Shooting a small video or something is drizzle for Guan Ming. After all, all the small videos, Guan Ming's image is relatively positive, of course, because the video has a certain entertainment nature, it can not be said that who is negative of.

Watching the daughter-in-law scurrying around happily like the monkey falling from the tree, Guan Ming laughed, and at the same time, he was in a much happier mood. He never forgot why he wanted to make a video and why he wanted to go out with a family of three.

"Wow, click, the news on the Internet is very positive, Mu Xiaoxiao really wit!" With his hands on his hips, Mu Xiaoxiao stood proudly in front of Guan Ming.

"How's the news over Wind?" Guan Ming asked casually.

When I first heard "Wind" and threw the pot to Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming was so angry that he wanted to come to the chief executive. After slowing down, I felt that this kind of thing should be done by the Shanghai city boss or the director of photoelectricity. The giant is too exaggerated, and after IQ regains control, he feels that this matter does not require him to take the lead, or that he does not need to take the initiative to do anything.

Because no matter what you do, there will be traces. Then why not go out and expose it for a family of three. At that time, public opinion, related leaders and even the crew of "Fengsheng" know how to do it.

It is undeniable that this approach has certain utilitarianism, and there is also the possibility of being seen through, but the problem is that the family went out to play without problems, but it was only discovered by passers-by. Why, the family can't go out to play?

"Hahaha, I was so scared and shivered! There was a special apology to Qingyun for calling him, and I heard that the news was blocked by people in the industry, and it was said on the Internet that this was the hype of" The Wind ", everyone said This TV series is likely to be launched recently, so we need to create a topical degree, and now the topical degree has come out, but the crowd said that the TV series is likely to be cool. They generally think that this is a bad commercial hype, even if it is clicked. It's deserving of bad luck! "He smiled, Mu Xiaoxiao twisted around.

The nightgown is worn at night, and it's mainly about comfort. So, you can't really see how good or bad your body is when you twist it around, so there is no wave in Guan Ming's heart.

"Is it bad luck, is it good to be good with others? Is it bad to live?" Guan Ming scoffed at the dead man's behavior.

Perhaps on the surface of the entertainment industry, people can set up uncles and then keep telling stories in the ground, but Guan Ming always believes that the best people should be from the inside out, and they should be positive and upward, so that they can be done at any moment. perfect!

It's like Guan Ming's belly. When it's not closed, the radian is natural, fresh, and elegant. When it's closed, it is flat, flat, and even.

When sitting down, the upper and lower traces are sunken from left to right.

When you stand up, your belly can even catch your pants.

It's perfect!

"Cut ~ be nice to others? I think it's okay, right ~" Just two of them in the bedroom, Mu Xiaoxiao hippy hit Guan Ming with a smile.

"Well! What can be called a counselor for a scholar?" The daughter-in-law revealed the hard appearance in front of her face, knowing that the softness in her heart was like a mussel, soft and brazen.

"Hey, counseling is healthier. Everyone is counseling. Why is it difficult to counsel?" He smiled, Mu Xiaoxiao put on bed shamelessly, and pinched Guan Ming to A.

"You ah, owe to clean up ~" Guan Mingyin immediately lowered a few decibels.

I ate one less oyster tonight, so it wasn't my subjective powerlessness. When the firearms had a maintenance and oiling, it was not a problem.

To get a punch, the first thing to do is to retract your fist!

No problem old iron!


After the exposure of Guan Mengxi's life, the influence on the housekeeper was not large. At present, the plays of Guan Mengxi are all managed by Guan Mingshou.

"Lang Yao Bang" has been filmed, and "The Pretender" will start shooting in January next year, so no matter how the outside world desires Miss Guan to join the crew, for Guan Mengxi, her most important character is learning.

Regarding Guan Ming's participation in the college entrance examination next year, Guan Ming did not hide the twins. Compared with Guan Mengyu, the younger sister had an extra art test, and in the cultural class, the younger sister was no better than Guan Mengyu. Sister is very annoyed.

