Private Technology

: One thousand one hundred and twenty-six

Maybe men are not as emotional as women by nature. Of course, as far as Guan Ming is concerned, he is not very rational.

Guan Ming didn't think too much about the performance of the idiot, but just vaguely felt that she was on the skin, because the two separated her from each other and couldn't hold her, so she tried to die.

In fact, Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to show a sense of existence and seduce Guan Ming. She hoped that she could be more impressed in the other person ’s heart. For better or worse, God would like to see Guan Ming more. look.

It ’s a bit like Guan Ming ’s primary school male students deliberately teased each other in order to attract female classmates. “Like” is obviously only two words, but it ’s so heavy that many people are embarrassed to open their mouths, and even do some naive moves and make indiscretion To express this kind of contortion.

I ’m not telling you, I ’m going to see the baby. The younger sister was carrying her younger sister home last night and was going to hold her brother to sleep. No one can pull it off. I do n’t know how the double star looks. The elder sister cut off his brother. Dressing casually is like talking about something unrelated to you.

The figure is still perfect, and her face is still beautiful, but that ‘absent-minded’ attitude reminds Guan Ming of Snow White ’s stepmother.

There is a difference between men and women. Xiao Xi is also an older child, so pay attention to this. Guan Ming was embarrassed to mention that Guan Meng Xi had milked his brother before.

I know it too, but I can't help it. It's just a big one, rest assured, but I'm in charge of it, you have to believe me! After pulling out the man in the clothes, Mu Xiaoxiao made a cheering action.

Your sister, I want to believe you too, but you are so stupid, I have no confidence at all. Guan Ming muttered quietly.

After all, Mu Xiaoxiao's impression of Guan Ming for a long time is silly white sweet, or the kind of stupid, stupid, from stupid to toenails.

Guan Ming couldn't say something because he thought it would make Mu Xiaoxiao sad. This is where Guan Ming's most painful.

Hahaha, let me laugh three times. Sister is only 6 years old this year, okay. Even if she is 16 years old this year, but she is still not as knowledgeable as me, I am 26 intellectual woman! Mu Xiaoxiao proudly shook his head and waved his hand, and the holographic projection hung up.

Guan Ming just instinctively wanted to pick up an "old woman", but he felt that he and Mu Xiaoxiao were still essentially different.

Mu Xiaoxiao is going to die as long as he doesn't die. If Guan Ming dares to be provocative, it is estimated that when he returns home, Mu Xiaoxiao will dare to face Guan Ming in a variety of senses.

Unfortunately, the effect of wolfberry is slow. Guan Ming feels that he is white and he can't dry his daughter-in-law.

However, when I turned around and thought, those weak chicken otakus who married athletes as daughter-in-law might be more sad, and if they weren't, they would really be domesticated.

After thinking about it for a long time, Guan Mingyu got up and prepared to have breakfast. Today, he still has to discuss drug experiments with those old men.

Woke up so early? I'm going to call you. He dragged his slippers, Guan Ming looked a little surprised when he saw the pipe sitting in the anti-gravity equipment and floating in the air.

The drowsiness of small children is a physiological problem. It is as if young women either come to the aunt month after month or stop for ten months at a stretch, and will not change by human will.

It's just over seven o'clock, which is much earlier than the usual time to get up.

Huh ~ Do you think that when I'm under the roof with a single man, I will give the other party the opportunity to enter my bedroom? With dead fish eyes in his mouth, Guan Mengyu's tone was slightly mocking.

Your sister, if you can talk to someone, I am your father, and do n’t think that I ca n’t hold you in the sky. This thing is controlled by double stars. In the sequence of double stars, I will always be the first. Guan Ming, like Bruce Lee's rebirth, raised his forefinger and shook it, but this was an up-and-coming 'Bruce Lee'.

Cut ~ It's hard to refute anything. Guan Mengyu brought electronic glasses and controlled the anti-gravity equipment to float down to the restaurant.

