Private Technology

: 1,124 Three Major Projects of Internal and External Environment and Thought

During discussions and discussions, we talked about the non-direction of drugs and the results of experiments in the direction of benign development.

Guan Ming's memory is not bad, so he explained the possible cause of Guan Mengyu's explanation.

"This is active and passive, let alone say that it sounds so interesting." A white-haired old man nodded, approving Guan Ming's words.

Controlling the body's development direction and content with thoughts and thoughts seems a bit nonsense, but do not forget substances such as dopamine. This secretion controls joy and excitement, not the traditional soul and thought.

Of course, it may be that theology is currently relatively backward compared to science, so many things need to be explained at the scientific level.

Anyway, with regard to theology, Guan Ming's attitude is still ‘can be viewed from a distance.’

"The experiment is better divided into three groups, corresponding to the internal, external environment and ideology, but if you think, you may need real volunteers to perform human experiments ..." Another old man with glasses couldn't help but say, Subsequently, these people on the scientific side looked at the giant giants together.

Modern times are not ancient. Experiments may involve human life. People on the scientific and technological side have no ability to guarantee anything. After all, in this kind of experiments, the dead may not be the biggest tragedy, and the biggest tragedy is the mutant.

These scientists fully agree with Guan Ming's concerns, so let alone cancer later, it is relatively normal to degenerate a hair or multiple tails.

"The danger is not great, I mean the human experiment." The chief giant looked at everyone, then looked at Guan Ming and asked.

Although Guan Ming is very young in this group of people, Guan Ming's judgment is very valuable for the giants.

"Honestly, it's quite big." Rubbing his stomach, Guan Ming said stiffly.

Although I had eaten on the plane at noon, but now it's over eight o'clock in the evening, just eat a snack and don't carry hunger!

"Yes, this kind of experiment poses a relatively high threat to volunteers. The first two groups can be replaced by mice and orangutans, but in the latter group, we need volunteers to fully understand our ideas and do it. Animals are difficult. Understand. "A balding old man nodded in agreement.

Maybe ‘the bald man’ is a universal truth. Through one afternoon communication, Guan Ming knew that this bald old man should be a more bullish expert.

"... put the last one first, the first two items can be done, let's do it today, and the specific experimental content is scheduled for you to continue tomorrow." The index finger knocked on the desktop, the chief giant thought and gave no answer.

"It's better to put the experiment place on my side, my place is bigger." Guan Ming said quickly.

It's not that Guan Ming is not sympathetic to the elderly, but that this experiment is calculated at least on a monthly basis. Compared with the old men, Guan Ming prefers his wife.

Besides, there is no Guan Mengyu in front of him, Guan Ming is a bit futile.

In the afternoon discussion, even in some places, Guan Ming didn't know what expression to use.

"It's better to go to the Stem Cell Research Center, which has been transformed a few years ago, and many things can be used directly." A middle-aged man immediately responded.

"No need to argue, go to the small tube side, the accommodation problem can also be solved there, I remember there should be an extension underground." At the end, the chief giant looked at Guan Ming sideways.

"Yes, there were expansions in the first place, and the first phase of human experiments on drugs were also completed there." Guan Ming couldn't say the topic about the human brain chip.

"Well, let's do it today. Everyone will have a rest tonight and just go back and think about the contents of the experiment." The general giant was holding his hands on the table and was about to withdraw, while Guan Ming stood up and waited for the boss to leave first.

Meng Mengda's Guan Mengyu was so sleepy that she had only dead fish eyes. At this time, she also tried to stretch herself, jumped down, and went to find Guan Minghui to sleep, but she found that the secretary of the chief giant was with his ears in Guan Ming. What to say around me.

After waiting for two seconds, no information came from the electronic glasses, and Guan Mengyu could not help cursing Guan Ming across the river to dismantle the bridge.

"Walking, are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, I will send you back first." Seeing Guan Mengyu coming, Guan Ming bent over and hugged her.

"Okay, then I'll go back to sleep first." Guan Mengyu didn't need to think too much to understand Guan Ming's intentions.

"The house is too big. I'm afraid that you will be afraid of the darkness alone. Follow me, and we will go back together later." Guan Ming looked as usual, as if Guan Mengyu had to stick to him.

"You fat man, be careful I will give you the wrong answer in the future!" Gently kicked Guan Ming's belly with his toes, not only because he was held by him because he was unhappy, but also because he used to throw away!

"... Your Lao Tzu is always your Lao Tzu. You need to have the most basic respect for your Lao Tzu!" Guan Ming couldn't help but pout.

Specially, the idiot occasionally said nothing, and once called Guan Ming to die in front of the child, but Guan Mengxi called Guan Ming dead for three days.

Guan Ming still remembers that night, that night he gave Mu Xiaoxiao a slap backhand to the fan bed, the kind that he could n’t get up, but unfortunately, eating the waist to supplement the shape did not bring What qualitative change.

Pouting, Guan Mengyu's face was serious and did not speak.

The idiot is not in sight, and Guan Mengyu doesn't dare to fret too much, the ghost knows if his dad will spank.

Thinking of this ~ ~ Guan Mengyu suddenly realized that it seemed that no one had bathed her tonight. It used to be the younger sister's bathing, and the younger sister's absence was the grandma's or mother's bathing, this fat man ...

I don't know why, Guan Ming always found Guan Mengyu's expression a bit deep and difficult to understand.

After holding it for two minutes, Guan Ming put her on the ground and walked away. Guan Ming absolutely did not admit that he was physically weak. It must be a little bit of **** and not drained, so it looked particularly heavy!

The head office, head office, and Guan Ming walked in front and back, and swept around. Guan Ming felt that there were not many changes. For example, a stack of documents on his desk may be a government affairs accumulated today.

"Sit down and listen to your discussion all afternoon. You can see that everyone is full of confidence in your medicine." Reaching out, the chief giant said.

"Thanks for your help ... help." Grin grinned, and Guan Ming almost said the word "set off".

"Xiaoyu, how are you feeling today? Can you understand what your dad said?" With a smile, the chief giant looked at Guan Mengyu, who climbed to the sofa.

Hiding conscientiously behind Guan Ming's stomach, then, like the frightened beast, his head was extended a little bit, looking at the chief giant, and using a cute voice, "Okay, my father has told me these things, Not difficult to understand. "

"Can you understand? It seems that your old housekeeper will have an extra scientist ~" There is no shortage of surprises and surprises in the tone. The giant can't help but pat his knees. In fact, he wants to touch the head of Mengyu's dog.

PS: The company organizes single dogs who do not go home to play, so that everyone will not evolve into an empty nest elderly.

Not a good unit. I have been working overtime recently.

The second chapter did not have time to modify the typo. Later, it may be revised at about 12 o'clock.

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