"It's mad, it's not the same as the correct answer!" Wearing pajamas and pyjamas, Guan Mengxi sat on the bed facing the answer, and wailed.

"Are? I remember this question last time and last time, and Teacher Tian also deliberately said it." Rubbing his half-dry and half-wet head, Guan Mengyu took a closer look and found that it was asking Intervals and inequalities hold.

There can be many kinds of problem-solving processes, but most of them require advanced mathematics. At this stage of high school, there are one or two ideas for solving this problem.

In other words, as long as you listen to this question a few more times and do it a few more times, the problem is not big. After all, the idea is fixed, and it will be okay to change it.

Could it be that Miss Sister inherited the mathematical talent of her mother?

I heard that my mother-in-law was hanged by Xun Tian every day. The reason is that Xun was a math teacher, and her mother was a math scum.

Looking up, Guan Mengyu looked at the younger sister with a grateful expression: Fortunately, our mother is not a math teacher!

But if you think about it, if the mathematics **** has become a math teacher, it will probably pit a third of the students covered by a school, or a pit for decades.

Wait, why does Miss Sister look at me a bit wrong? Is she eating? Why is she chewing?

"Abominable, obviously I won't do it!" A tiger fluttered, the younger sister flung her sister on the carpet, locked the other's torso on all fours, and then rolled.

"Broken, broken, broken, broken waist ~" Guan Mengyu wailed for a while.

"Nonsense, mother said, the bucket waist can't be broken!" The elder sister was up, and her expression was fierce.

Well, literally, the younger sister is riding on the younger sister, and the younger sister is lying on the ground.

"That's mother talking about Dad, it's not the waist of our bucket!" Guan Mengyu struggled hard, but couldn't open it completely. His hands were pressed against the floor by her sister's fingers, helpless and helpless. A tear of remorse shed.

Guan Mengyu regretted it, knowing it early in the morning, why couldn't help reminding her sister!


The next day, Guan Ming yawned and took Guan Mengyu to the company's underground laboratory.

Similarly, Guan Mengyu is also debilitated today.

"Did you play with Xiao Xi again last night?" Guan Ming chatted with a glance at the little girl's appearance.

"Did you play with my mom again last night?" A glance at Guan Ming, Ge You sat paralyzed in the back seat of the car, Guan Mengyu said.

Guan Ming: "..."

You can't talk on this day. You can destroy a group of Pangu by yourself.

Besides, can fun between sisters be compared with fun between husband and wife?

Thinking of last night, Guan Ming still has some regrets now.

At that time, why didn't I control myself, but then again, yoga or something was really a good thing ...

Leaders from various countries came to visit and caused the laboratory to stop for a day, but it was not a big problem for the entire experimental process. Although there were several rabbits and mice kneeling yesterday, this was a planned event, at least in line with the current Mathematical calculations.

Any scientific research comes at a price, such as brain cells, money, and the lives of animals.

At present, the experiment is at a trial and error stage. First, the upper limit of the corresponding weight (animal) is calculated by calculation, and then the combination of the dose and the environment is continuously optimized to find a point that fits.

Due to the large number of parameters and the failure to build an effective mathematical model through statistical data in the laboratory, this thing is still dominated by luck, and even if it hits, this is the first step. Multiply, and then continue to hit, knowing that N generations have been hit and enough experimental data has been collected.

"... you can see that by X-ray irradiation, the incisor development of mice is 7.3% faster than the previous data, and the food intake has increased by 35%, and calcium products have increased." Director Wei pointed at the image on the image reader, Talking.

There are two sets of imaging films, one week before and one week after the medication. The teeth of the same mouse are changed, but this film is only the most basic. There is a report of the data summary at least. Significance.

"Since it's Group C, then ... what's the difference between ancient mice and present mice?" Guan Mington asked for a moment.

Group C is a drug test conducted by animals with human brain chips. The experiment content is to see if the experimenter can supervise the impact of the drug on the body.

The owner of the film is expecting ‘return to ancestors’ in this experiment. At the same time, the external environment is also fine-tuned to slightly increase the oxygen content in the air.