Breakfast was delivered here by Zhongnanhai. Maybe it is Guanming ’s habit. Anyway, when Guanming came down, there was no one in the room, and there was a robot guarding it.

By the way, my sister and I passed the news last night. She seemed to be sleeping with her brother last night. I heard that she wanted to take a bath with her brother last night, but she was carried away by her grandma. After drinking milk, Guan Mengyu talked about her younger sister as if chatting.

Your mother-in-law told me this morning, why are you jealous of your brother? Guan Ming paused for a second, maybe less than a second, and the movements were consistent again.

Jealousy is not jealous. I just feel that my sister does not seem to be the same as before. How to say it is probably more curious about my brother. After all, if you are early, you may have more curiosity about different genders. Thinking for a moment, Guan Mengyu organized his own words and tried to make the content clearer and more natural.

Xiao Xi is in charge of your mother, you are in charge of me, your brother is in charge of me, your mother, and four old people together, the problem should be small. It may be that Mu Xiaoxiao ’s words worked in the morning, or it may be Guan Ming ’s expectations. He also hopes that the children will grow up healthy, even if it is raining on Guan Meng, Guan Ming also has this mentality.

As for things like gender curiosity, Guan Ming couldn't say anything about it. At least his cousin Zhang Danxue had hard-wounded the toilet when she was young to watch her grandpa boo.

However, Zhang Danxue at that time belonged to the "seven-year-old and eight-year-old dog-talking" realm. If you calculate the age, Guan Ming suddenly appears. His artificial intelligence, which is a 24-hour non-rest artificial intelligence, is really great. At least you don't need to worry about half of your urine. When someone breaks in, scares the flow or splits

Hope it. Not sure if Guan Ming really understood her meaning, Guan Mengyu only shrugged to indicate that the topic was exhausted.

Prepare for a while, it is estimated that there will be a meeting today. Guan Ming was going to take the girl with her to attend the meeting. After all, he didn't really handle the biological content.

The problem is not big. In fact, as long as you have enough money to pay for such projects, even if the preliminary plan is not fully prepared, you will not waste much time. In scientific research, Guan Mengyu feels that one of the greatest advantages of this life is that there is endless money to waste.

Is the island country big ear rabbit not enough? Buy it, give me one hundred at 35o, 5o for experiment, and the other 5o is a pet!

With money, you can really do whatever you want.

How much is still meaning, our laboratory also needs time to modify, if the external environment ~ ~ always simulate high and low temperature high and low pressure high and low radiation and so on. Guan Ming didn't care how much the experiment cost. After all, the purpose of the company's formation was to serve him, and it was not as great and huge as the current society called `` enhancing national strength '' and `` changing society. ''

Making more money and making less is not the point. The point is how much money can be spent on Guan Ming and how much money can make his family spend enough.

This is also true. A few days ago, I saw my mother watching the comic of "One Punch Man". It seems that there is a villain who eats crabs and becomes a crab man. In a sense, it is also a part of the external environment's evolution of organisms. This kind of expression, after all, the crab gene is probably very interesting. I don't know why, thinking of the crab man who was spoofed by the **** on the chin of the butt, I feel awkward about Guan Mengyu.

Obviously there are so many serious subjects that you do n’t want to paint. You have to draw these serious subjects. The most important thing is that your mother seems to like this comic very much.

It's really a longevity, isn't "Five Centimeters Second" and "Your Name" not romantic enough? Or is it that every woman has a goddess of war who is ‘strong to bald’?

Speaking of bald words, I actually think I can be stronger. Guan Ming remembered that in April of his last life, he had to cover his head with a quilt to sleep at night, even if he was bare.

Frozen head and frozen face are two concepts, and there is a habit of freezing above and below.

You're born to be strong, I promise, if you dare to be so strong, my mother will definitely take the initiative and give you a shave. Guan Mengyu couldn't help but spit.

Although there are few male bald heads, it is not uncommon. If female bald heads, apart from being sick, it is estimated that there is not much. Therefore, Guan Mengyu does not think that balding is a great type.

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