carrying out the actual research.

Papers and other materials belong to the theoretical basis, and what Guan Ming does is to turn the theory into reality.

"Double Star, retrieve the last two ... the papers that appeared after I graduated, and sort them according to my interests." Guan Ming decided to spend some time fleshing out his head.

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