"On the surface, it should be tooth decay. The materials given to it mainly reflect the physical characteristics of tooth decay and the concept of horrible bite." After thinking for a while, Director Wei said.

If you want to see the result at a glance, you must have a special performance. Even if a human brain chip is installed, the mouse is still a 'newborn'. There are no concepts or ideas.

Therefore, Guan Ming needs to load some information according to the experimental process, so that these mice have a reference space. If they change, they must always conform to the existence of their own genes.

Just like humans, there may be little dragons, or even humans become dragons in film and television works, but it is impossible to happen in reality, even with this drug, because these things do not exist in the human body, but Except for genetic mutations.

The research and development of Guan Ming drug is to consider the efficacy under normal circumstances. The research on abnormal aspects is mainly focused on the possibility of mutation and the probability and direction of mutation.

"If it's tooth decay, it doesn't seem to change much." After carefully discerning the big front teeth of the mouse, Guan Ming shook his head. After all, the difference between front teeth and tooth decay is still obvious.

"It's true, but from the current point of view, we can't tell whether the change in tooth growth is due to the mouse's own subjective consciousness. The incisors and cavities are essentially teeth." Shrugging, Director Wei did not deny anything.

"No blood analysis?" Guan Mengyu asked suddenly, sitting in the child's car.

"Eh ... I'm doing it, I haven't sent it yet." Suddenly asked, Director Wei froze a moment, but did not ignore her because Guan Mengyu was young.

Although Guan Mengyu didn't show anything in the whole experiment, every time I felt that she was very purposeful.

Want to see a blood sample?

If the external oxygen content is increased, the blood sample should be related to the transport of oxygen by hemoglobin, oxygen partial pressure, homotetramer, change of conception, etc.

For a moment, Director Wei thought of a lot of things. Although he was an oncologist, he knew something relatively routine.

After hearing this from Director Wei, Guan Mengyu looked up at Guan Ming, his eyes were full of hesitation and hesitation.

"If you don't understand anything, just ask." Guan Ming looked at her with encouragement, as a kind elder was expecting the younger to ask simple questions of 1 + 2 = 3, and then the old man used the knowledge to teach Junior.

This is not Chen Jingrun's 1 + 2. After all, this problem took ten years for the elderly to study.

"Oh, is there any place where Xiaoyu can't? Ask, as long as we know, we will tell you." Director Wei's smile was simple and gentle.

She lowered her head and twitched her lips for a moment, then looked up, and Guan Mengyu said in her cute voice: "Dad, Grandpa Wei, the teeth are not sure, so why not look elsewhere? I heard that the most basic feature of living things is metabolism. If blood circulation is fast, metabolism is fast. "

"Well ~ This method is very good, Xiaoyu is really good." After listening to Guan Mengyu's words, Director Wei touched her head with a smile and praised him.

But actually, if you want to see the metabolism, why not check the metabolism directly.

Guan Ming knows that there is currently a condition to check metabolism, and the laboratory also has the means to check it.

Moreover, the examination of metabolism is a process to be followed.

It may be that the time is ripe, Guan Mengyu held the old man's hand, and continued to say in a cute voice: "Grandpa Wei, can you give me a little mouse's blood? Dad's laboratory has very advanced equipment I want to test it. "

"Haha, no problem, I will send them here." Seeing Xiao Budian loves life science so much, as the leader of the scientific research team, Director Wei does not mind breaking the rules.

After all, Guan Mengyu is Guan Ming's daughter and the person who asked for training above. Besides, if Guan Ming looks at it, the problem is not big. Although there is a gate between the two laboratories, strictly speaking, all the experimental materials Did not leave the laboratory.

Because the labs on both sides are Guanming ...

"So, after a lot of work, you're going to get such a little mouse blood?" Guan Ming looked at the test tube in his hand, and the blood was red.

"I'm going to take the college entrance examination next year. It's a little late to start showing my talents. Also, it's best not to shake the test tubes. If they break, it might take a few days for the rat to draw blood. Sitting in the children's car, the voice was weak but relentless, and there was no sound line just now.

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